Example sentences of "being [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His face showed he had fought against passion and won , but did not like being the winner .
2 no-one in their right mind would have bet on that being the winner .
3 There are two roads up to the col , the more beautiful being the corniche road leading out of Men dive ; the other starts up from Béhorléguy .
4 Instead , the metals reside in warehouses in Rotterdam , a piece of paper bearing his name being the investor 's only proof of ownership .
5 ( ii ) The reader will probably have recognised N as having properties usually ascribed to the set of positive integers and I as being the principle of mathematical induction .
6 When a new plane came in and they assigned it to our crew , it being the principle crew and we got to name it and we named our plane Skyscraper , I do have some later pictures but er it taken in front of the plane of the crew that I was flying with at that time and the ground crew in front of Skyscraper .
7 The intention is for the policeman concerned to develop a local knowledge of his area , to show a presence and develop friendly and informal contact with members of the public , although one was adamant that his role remained primarily one of crime detection rather than prevention , this being the responsibility of community relations .
8 The task of fundraising for Highlander is shared by the staff , with specific areas perhaps being the responsibility of the staff of particular programs , but the Director has over-all co-ordination and many often make the initial enquiries .
9 Not all planning authorities , however , are of the opinion that odour pollution is best dealt with by planning controls , many considering that ‘ planning ’ is not intended to deal with such problems being the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive and the District Environmental Health Department .
10 Until this study was carried out the individual elements of the FAOR methodology had been developed and tested in isolation , each being the responsibility of different organisations within the FAOR partnership .
11 that children with special needs have to be seen as being the responsibility of the school as a whole
12 The Lords avoid controversy on financial questions , which are accepted as being the responsibility of the Commons , but otherwise they see little harm in asking the Commons to think again on points of detail .
13 Sir Roy Griffiths took up the idea , under a different name , in 1988 in specifying that ‘ no person should be discharged without a clear package of care devised and without being the responsibility of a named care worker . ’
14 Scandinavian seamen 's unions called for an end to the use of flags of convenience in Scandinavian waters ( ships ' safety precautions being the responsibility of the country with which they were registered ) .
15 It is the process of trying to persuade by substituting power for reason — the power being the ability to walk away from the deal and leave the other person stranded , the power to give the other person less than required — and sometimes nothing .
16 Could I endorse a lot of what er Mr has said there , about er the issue being the ability of the landscape to assimilate er a major development .
17 The church was closed for repair and restoration during the years 1887–8–9 , when the old ruinous south chapel was pulled down to make room for the present commodious aisles , the reason for this being the increase in population due to industrialisation in the village .
18 It is not enough , therefore , to set aside these issues as being the concern of others .
19 Secondly , there was very considerable diversity of view as to what the ‘ essential elements ’ of the curriculum should be , many authorities regarding such matters as being the concern of the schools themselves .
20 Rod boasts one of the most impressive CVs in showbusiness — the highlight being the Prince of Wales 's Symphony for the Spire at Salisbury Cathedral , an achievement which earned him a BAFTA award .
21 This kind of indirect proof is called proof by contraposition , unc being the contrapositive
22 BCG 's adjuvant qualities , heat stability and resistance to maternal antibodies , coupled with the economic and safety factors already mentioned make it a strong candidate for being the vehicle for a recombinant vaccine .
23 AD 180 , to coincide with the account of an invasion of northern Britain by the historian Cassius Dio ; the wholesale acceptance of this view , though , causes some strains in interpretation which can not be easily reconciled , chief among them being the implication that the damaged forts and other frontier works were left in a state of disrepair for the best part of 25 years , an unbelievable occurrence in Roman military affairs of the period .
24 This meant that profit and loss became the criteria upon which the majority of industry had to operate ( the defence industry being the exception ) .
25 Few of the bookselling groups encourage their branch managers to attend , Waterstones being the exception .
26 Acknowledgement of the failure of targeting upon soil erosion as being the problem is long overdue .
27 Diet was often suggested as being the problem , possibly a vitamin deficiency being to blame .
28 I think transport being the problem .
29 That never arose in Gillick 's case , the nearest approach to it being the proposition , accepted by all parties , that the court had power to override any minor 's consent ( not refusal ) to accept treatment .
30 Malcolm , incidentally , after being the man of the match in Trinidad , took 0 for 188 here , partly at least because he persisted in bowling short whereas before he had pitched the ball up .
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