Example sentences of "on to her " in BNC.

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1 On his knees he took off the slipper , slid the white high-heeled sandal on to her foot .
2 She rose on to her knees and looked as though she was praying , but her eyes were fully open and the clenched look on her remarkably white face with its mannish black eyebrows suddenly reminded him of her dead mother .
3 It is well known that only a great dancer-artist can suggest the development of the sixteen-year-old Aurora , happy at her birthday , into the dreamy figure the Prince meets in the woodland glade and on to her final entrance as a triumphant princess fully awake to her responsibilities as Queen-to-be .
4 In the event , by the intervention of the umpire , Norrish was given enough room after two minutes to grasp the stream and she held on to her advantage with great skill until Oxford were clear and the race was won .
5 Wu , caught by surprise , went partly on to her back and conceded a waza-ari ( seven points ) .
6 As we dance I find myself staring at the French girl — she has a very pretty face with long , dark hair on to her shoulders , slim build and about 5′ 2″ in height .
7 She held on to her mother , clawing at the lapels of her coat .
8 She hoisted the baby on to her hip and dragging a chair close up to the television set , sat down and stared at the blank screen .
9 Erika dressed soberly , too , although , in an uncharacteristic act of defiance , she pinned her F.G.Y. badge on to her lapel .
10 Her massively enlarged liver splinted her diaphragm , making her permanently breathless , and pressed on to her abdominal veins so that her legs became horribly swollen .
11 Dot watched half a dumpling sliding on to her plate .
12 Two wet floury potatoes were dished on to her plate but she could n't eat them .
13 Marie put a baffled expression on to her face : ‘ I ca n't understand it , then , ’ she said , shaking her head , making her voice sound particularly gormless .
14 Gazzer leaned over as far as he dared and gave her a hand , holding on to her arm while she helped Simon to hoist himself up .
15 During the second week our dieter will move on to her next set of goals .
16 She turned restlessly on to her side , and back again .
17 The door shut on the hopeless , silent room and Alida turned on to her side .
18 At the news , Zambia did n't leap up with joy as Tammuz had expected , but dropped hir head on to her hands which were flat against the counter .
19 Nathan ran one finger down her face , on to her neck .
20 When her owner tried to get on , she crossed her jaws , and flung herself up on to her hind legs , wild-eyed and distraught ; and no amount of reassurance , leaving the reins completely slack , or having another person hold her made any difference .
21 There are some steamy bed scene , which may be too hot for most of Kylie 's young fans to see , but it could turn a whole new audience on to her charms .
22 She rolled on to her back to show that the conversation was finished .
23 And when Clara finally cottons on to her husband 's transvestite tendencies she suffers a bad attack of the Lady Bracknells .
24 ‘ Pleased to meet you , ’ Bobby Coul held tightly on to her gloved hands , as much to stop himself from falling as anything else .
25 ‘ He steadied himself , holding on to her shoulder .
26 She gave him no more than a perfunctory ‘ So glad you could come , ’ before passing him on to her husband .
27 So wrote Lady Augusta Bruce to the Duchess of Kent , who passed the letter on to her daughter , the Queen .
28 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
29 Of course Alison was not ‘ living in ’ the house , but was often there visiting Patrick ( her help as a nurse was no longer required ) , joining Jack in his studio ( where she talked with him about his work ) , or chatting with him and Franca in the drawing room or kitchen before departing with Jack to a restaurant and taking him on to her flat for the night .
30 She clutched again and again at her stomach with her crossed arms , then rolled on to her side and lay moaning , her face contorted with pain .
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