Example sentences of "those [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Her utterly unquestioning faith in the Bible led her to believe that none could possibly be luckier or greater than those whom the love of God chooses , and if the love of God had chosen to choose the Jews , then their superiority over the rest of mankind could not possibly be doubted .
2 Most of those whom the investigations showed to be credit-worthy justified the faith put in them and stayed the course .
3 One of the Church of England 's most eminent theologians criticised the Diocese for actions which suggested ‘ a positive eagerness to humiliate and exclude those whom the parish and LGCM seek to help ’ , and ‘ a readiness to follow secular fashion in harassing and rejecting homosexuals . ’
4 His parents might have done well to remember the ancient adage , ‘ Those whom the gods love die young ’ .
5 Hooker 's was a name which could hardly fail to be included on the list of those whom the Church wished to commemorate in 1980 .
6 The showmen hated those whom the Cinematograph Year Book always described as ‘ the Busybodies and Meddlers ’ and thought of their demands in terms of what the Bioscope referred to as ‘ Prussianism ’ but in order to keep control of their own industry the showmen accepted many of the standards of middle-class taste and insisted that what they would provide would be for the most part family entertainment .
7 Beyond the rape victims , the names of everybody else was disclosed , including the names of women who were indecently assaulted but not raped and the names of relatives of those whom The Fox had accosted .
8 For policymakers the key point to recognise is that the way that people whom the organisation wishes to lose are treated is paramount , not just for their sakes , but also for those whom the organisation wishes to keep .
9 Most of those whom the king preserved in office were men of the middle nobility , men whose experience would enable them to take effective charge of those placed under them .
10 Among those whom the author singled out for praise were Edward III , who recalled his victory against the French at Sluys in June 1340 by introducing a fighting ship onto the noble of England , and Henry V , who built great ships and dealt firmly with those who were causing trouble to English shipping .
11 If those whom the church excommunicated by name were still unreconciled after forty days , the church in England , as in western Europe generally , could call on the secular arm to assist .
12 The line of argument depends upon two principal features : ( a ) there is a need to produce an oven justification for practices which might be criticized and this justification must explain racial discrimination in terms of anything other than irrational preferences ; ( b ) the discourse implies that irrational preference would be morally bad and the good intentions of the speaker , and those whom the speaker justifies , are guaranteed if they are shown to differ from those who might act on the basis of irrational prejudices .
13 The eighteenth-century administration sought to protect those whom the intendant of Burgos called the ‘ wretched slaves ’ of the landlords : there were proposals to freeze rents at the 1770 level , to set up arbitration boards of peasants and landlords .
14 Resistance to the French troops who ‘ occupied ’ Spain under cover of the Treaty of Fontainebleau and the national revolution against France which broke out all over unoccupied Spain came , therefore , from those whom the French commanders termed le petil peuple and from those local notables who were outside an administration manned by appointees of Godoy .
15 There is something indecent about comments from the living on the fate of the dead , and to say that ‘ those whom the gods love die young ’ is to assume an unsuitably Olympian pose .
16 Held , granting the application , that the Act of 1987 placed the Bank of England under a wide public duty to supervise deposit-taking businesses , the fulfilment of which often required it to take urgent action in the interests of those whom the Act was designed to protect ; that a notice from the Bank of England under section 39(3) ( a ) of the Act of 1987 requiring production of documents overrode an injunction restraining that bank from disclosure of the documents to a third party , and the existence of an injunction did not constitute a reasonable excuse under section 39(11) for failure to comply with the section 39 notice ; and that the injunction should not , in any event , be interpreted as prohibiting compliance with the notice ; that it was proper for such a notice to specify the documents to which it applied by class rather than individually ; and that , accordingly , the defendants should be directed to comply with the notice ( post , pp. 717G–H , 718C , 719B–C , 721C , 722C ) .
17 In 687 and again in 688 Adomnán , abbot of Iona , visited Aldfrith and secured the release of those whom the Northumbrians had seized during this expedition and kept in captivity ( AU s.a. 686 : AT pp. 210 , 211 : CA p. 134 ) .
18 The palace bustled with courtiers , officials , cronies and those whom the French call affairistes .
19 It 's true what the Greeks say : ‘ Those whom the Gods love always die young ’ .
20 Among those whom the hon. Gentleman has maligned is someone who has a decade 's experience of working in the NHS .
21 It is said that those whom the gods wish to destroy , they first make mad , and it is clear that Tory Ministers are mad .
22 To disregard that is to show disrespect for those who are colleagues , those whom the head is leading and without whose support he or she can not manage .
23 The jacket had ‘ Those Whom the Gods Love ’ picked out in brass studs across the back and the trousers had parallel lines of matching studs down the side seams .
24 When this happened , however , even the traditional features became more stereotyped because choreographers used only those which the audience could easily recognise and which were commonly seen and heard in a particular country .
25 It was not long before the dynamics of politics made such niceties quite irrelevant , The bulk of the Labour party came out in opposition , not only to the National Government , but to any economies , even those which the Labour Cabinet had agreed .
26 It also feared that a coalition with the anti-fascist forces might create similar problems to those which the Labour government of 1929–3 I faced when relying upon Liberal support to carry out a legislative programme .
27 Since these values are high among those which the criminal law ought to respect , no further demonstration of this starting-point is necessary .
28 The now famous middle peasant thesis suggests that certain sectors of the peasantry , precisely those which the anthropologists and Marxists labelled as conservative , have the potential for political mobilisation ( Wolf 1969 ) .
29 On the first day the film was already assuming some real-life events which were remarkably similar to those which the script itself called for , as some 10,000 local residents turned out to watch .
30 In this context it is essential that the buyer retains the initiative , to end up with the products , materials and levels of service needed by the organisation and not those which the supplier wishes to provide .
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