Example sentences of "through [art] few " in BNC.

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1 BONN — As the net of restrictions which prevents East Germans leaving their country grows tighter , the flow of refugees through the few remaining gaps continues steadily , writes Patricia Clough .
2 Smashing through the few Night Goblins that remained to oppose them , Duregar and Belegar headed west .
3 In the first decades of occupation it was now evident that far too much effort had been concentrated on the stabilization of the Province in purely military terms and too little attention paid to the feelings and aspirations of the Britons , except through the few carefully selected agents , and there had been a tacit acceptance that the rest would come to accept Rome .
4 Schmidt looked through the few things she brought out .
5 Instead he pushed his way into the small lounge and rapidly began sorting through the few books and papers she had left lying on the table .
6 Henry will run through a few soul favourites , backed by the Womack & Womack Band .
7 Nigel leafed through a few large-print Agatha Christies but was put off by the noxious inexplicable stains on the pages .
8 She had passed through a few rooms .
9 She had enough tins in the larder to see them through a few days at least .
10 All I want to do is go through a few aspects of your statement , to make sure I 've got them right . ’
11 ‘ Well , I did get a bit depressed at times … and I got through a few pairs of shoes . ’
12 Carwyn desperately wanted to come through a few heats of the Pipeline Masters .
13 The spores do germinate , go through a few perfunctory cell divisions , then give up the ghost .
14 The weather had changed ; summer in its glorious profusion of colours had transformed the land that Corbett had travelled through a few weeks before .
15 If it is re-written ( without the decimal equivalent ) but this time extended through a few complete cycles something else emerges .
16 But often we would n't get that straight away ; we 'd have to go through a few guitars before we found the combination of guitar and amp and EQ on the desk .
17 Here , in a role that might have better suited Peter Sellers , or , more authentically , Alberto Sordi , he goes through a few variations on Ben Braddock and Jason Fister , the agent in his first Italian misadventure .
18 I make a coffee and flick through a few albums to try and find something suitable — a Michael Sembelo , a Philip Baily , a Deacon Blue , but none of them feel right in my soul .
19 Having flicked through a few foreign magazines , the boys at Crawford House had made a shocking discovery that the rest of the world no longer climbed on soggy crags in the rain , but wore skimpy clothing , looked beautiful and climbed at Buoux instead .
20 The front , like the back , was made as two 6ft sections through a few adjustments were made in order to incorporate a door and windows .
21 Parish calls it ‘ a love story that just goes through a few crazy things ’ , but he 's under selling it ; Time Warner so liked the film it is thinking of turning it into a TV series with Parrish in the starring role .
22 We flick through a few of them , Gilbert and George pointing out the anachronistic charm of the airbrushed male nudes .
23 I managed to get in hundreds of leaflets , through a few loyal workers in the Department , but these were either destroyed or had little effect ; or more likely , were not adequately distributed out of fear .
24 ‘ But I thought it was extremely funny — Audrey would whizz through a few chores in the shop , then she 'd go swanning off shopping somewhere , ’ smiles Sue .
25 That 's the main thing and then if you 've got any questions afterwards hopefully we 'll still have time to go through a few questions .
26 He ate a gargantuan meal , starting with some plovers ' eggs they had overlooked earlier , working on through a few roast geese with a brace or so of ducklings on the side , and ending with one half of a cheese and a couple of bowls of fruit .
27 Urquhart opened the exercise book and skimmed through a few pages with furious concentration before stuffing it in his coat pocket with a grunt of satisfaction .
28 Consequently , he endured the pain as he went through a few simple movements .
29 You 've now all seen a project quality plan , but I 'd just like to go through a few of the headings just to advise you where I think the benefits lie .
30 Now , we do n't think he 's going to press charges , but you must realise that if he did you would in fact be facing a charge of assault , and coming as this does on top of your other verbal and written warnings — all within , I 'm afraid to say , Steve , " Mr Smith sat back in his seat with a sigh and flicked through a few more of the papers on his desk , shaking his head at them , " a very short interval of time considering the length of your employment with us , and all regarding previous lapses in … "
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