Example sentences of "being [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 And it 's being pencilled in for the weekend after Wigan are due to defend their world sevens title in Sydney on February 5-7 .
2 But US reporters at the military hospitals in Texas to which the US casualties are being flown said at midday yesterday they had counted 190 US wounded being flown in , with more planes on the way .
3 The important feature is that the parents demonstrate their recognition of the good behaviour and praise the child while the chart is being filled in .
4 Rubbish tips nowadays often consist of large holes in the ground ( such as disused quarries ) which are being filled in , and which are gigantic versions of the rubbish pits found on archaeological sites .
5 what we 've had forms being filled in ?
6 When you have travelled half across the world , with the background of the man you are going to meet gradually being filled in for you , a picture of him inevitably forms in the mind .
7 However the REHAB behavioural scale was used , being filled in by hostel staff .
8 In particular the northernmost pond is being filled in and levelled .
9 This is the site of old mill ponds and the northernmost pond in particular is being filled in with builder 's rubble and other material .
10 Builders ' rubble and other waste material some of it possibly of a dangerous nature is being dumped there and in particular the northernmost pond is being filled in and levelled .
11 At the rear of the factory the old settling tanks are being filled in .
12 Has my mother any entitlement to income on the £60,000 as it was being gathered in by the solicitors and prior to it being handed over to the investment adviser for the purchase of the securities agreed by the trustees ?
13 It was around this time that he went to collect his Mercedes from a car showroom and found himself being gathered in for the Lord .
14 Erm , once again , the problems are being addressed in to a certain extent regarding residential homes and we 're very pleased with that .
15 In part this is the result of photosynthesis which is pumping oxygen into solution but again primarily it 's down to the physical saturation due to breaking waves and air bubbles being mixed in to the system .
16 People and animals portray in this , in the Tahiti painting , never seemed to be in a hurry , erm , even when always relaxed even when working and I wondered how much of this was cultural and erm , how much was due to the large amounts of erm drugs consumed in most paintings at this , this period but that I suppose I 'll , I 'll never know for sure about , erm with this painting I found in the background , er there 's a figure , that 's looking in on the situation and I , I for myself think 's its probably Gaugin , as he portrays himself as Christ , which I think he did quite a lot to me in , in , in a few of his paintings and so this painting gave me tremendous sense of being looked in on and this figure in the background , was the person that was doing the looking in .
17 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
18 Exhausted , Piphros was slumped against a wall , mouth working , the while wheezing and bubbling as air was being sucked in .
19 They held on , tightening their grip , and Fenella felt herself being sucked in .
20 The central belief is that by being immersed in , and contributing to , the life of reason , one can attain a truer level of understanding and perspective on the world than is ordinarily available through personal experience .
21 It recommends tighter controls against drug money , which is sometimes being carried in and out in suitcases and carrier bags .
22 ‘ being a person on foot ’ Means walking or running etc. as opposed to being carried in or on a vehicle or riding a horse etc .
23 Banners , pamphlets and boxes being carried in for the start of fresher 's fair .
24 Robbie was n't normally of a nervous disposition , but one did hear such horrific stories of lone women being attacked in out of the way spots .
25 The last pupils of the day were being let in to view the Bookman .
26 While depending on assumptions being built in about priorities and free periods they relieve the manager of any responsibilities over the final decision .
27 They have gradually refined their techniques over the years , with additional factors , such as ley length , continually being built in to the equation .
28 To be known as the Nadd Al Sheba Golf and Race Club , it is being built in and around a horse-racing track and is scheduled to open in October of next year .
29 The emphasis will be on flexible , individualised care , with close links with the local psychogeriatric services , GPs and community nursing services being built in .
30 An area to be used for open air range is still being sought in or around Edinburgh .
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