Example sentences of "over the [num] " in BNC.

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1 Judicial dispute continued over the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that defined the constitutionality of abortion .
2 Table 2.2 demonstrates changes over the seventeen years to 1987 : western Europe took over half our exports for the first time in recent history ; by 1987 , the EC alone took virtually half , and most other destinations , except for North America , had declined in relative importance .
3 As compulsory state education absorbed the higgledy-piggledy assortment of church , charity and board grammar schools which had emerged over the 200 or so years of industrial Britain , the essentially utilitarian character of schooling was never quite extinguished .
4 In March 1982 the Daily Telegraph suggested that ‘ we need to consider why the peaceful people of England are changing … over the 200 years up to 1945 , Britain became so settled in internal peace ’ .
5 Scharli et al noted a 23% rise in the use of barium meal examinations over the 55 years of their study , while Breaux et al reported a 34% increase in the use of imaging techniques between 1980 and 1984 , largely attributable to the use of ultrasound .
6 WE share the concern of Mrs Heather Countley , way out at Harwood-in-Teesdale , over the 55 minutes it took an ambulance to reach her injured son .
7 For an investor who has selected a 1995 maturity date , BFS says the net asset value would have to fall by 5 per cent over the six years for the investment trust to be unable to pay up .
8 Isabel removed the seven of diamonds from the third row , placed it over the six , on the seventh row , and turned up a new card , the four of hearts .
9 With tongue in cheek , the writer had suggested that a deal be struck with Britain over the Six Counties in the North .
10 In total , over the six month period , 59 per cent of the referrals commenced during week days and 41 per cent after 5 p.m. or at weekends , two commencing after 11 p.m .
11 However , it was still felt that a comparison between action and control samples might be interesting , merely to see whether there was any clear difference between the two samples over the six month period .
12 Interest received from the borrower over the six months might not be sufficient to cover the bank 's own interest costs on deposits .
13 Standards have gone up consistently over the six years of the league and , although still dominated by a new wave of running clubs that have burgeoned over the last decade , more and more of the traditional athletics clubs have been paying more attention to the competition .
14 Iago 's superiority over the six people he directly deceives ( and behind them , of course , the whole of society ) is so marked that we risk endorsing his contempt for whichever ‘ snipe ’ , ‘ knave ’ , or ‘ ass ’ he happens to be manipulating .
15 In retrospect , it seems that genuine concern on the part of the experimenters was communicated to the subjects to provide a potent source of suggestion that they should suffer symptoms of paranoia and hallucinations , and a cumulative sleep loss over the six days of the experiment combined to provide a fertile ground for the production of these symptoms .
16 The immediate industrial crisis had been resolved , but inflation , which had been substantially boosted by the rise in world oil prices , continued to accelerate , and the discrepancy between price rises of 8 per cent and wage rises of 16 per cent over the six months stored up an acute problem of squeezed profitability .
17 This can also be expressed in terms of arrest rates — the numbers arrested over the six month period per 100 in the resident population .
18 We recorded the address of each person arrested over the six month period — a total of over 5,000 people — and , using maps , we ascertained the enumeration district or ward in which the arrestee lived .
19 According to Bernier , who regularly visited the fort over the six years that he spent in and around Delhi :
20 ‘ We decided Mervyn 's tremendous contribution — one of imagination and professionalism — over the six years he was secretary had to be acknowledged in some way .
21 This gave a k value of 0.72 , which shows a very high level of agreement over the six categories .
22 The brothers found that on average over the six months they had incurred costs for advertising , petrol etc. which amounted to £10 for each bed sold .
23 One hundred and twenty three adults were treated for benign oesophageal strictures over the six years , 1986–92 .
24 We studied 123 adult patients ( 76 men and 47 women ; mean age 38.7 ( 18.7 ) years ) , age range 18–84 years ) with benign oesophageal strictures treated by dilatation over the six years 1986–92 .
25 The KPMG barometer suggests that over the six years that fraud has been tracked , Scotland has been less affected than most regions , with total fraud in the overall period of £34.1 million or 2.1 per cent of the UK total reported .
26 House sales over the six months went up from 357 units for the previous comparable period to 409 .
27 Employment in construction rose by two-thirds over the six years , increasing its share of nonagricultural employment by more than half a million .
28 Revenue from sales of personal computer X server packages rose to $33m , a growth of 217% over the 1991 figure .
29 In my answers to the Murray Commission , I was not very complimentary to 40-overs Sunday cricket , thinking based on the fact that this version of the game is the one furthest removed from ‘ proper ’ cricket , and that over the 1991 season I had become so disenchanted with the Sunday slog ( in both senses ) that I had played so consistently badly on the Sabbath as to persuade my employers that somebody else might be more usefully selected on the day .
30 Whilst this is an increase over the 1991 level of 41,000 boepd , it is lower than originally anticipated due to the delay in the commencement of production from Piper and lower production from Ninian as a result of the deferral of well workovers from 1992 to 1993 .
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