Example sentences of "being made at " in BNC.

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1 Many feel that the pattern of the sales , given Saatchi 's known admiration for the work of the artists involved suggests that choices are being made at least as much on the basis of the market as on the basis of taste .
2 Under the Conservative government , as noted , the tax system became less progressive , with the major reductions being made at the top end of the tax range and there were increases in national insurance and the nonprogressive indirect taxes .
3 Their origin has been disputed but analysis has now shown that their compositions are consistent with being made at Castelli in southern Italy .
4 I once worked two night shifts in the open on Superman II which was being made at Pinewood Studios .
5 It was not just in the treatment of syphilis that advances were being made at this time .
6 In recent years we have seen great efforts being made at all levels to ensure that children learn effectively .
7 Mr Reid maintains he was refused the right to call witnesses on his behalf while Mrs Gerrie said she could not remember a request being made at the original hearing .
8 Urgent plans were being made at the London office to fly next of kin to Katmandu tomorrow .
9 Curiously , seals with these signs were still being made at the end of the Middle Minoan , around 1600 BC , and were entombed in buildings destroyed in 1470 BC , well after the appearance and general adoption of both Linear A and Linear B scripts .
10 The parcel is then sent , bearing this label , in the ordinary way but without payment being made at the counter .
11 In terms of manpower all three types of decision are constantly being made at all levels of the nursing organisation .
12 In particular , the Kitchen herbs are liable not to be used unless they are very close to hand for the cook ; in the rush of making up food amongst all the other demands being made at the same time , a trough or window-box of herbs on the Kitchen windowsill or just outside the backdoor will ensure that culinary herbs are used daily .
13 This may seem to violate the definition of policy making as involving more than isolated decisions , yet individual professional judgements of this kind may cluster or have similarities that suggest implicit if not explicit policy decisions that are being made at the operational level .
14 The announcement of the bride 's sister 's engagement would be acceptable , but only if the bride herself knows in advance and gladly agrees to the public announcement being made at her wedding .
15 Planning Applications Certain alterations were being made at No. 36 Belmont Road .
16 Planning Applications Certain alterations were being made at No. 36 Belmont Road .
17 These were that the maximum speed of flights was to be reduced from 835 kmph to 778 kmph and that the amount of time permitted at the lowest level of 75 metres was to be cut from 28 to 15 minutes , with the rest of the flight being made at no lower than 150 metres .
18 Fears that France would withhold its co-operation had grown after French officials expressed opposition to the recently proposed Rapid Reaction Force ( RRF ) [ see pp. 38170-71 ; 38216 ] , claiming that it " pre-empted " defence arrangements being made at a purely European level .
19 The chairman requested that the departmental reports be considered one by one and the governors went through it section by section , specific comments being made at particular stages .
20 Over the past twelve months it has been my great privilege to become more closely involved with those with disabilities , I have seen the enormous efforts being made to encourage participation at a very high competitive level as well as tremendous strides being made at many clubs to bring disabled people into sailing at all levels .
21 The long list have been told that erm , erm , notices were being made at and I think that 's right , is n't it ?
22 I , on a point of order Madam Speaker , I understand that a major announcement in connection with rail privatisation is being made at this moment by way of written answer and press conference erm the statement will reveal a huge increase in access charges for railway operators and ultimately therefore huge increases in costs for tax payers and passengers .
23 I mean I do n't know what the the the the the standing is with our knowledge of information but I would like to think that if there is er erm not a hidden agenda but agreement being made at a level , that we could share the business .
24 The redundancies are being made at St Ivel in Wootton Basset near Swindon .
25 Job cuts are also being made at Brize Norton and Benson in Oxfordshire .
26 Until the experiment is over , neither the subject nor the doctor knows which is being administered in any particular case , the random allocation of patients to D or P being made at some remote centre .
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