Example sentences of "many [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The critic must study the text with the maximum degree of attention to all its parts ( Richards suggests ( 1970 : 317 ) that four poems may be too many for a week 's reading ) , but his aim is to arrive at the ‘ relevant mental condition ’ ( Richards 1970 : 11 ) associated with it , and then to judge this mental condition according to the principles outlined above .
2 Accordingly , the following have resigned from the subsidiaries which they have assisted , many for a considerable period : .
3 they were nothing but an excuse for idleness ; twelve hours being too many for a man to work underground without intermission .
4 How many for a divorce ?
5 On this , you can draw boxes which contain the text you want recognised , up to 100 in all ( which is far too many for an A4 page ! ) .
6 They formerly occupied part of St Mary 's Mill in Chalford , but are now at Churchs Mill , turning out countless walking sticks every year , many for the NHS .
7 Lifting the cup of wine which symbolically pointed to His blood which would be shed on the cross He said ‘ This is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins . ’
8 Employers and their advisers reacted , many for the first time , by taking a good look at contracts , and they in turn became experts .
9 But with 6ft 4ins Stich firing on all cylinders , and Chang looking jaded it was one Goliath too many for the brave American .
10 The conversion into owner-farmers of those who had hitherto been tenants or agricultural labourers provided many for the first time with genuine prospects of making a decent living , unburdened by debts , high rents or heavy taxes .
11 The Third Republic had survived the Great War of 1914–18 but its institutions were blamed by many for the humiliation of 1940 .
12 I wondered what on earth John would think if he saw all this ; his friends in church , many for the first time in years , strangers saying prayers for him , me weeping over his photograph .
13 ( one rower too many for the quinquereme ) ,
14 This is the remote area of Appenzell , known to many for the unique flavour of its celebrated cheese , but for many tourists , not much more than that .
15 In st in standard two though , having passed through there , the Headmaster came in near the end of the second year and said because of the number of scholars er some boys would have to miss standard three because there was too many for the class .
16 There would be tears , yes , but how many for the child ?
17 That 's two coincidences too many for the police .
18 This year saw more fortunate veterans return to England — many for the last time .
19 erm so many for the dates and for so many for the
20 erm so many for the dates and for so many for the
21 The triumph of Solidarity was seen by many as a triumph for the church , which had preached against communism , harboured Solidarity activists , and paid for underground presses throughout the dismal 1980s .
22 It was seen by many as a ‘ fuck off ’ message to Norman from hardcore hip hop fans .
23 Furthermore , Macbeth did not murder Duncan in his palace of Cawdor in Nairn , since the castle there was not built until the fourteenth century ; and Duncan was not the pitiable old greybeard portrayed in the play but a ruthless and ambitious man regarded by many as a usurper .
24 During the rioting one Palestinian man was shot dead by Israeli soldiers and over 100 others were injured , many as a result of being shot .
25 Fierce clashes erupted between Israeli troops and Palestinian youths on the outskirts of Rafah camp in the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7 , with at least 90 Palestinians injured , many as a result of bullet wounds .
26 Opium farmers ' income is tiny compared with Pakistan 's drug barons and owners of heroin laboratories , and they are regarded by many as the impoverished , innocent end of the country 's narcotics business .
27 Even after the war turned sour he continued to be seen by many as the epitome of Germany 's unwavering will to certain victory .
28 Perhaps above all he will be remembered by many as the friend who taught them the craft that is organic chemistry .
29 Ketamine is being hyped by many as the new Ecstasy .
30 Bernadette 's lack of vetting will be condemned by many as the blueprint of how not to find someone to care for your child .
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