Example sentences of "even of the " in BNC.

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1 The Special Squads were the Nazis ' ‘ most demonic crime ’ , representing ‘ an attempt to shift on to others — specifically the victims — the burden of guilt , so that they were deprived even of the solace of innocence ’ .
2 Of course , high energy stimulation even of the wrong kind may stimulate a sensory ending ; for example , excessive pressure on the eyeball will produce a sensation of light .
3 This is true even of the seemingly tougher-minded Cambridge approach .
4 Leaving out the debatable new lands opened up by clearing tropical forests , the amount of land available for agriculture , even of the most limited , nomadic sort , seems to be diminishing .
5 America as a whole might be drunk with self-congratulation , but the Texans went further : they were totally unaware even of the other States .
6 Should any one ask how Plato 's discernment of divine creation and even of the divine Triad could be so close to the now known truth , the answer is that he had read the books of Moses on his visit to Egypt .
7 But such sharpness , reminiscent of relaxed but acute questioning of a chance-met traveller to establish intentions and credentials , was not a prerogative of the educated , nor even of the literate .
8 We know little , after all , of the present and much even of the most mundane existences is lived in the imagination .
9 I find it a sad small dramatic irony that Leslie never knew what I did at Bletchley , and , naturally , was unaware even of the existence of Ultra , let alone its significance in his own military enterprises .
10 What is clear is that behind the brilliance of the official Court there lay a core of family — one is tempted to say bourgeois — life , but this is not , of course , how the Second Empire is remembered , for few even of the courtiers were admitted to the intimacy of the Imperial family and the general public not at all .
11 This was true even of the private apartments of the Imperial family , to such an extent that if the Emperor , while working late at night as he often did , wanted a book from his library , he had to take a lighted candle with him .
12 Moreover , many of the more able pupils were leaking out of the system : even of the most able 10 per cent , two out of five had left before attaining their sixteenth birthday .
13 Few departments even of the size and sophistication of those included in this study were aware of information services such as that offered by the London Business School Library .
14 I began to be conscious even of the kidney shape .
15 Certain it is , in stormy weather , from any point of the compass you will have a blow on Stormy Hill , and it does further seem as if it were tenanted by those who in the voyage of life have weathered storms quite as real , — long sickness , pinching poverty , and mayhap , in some cases , that very terrible malady when it becomes chronic , a disinclination to regular work ; and their present lot is one of storms , — few comforts and short allowance even of the needs of life within doors , and the wintry blasts without ; and failing health and increasing age give small prospect of much more of the sunshine or fewer of the blasts on this side of the dark River Jordan .
16 On both sides of the Irish Sea it has made all practitioners keenly aware of the deep oubliettes of the timetable , in short of the incoherence even of the apparently most broad and balanced curriculum .
17 But no evidence , not even of the teeny bit suggestive kind ?
18 The sound is acceptable enough ; but I do wish that companies which release older recordings like this would spend just a little more ( what would it cost ? ) to accompany them with notes worthy even of the music as slight as this .
19 Doubt is not primarily a question of particular faiths ( Should I believe this one or that one ? ) or even of the strength of faith ( Do I really believe this one or that one ? ) .
20 In Masailand , cut off from all civilized amenities , and , if he conscientiously followed the herds instead of trying to rule the country from his office , beyond the reach even of the telegraph , a DO could enjoy as much autonomy as he liked .
21 The fuse at the input to the switching circuit , rated at 10A , provides some protection , but fuses even of the fast-blow sort sometimes prove too slow to prevent damage to semiconductor devices .
22 And quite often those events are completely beyond the control of the child himself , or even of the adults around him .
23 There have been numerous suggestions of increased numbers of racial attacks , many supposedly attributable directly or indirectly to the BNP 's presence , although racial attacks in many parts of London are , and have long been , so numerous ( and usually unreported ) that only a tiny fraction even of the most serious could ever be laid at the BNP 's door .
24 Shorn even of the Social Chapter , Maastricht embodies every right-wing economic proposal currently throttling Europe .
25 Police have twice failed to present him in Lilongue 's High Court — the first time to the surprise even of the prosecution — and have defied an order for his wife and lawyer to have access .
26 The spontaneity even of the most transient whim or velleity never ceases to pull towards or away from awareness .
27 Descartes refused to be sure even of the reality of the external universe until he had proved a priori to his own satisfaction that he was not dreaming it .
28 His pearl is fatally flawed , and to supply the missing leaf , or leaves , in facsimile , even of the right size and type , is a desperate measure acceptable only in cases of extreme age or rarity .
29 Like Lestat , the vampires can be an immortal god ; the rich capitalist bleeding the workers dry ; the sex fantasy whose kiss can kill ; the personification of death , of pleasure and pain , of blood and even of the essence of life itself .
30 Mr Linehan ( of the IDA ) said the men said they ‘ would welcome confrontation , even of the physical variety ’ .
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