Example sentences of "good [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And doubly good where pleasure and benefit coincide . ’
2 That was the interesting thing that said to Alistaire last night that a three column centimetres depending on which periodical it is or paper it 's in can do you far more good or damage than twenty at another .
3 In every case the money , unless it is stuffed into socks and put under the mattress , gets spent on some good or service and therefore , according to compensation theory , creates a series of new jobs in the industries providing these products .
4 In a market-orientated society , where every good or service has its price , the low-pay ‘ price tag ’ attached to some workers sums up in their eyes the low value placed on them by society .
5 Alternatively , we can make the decision that decent wages should be paid to all workers who carry out their duties properly and effectively , and that this increased wage level may need to be reflected in the price of the good or service .
6 To recapitulate , it is clear that differences in national legislation may not only have the effect of preventing a good or service produced in one state being sold in another , but may also distort conditions of competition between manufacturers or suppliers located in different Member States of the Community .
7 With government provision , the good or service may be free or subsidized , so that the amount paid by the consumer will understate the true cost ( higher taxes , etc. ) of providing him with that good or service , thereby encouraging excessive consumption of the item .
8 With government provision , the good or service may be free or subsidized , so that the amount paid by the consumer will understate the true cost ( higher taxes , etc. ) of providing him with that good or service , thereby encouraging excessive consumption of the item .
9 Any private union good or service whose level is increasing in membership generates similar predictions .
10 To undertake more redistribution the government will have to increase tax rates , thereby driving a larger wedge between the price paid by the purchaser and the price received by the seller of the good or service .
11 When either the supply or the demand curve for a good or service is very inelastic , the imposition of a tax will lead only to a small change in quantity .
12 The existence of a public sector that did not have significant intended distributional consequences would be one that involves universal marginal benefit taxation for each good or service provided in the public sector .
13 One point that is obvious is that a matching grant is generally more successful than a non-matching grant in stimulating local expenditure on a particular good or service .
14 If , however , a Cleric of Good or Law wishes to conduct some ritual cleansing , or calls down a blessing to effect same , then this is fair role-playing and the Cleric should not be grossly penalized ; all the same , something should take an interest !
15 If the Treasury economic simulation model predicts 15% inflation in 18 months ' time then people 's behaviour may well be influenced by the expectation that the model is correct in its predictions , no matter how good or objective the data on which the simulation was based .
16 We have too much hurrying about in these islands ; much for idle pleasure and more from over activity in the pursuit of wealth without regard to the good or happiness of others .
17 Philosophers point out the existence of God can not be proved and terms like good or love can not be defined in a way that has real independent existence outwith our wishful thinking .
18 Bessy 's besom served the practical purpose of clearing a space for the performance and reducing the dust , but also carried suggestions of sweeping good or ill-luck .
19 Asked to stand guard over good or treasure , they would good-naturedly hand everything over to a perfect stranger .
20 ‘ The Mercy Seat is about this person in solitary confinement , becoming more sensitive to inanimate objects , and as he sits thinking about human and Divine Justice , finding himself judging these things as Good or Evil . ’
21 I knew I was being bewitched , laid under a spell so intensely personal , so thrilling , I did not have the power to resist it , or to judge if it were good or evil .
22 Science is the pop of the Nineties ; beyond truth or fable , good or evil , it exists solely to stimulate .
23 Books about Mary the Woman — almost , one feels , Mary the little woman ( if only metaphorically , given her physical size ) ; books about her marriages , at the level of personal relationships ; books about her Italian secretary Rizzio , Darnley and the Casket Letters ; all these make her personality , whether good or evil , an end in itself .
24 Good or evil
25 ‘ A whole heart ’ signifies integrity , and it is ‘ from the heart ’ that the essential qualities of a person flow , either for good or evil .
26 Everyone , however conditioned by family and society , still retains the dignity and freedom given by God , of exercising their own will and choosing good or evil .
27 The difference between evolutionary influence and human influence is quite clear , evolutionary actions were either good or not good , and human actions became either good or evil .
28 Corbett grinned back ; a Welshman had once told him that each person has an aura about him , be it good or evil , which goes out to other people .
29 Some supernatural manifestations are regarded as portents of good or evil ; one such occurrence was the Spectral Train of Kyle .
30 The King , who had not forgotten the sermons of Andrewes , told Parliament that ‘ Princes are not bound to give account of their actions but to God alone ’ and that ‘ Parliaments are altogether in my power for their calling , sitting and dissolution ; as I find the fruits of them to be good or evil they are to continue or not to be . ’
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