Example sentences of "being out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As for being out with Susan , Tom and Cyril , that seemed like an eternity ago .
2 There was plenty of scandal about the Australian and Canadian troops being out with other men 's wives or , worse , being seen in doorways or entries with them while the blackout was on .
3 Truthfully , I had n't believed in Heavenly Father since my fourth Christmas Eve night , the night when Auntie trod on my brick-truck as she tried to sneak in with my present — a smart Apollo Candy with stabilisers , hand-painted maroon — Pa being out with the Recovery .
4 ‘ Because I find being out with you useful .
5 The cows were inside for most of the year , being out for only 4–6 weeks .
6 But Wimbledon defender John Scales will make his comeback at Middlesbrough tomorrow after being out for six weeks with a groin injury .
7 ‘ But I believe it would be unfair on him after being out for so long to go straight back in and do a job .
8 When he stopped his work for tea , the prying landlady being out at the shops , he would try to arrange to meet her , either in the house or at the British Museum if she were going near the West End that day .
9 you do something you consider wrong or contrary to your self-imposed standards ( ie letting someone down , pilfering , having an extra-marital affair , forgetting someone 's birthday , being out at work when the children come home from school ) .
10 The main themes which appeared to make the case newsworthy were firstly , a gang rape ; secondly , a racial theme , since the newspapers clearly identified the rapists as black and the girls as white in both words and pictures ; thirdly , controversy over the sentencing being ‘ too light ’ ; fourthly , controversy as to whether the girls could be held to have contributed to their own rape by being out at night .
11 A further controversy was over whether the girls could be considered to have brought the rape on themselves by being out at night .
12 They suggested that by being out at night the young women had contributed in some way to their own rapes , even though they were merely returning by bus to their homes .
13 ‘ What we must hope and pray for , me boys , ’ he said one night as they dined alone on salad and cold meat , Ellie being out at a concert , ‘ is for a state of some permanence .
14 ‘ In that house over there , ’ I said , ‘ and I 'm not at all afraid of being out at night .
15 ‘ Well , of course there 's always some reflected light , once your eyes get used to being out at night .
16 One can only regard them as victims of other people 's loose ends , just as the terrible sustained anxiety of Raskolnikov 's mother and sister on his account is the measure of his power to make others suffer as well as himself in that limbo which his friend — his only friend — Razumikhin calls being out of the practical swim .
17 A more important point is that passages of this sort , spliced as they are with images like the lizard from the immediate foreground of Pound 's tent inside the wire-mesh cage of the prison camp , do not come into being out of the free associations of idle reverie , though in these Pisan cantos Pound exploits the illusion of that , as Joyce did in Ulysses when he pretended to transport himself and us into the mind of Leopold Bloom .
18 Being out of doors means they are not always cooped up in one room with their mothers .
19 But in even-handedly denouncing ardent Europhiles and Europhobes as ‘ superannuated Sumo wrestlers ’ he was , in effect , accusing Downing Street of being out of date — even on worker participation in industry and the Social Charter .
20 Fired with enthusiasm for the new Europe on his return flight over the North Sea , Fuhrer Kinnock , as he is known in the German press , seemed more frustrated than ever at being out of office at such a momentous time .
21 With François Mitterrand 's re-election for a second seven-year term in 1988 , they had to face the demoralising prospect of being out of power for 14 years .
22 The second sense emerges as we follow his explanation of how the civil state would come into being out of a state of nature , by the making of contracts .
23 Mungo could not explain why but he felt a sense of release at being out of the village , if only for a short time .
24 John is the only person I talk to about how ugly and disgusting I feel , how fat I think I am , how much I hate myself for being out of control .
25 Even the sun , as if to mark my sudden sense of relief at being out of Czechoslovakia , chose to put in an appearance .
26 Popular Welsh jockey Tim Rooney expects to resume at the Llandeilo Farmers after being out of action since a fall with his first ride of the season .
27 Kenneth Renton , of Wentworth Investment Services , was yesterday arrested by City of London police at Heathrow Airport after being out of contact since last Friday .
28 ‘ Women lose confidence being out of the labour market , men tend to lose confidence if they 've been out of work ’ , says Michaels .
29 Knill described the importance of LOIS , which will investigate pollution in estuaries and shallow waters , as being out of all proportion to its size ’ .
30 For those who find walking just a little to much like hard work , take the longest chairlift in Europe to the ‘ First ’ peak at 7,150 ft and enjoy the glorious views and the grandeur of the mountains without being out of breath !
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