Example sentences of "even [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Even as some kind of joke , it did n't make sense .
2 Even for some government cars , diesel is only available on the black market .
3 This ‘ normal ’ requirement is seen by many commentators as being totally impracticable for most small companies , and fairly difficult even for some large companies , particularly given the extended period which now needs to be considered .
4 In the Middle Ages , and even for some Christians today , the idea of reconciliation was based on the belief that God was offended by the sins of people .
5 The idea that a single division can represent more than one unit is conceptually difficult even for some pupils in the top third .
6 There is n't any hard building stone hereabouts , so they used clunch for most domestic building and even for some church interiors .
7 But despite the fact that he has been ‘ steadily critical ’ of successive governments ' housing policies , Prof Greve does see some hope for the future — and even for some of the tower blocks .
8 Nor can one omit , as an important contributing factor in his decline , the humiliating failure of his own attempts to write and direct a feature film , Yellowbeard , even after some drastic and , by Chapman 's own account , disastrous re-editing by the studio .
9 The modern panel is easy to use , and even after some four hours on our return journey we still felt comfortable , and noise levels were more than acceptable .
10 The truth is that I kept on having mental lapses , during which I could hear every word that was being spoken , understand the meaning of each word and even of some phrases , but could n't make these disparate utterances add up to anything that made sense .
11 So a legend which had originated with the attempts of Dark Age royal servants to give their masters a lineage as old and distinguished as that of the Western Roman emperors they had displaced continued in the twelfth century to satisfy the needs of new royal families and even of some princely houses .
12 So , for example , it may be that a keen walker would have a special interest in a stretch of country where he or she frequently walked which would entitle him or her to challenge a decision to grant planning permission to develop it , whereas an ordinary member of the public or even of some environmental group in a different area might not have .
13 The rhetoric of cruelty and inhumanity in 1792 , and more clearly in 1806 , aroused ambivalence as to its persuasive effect in parliament , even amongst some abolitionists , because they feared the impact of ‘ enthusiasm ’ upon their colleagues .
14 The second group , of those — even including some Party members — who had previously been apathetic or negatively disposed towards the Party , thought that the time had now come when they could air their feelings .
15 Speaker L could have followed on , with a question , for example , about the holiday , Aberdeen , or even with some personal observations on the buildings in Old Aberdeen or the University .
16 In some early drafts Raskolnikov commits suicide , and the striking thing here is that it 's never suggested he does so out of remorse or because he thinks he 's going to get caught or even from some vaguer , larger self-loathing .
17 Woman is defective and misbegotten , for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex ; while the production of woman comes from defect in the active force or from some material indisposition , or even from some external influence ; such as that of a south wind , which is moist , as the Philosopher [ Aristotle ] observes .
18 In addition to opposition from these two quarters , however , they were faced by a barrage of criticism from Luis Carrero Blanco , from the Traditionalist Minister of Justice , Antonio Iturmendi , and even from some fellow-members of Falange .
19 Nevertheless , specialization in some groups of plants does occur , as it does in some of animals , such that the broadly different ‘ syndromes ’ of pollination and dispersal have evolved repeatedly in different families and genera of plants and are apparently incipient even within some species .
20 ‘ English ’ prayers were seen by these Asian children ( mainly Sikhs and Hindus ) as innocuous , even in some cases enjoyable , but not of any emotional significance .
21 FALLING electoral rolls may threaten Labour 's chances in several marginals and even in some ‘ safe ’ seats .
22 In Britain 's Countryside Heritage Phil Colebourn and Bob Gibbons investigate the landscape and how the hand of man can be detected , even in some of the wildest areas .
23 This also appears widely in the work of other authors : in Thomas Hinde 's spaced-out metafiction High ( 1968 ) ; in Andrew Sinclair 's road-novel Gog ( 1967 ) ; even in some of the more conventional writings of David Lodge and Malcolm Bradbury .
24 He argued that scientists have shown that even in some metals there is a vestige of the spark of life , and there are some metals of which it is difficult to say whether they are alive or not .
25 Even in some cases where two or three of the Evangelists record the same event , their accounts differ considerably ( for example , the resurrection narratives ) .
26 Notwithstanding these developments , however , even in some European countries the tendency towards decentralisation in collective negotiations has been offset to some extent by cross-currents .
27 The search for permanence , in our view , could be accomplished in many ways including custodianship , long-term fostering , or even in some circumstances a stay in a residential home or , of course , rehabilitation with a child 's natural family .
28 Sparcstation 1 , 1+ and 2 users — even in some respects IPX customers — will be able to upgrade to either the Model 30 or 41 via a chassis and motherboard swap out .
29 These understandable human reactions have to be channelled against the waffler , and the apple polisher : the man or woman who by verbal skills seeks to evade taking a position , or even in some cases actually saying anything at all .
30 It is necessary to understand the simple distinction between being a non-believer , and even in some respects opposed to religion 's influence , and making a judgement about the theoretical and practical importance of religion in human societies .
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