Example sentences of "being at [art] " in BNC.

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1 put most simply , being at a loose end leads men to the vice of drunkenness and the crime of murder ; and the jobless Marmeladov and the ex-student Raskolnikov are both very pointedly at a loose end .
2 But the underlying idea of being at a loose end , or out of the practical swim , is a different matter altogether .
3 From the novelist 's journalism and notebooks and letters we glean the almost comically unresonant information that being at a loose end leads men to drunkenness and murder .
4 being at a loose end is not the condition of us spiritual and working animals , it is not being a man among men .
5 Labour changes from being at a stage where it has not yet become a thing in itself and is merely an aspect of social life , to a stage when although still an aspect of social life it involves exploitation , i.e. slavery and serfdom , to a third stage when labour has become mysteriously represented as a thing and is used for a different kind of exploitation .
6 Anything to break the monotony of waiting , yet being at a split second 's notice to move , to any incident , anywhere in the city .
7 Like being at a gravediggers ' convention , I thought , when one had marked out one 's first plot .
8 This was just as silly , he opined , as the yarn he had been told about the Sun being at a distance of 93 million miles from the Earth .
9 He also recognises the potential problem of UK operators being at a financial disadvantage when the UK market is wide open to Continental competition after the EC 's Third Liberalisation Package is adopted and , since it appears that AOC holders may be able to operate aircraft on any EC register , in the absence of action from the JAA and CAA , he foresees a situation where UK air taxi and charter operators will ‘ go offshore ’ or operate under ‘ flags of convenience ’ .
10 Some children faced with a clown , an entertainer or just being at a party atmosphere at someone 's home , do not wish to accept boundaries .
11 Landlord might be at risk financially , the subtenancy proposed being at a premium and a low rent .
12 Positively , the theory asserts that there is something about the sensation which correlates with the stimulation being at a certain point , and which can thus , in time , become a sign to us of the stimulation being at that point .
13 There 's not a great deal of difference to being at a Carter gig in America and a Carter gig in Britain .
14 With its comparatively meagre resources , adult education might be seen as being at a disadvantage when catering for adults with special educational needs but , in reality , it has some features which enhance its capacity to respond .
15 Last year Warnke was awarded the prestigious Leibnitz Prize of DM3 million , given to scholars who ‘ have already , despite being at a relatively early stage in their careers , shown outstanding achievement , and with the help of the prize will be enabled to increase substantially their scholarly output ’ .
16 Being at a northern red-brick university , my experience of punk , superficially , was that of wearing silly clothes in defiance of roving squads of hostile engineering students who , in general , liked nothing better that to get drunk and listen to Lindisfarne .
17 He had lost his job because the club where he played the piano had to close and , though he was after another one on the switchboard in a hospice , he was for the time being at a loose end .
18 The problem essentially is that you have got simultaneously to account credibly for someone not being at a certain place at a certain time and to account for them precisely being there .
19 For a moment she had the strong feeling of being at a funeral .
20 Stock Exchange members began to see themselves as being at a disadvantage in the face of international competition from larger and more sophisticated international firms , with more substantial capital bases .
21 Staring at each other while having dinner or being at a party , then go home , go to bed and talk .
22 I always thought I had a good appetite , but I remember being at a college feast once at Cambridge , where they had seven or eight courses and the elderly dons seemed to have less trouble than anyone else getting through it .
23 I can envisage being at a public local enquiry th it would not be me , where a barrister would make a great deal of an argument that York needs a regional shopping centre .
24 That was a case in which the house had a path running to the steps which went up to the road , the house being at a lower level than the road , and the plaintiff met with an accident on those steps …
25 The experience of being at a full-blown Quaker school made a profound impression on me .
26 One of the benefits of being at a university is the range of lectures that are put on each week on topics ranging from Chinese ceramics to nuclear power stations .
27 ‘ I suppose being at an emotional low I did actually take heroin there for the first time , ’ he said .
28 Afterwards I was very glad that we had n't , still being at an age to believe that there is something intrinsically precious in virginity , and I decided to carry mine intact to the altar .
29 ‘ I think , ’ Rory said , ‘ it 's called being at an awkward age . ’
30 Under the general law of contract ( on which see Chitty on Contracts , Chapter 24 ) repudiation gives the other party the right to treat the contract as being at an end and to claim damages for wrongful termination : the alternative right to insist on performance would be meaningless in this context .
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