Example sentences of "even at the " in BNC.

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1 Even at the cost of dropping duck-rabbit effect and cast shadows .
2 However , even at the same time as this controversy continues the discipline has not only come to recognize the influence of the self , but has urged that we use it as a scientific construction ( Okely 1975a ) .
3 For example , it can be argued the expansion into amalgamated police units has enlarged the organization to a point where it is no longer accessible to the man in the street ; alternatively , it may be that the use of a centralized computer and complex technical aids has alienated the public even at the same time they are increasingly fed a diet of violent news snippets which reinforce a fear of crime and generate another ‘ folk devil ’ of criminal menace , which demands the impossible : a policeman on every corner .
4 Even at the same time as it publicly commends higher education , seeking out the graduate entrant , spending large sums on publicity to this end , and funding access to degree courses on scholarships , it also holds to a central ethic of distrust of the academic .
5 ‘ Do n't stop there , ’ said Jay , pouring wine and beginning to understand why Jeremy was so precious , to be redeemed from his traumas and late-night binges even at the age of twenty-five .
6 For even at the generally modest level of competition that Beckenham offers , the British are shown to be dismal failures .
7 There was no sign of being unprepared in his typically confident singing , audible even at the end of Act One .
8 Even at the World Cup finals next year there will be an arrangement to alternate coverage of matches , and ITV will not screen the next Olympic Games .
9 Even at the height of NEP prosperity in 1926 , considerable resistance to central patterns and instructions was to linger on the further one got away from Moscow down through all the provincial levels , but in 1922 strong fears of such resistance provoked a siege psychology among those party officials located nearest to the grass roots .
10 In fact this was not so right from the start , even at the sophisticated intellectual heights of Petrograd , as will be seen when we approach that city .
11 Even at the level of the Nikol'sk village Soviet a high proportion of time was spent on tax problems .
12 Plenary sessions were held once a month only , even at the height of the Famine , and merely ratified previous decisions of the two-man presidium .
13 Even at the poorer end of the scale , the effect of the distribution of benefits in cash and in kind had been substantially to equalize the wealth of older and poorer people .
14 Even at the end of the 1980s , while the British left was now largely reconciled to membership of Community , the British remained hesitant Europeans .
15 Ford plainly has the experience , the people and the resources to put together a much better sporting hatch than this , even at the S 's potentially appealing , and no doubt profitable , junior GTi level .
16 Secondly , the new proximity of the original side windows to the floor of the living-room quickly revealed the propensity of the stained-glass panels to admit draughts and clearly it would be wise to install secondary glazing within these openings to seal leaks , even at the expense of losing an uninhibited view of the coloured glass .
17 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musical flaws .
18 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musi cal flaws .
19 The bad news is revealed partly by the results for the first half year and partly by the company 's prediction that its borrowings will only be down to half shareholders ' funds even at the end-of-year low point after the Christmas rush .
20 It proved , even at the insolent price of £5.95 a slice , to be even more popular than McGurk 's other stock-in-trade , the Jumbo-Cumbo Boggerburger , and he has prepared a batch every November since .
21 This , as argued here before , is the one question capable of splitting the Tory Party , at least to the extent of creating factions with a passionate attachment to their prejudices , and no great reluctance to insist on them even at the cost of deep party division .
22 ‘ I am a partisan of the idea of two inter-governmental conferences , one dealing with economic and monetary union and related institutional reform by the end of 1991 , and another which deals with European political union , one or two years later or even at the same time , ’ Mr Delors told MEPs in Strasbourg yesterday .
23 The United Kingdom 's reserves are likely to be empty in forty years even at the current rate of consumption .
24 But statements are unlikely to prevent a heightening of suspicions which are always fairly strong even at the best of times , and that could make it harder for the North to get the global climate convention it is seeking .
25 It is worth recalling that even at the height of Britain 's imperial power we rarely tried to go it alone .
26 Even at the last conclave , in 1978 , this hypothetical cardinal could at most have been only 49 years old .
27 They are prepared to vote against the government , even at the cost of a damaging row just before an election .
28 Since it is also instinctively pro-European , as well as pro-Arab , Britain will adhere to a tougher European line on Israel after the war , even at the risk of offending the Americans .
29 But today for the first time she was certain that even in Paul 's presence she would find the courage to say what she wanted , what she really wanted , in the depth of her soul ; she was certain that she would find this courage even at the price of ruining everything between them .
30 You see , even at the time it was only a sign .
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