Example sentences of "back [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 TUESDAY : Cruise back leisurely to Rhodes Town — a stark contrast to the smaller islands , with its bustling bars and neon nightlife .
2 A rapid winch launch will tend to pitch the glider back on to the tail , making a larger forward movement necessary to get the tail off the ground and so ensure a margin of speed when the aircraft takes off .
3 Slowly ‘ crunch ’ your head and knees together and then lower your head back on to the floor .
4 OIL RICH beats filthy rich every time , but after several years of battling to remain buoyant in the remorseless wake of the Maktoums , Robert Sangster clambered back on to terra firma with his most significant win for a long time in Saturday 's Hoover Fillies ' Mile at Ascot .
5 He went straight back on to the mat to work with his judo partner of a decade and more , Brown .
6 He was fatigued even before the start of the fourth game when he was late back on to court .
7 The point is that , unless you have such focuses for new building , you are left with only two alternatives : to force all new building back on to those urban wastelands ; or else to let new housing grow , like fat around a middle-aged belly , on the outskirts of existing villages and country towns .
8 In another case , a pimp repeatedly followed a girl to her house in an attempt to force her back on to the streets .
9 When the White House and Congress do reach a 1990 budget agreement ( no one is willing to predict when ) the spending cuts will be restored and the carriages lifted back on to the rails .
10 A man who could and would talk the hind legs back on to an injured donkey , provided it had decent proletarian credentials .
11 The planning principles adopted included keeping the common circulation areas and services central — all-internal kitchens and bathrooms back on to the spinal corridor which occupies the central strip of the former nave space ( Fig 45 ) .
12 Erika heard something vague and peremptory from her mother and then , as the line went dead , the front door rattled , Herr Nordern came in , and Erika shrugged and dropped the phone back on to its holder .
13 Mr Stephen Joseph , of the pressure group Transport 2000 , said the plans would force people back on to the roads .
14 Panama thrusts Third World back on to centre stage Notebook .
15 What is most interesting , however , is that after a long famine , Latin America and its political and economic uncertainties have been thrust back on to centre stage .
16 But biological weapons are unlikely to be much used on troops in combat , mainly because of the difficulties of getting the aerosols on to them without seeing them drift back on to those who released them .
17 Sometimes , moreover , experience can show that our reasoning is superficial and incorrect , as when we learn from it that , despite what we might think , an arrow fired upwards from a moving ship will not fall behind but back on to it .
18 Perhaps the train in Aunt Louise 's mind had jumped back on to the rail for a while because it was then , in quite a conversational voice , that she began to speak of her daughter .
19 He wrapped this and the fat-soaked bread in sheets of clean newspaper taken from the bathroom , then climbed back on to the stool to see what else he could find .
20 There seemed nothing at all , no way of climbing back on to the free wheel of conversation they had somehow set going the other night .
21 At the bottom of the garden , Gaily bent to lift the gate back on to its newly-placed hinges , and the cat forestalled him , leaping on to the top bar , tail waving in his face .
22 Pitman yanked him back on to a true line and managed to steer him clear of the rails , but the two hundred yards he had left to run seemed like two hundred miles , and Red Rum was now only five lengths back .
23 THE Conservatives sought last night to force the election debate back on to Mr Kinnock 's fitness to govern and the economy , with a warning that Labour would plunge Britain from recession into a full-blown slump .
24 A5 southbound traffic will travel on the east side of the roundabout and back on to the A5 .
25 Hardline resistance to Mr Gaidar and his shock therapy programme , which conservatives say is sending millions into beggary , will not have ended with the vote in the Grand Kremlin Palace and is likely to move back on to the streets with more rabble-rousing in coming months .
26 To try to rejuvenate his fading presidency Reagan wanted to be seen on prime-time network television across America greeting each hostage in turn as they stepped safely back on to American soil .
27 And with that she reversed the van , turned it round and drove back on to the road .
28 And true enough , after an afternoon weaving a poem back on to the frayed ends of a loom of broken rhymes , I had leapt up and punched the air with determination .
29 What the admiring spectators did n't see was Zarei sitting in the first aid room and insisting those helping him look away as he took off his socks , ‘ because I do n't want to frighten you ’ , and later on slipping a tape of Irish Folk music in to his Walkman as he went back on to the track and muttering quietly to himself , ‘ that will help me stop thinking of the pain ’ .
30 Several more aircraft were set ablaze , and as they drove back on to the road without a shot having been fired against them , Stirling and Mayne were cock-a-hoop .
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