Example sentences of "even [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So great a change does not enter upon the national economic scene unnoticed , like Owen 's ‘ thief in the night ’ nor even conspicuously to the trumpetings of statutory provisions and the flourish of bureaucratic apparatus .
2 The first reason why the market could no longer be perceived as limiting economic power was that the structure of the market ceased to correspond even loosely with the model of perfect competition which required numerous firms operating in the same industry so that no firm was capable of affecting the price of its product by varying the level of the output of that product .
3 The plaintiff 's remuneration may have been based partly or even wholly on commission on orders obtained , or in the case of more senior employees upon the turnover of the business or some part of the business .
4 Workers at all levels add value not solely or even mostly by tending machines and carrying out routines , but by continuously discovering opportunities for improvement in product and process .
5 They 're now even on to the vile Trade Union Reform Bill , they 're accepting it admittedly but but they 're accepting it , but it 's in the wrong Bill it 's in the wrong place it should be up in the front .
6 Now there are cars parked right the way up and even on to the roundabout , and I think a lot of these erm persons erm with the cars are probably from the Polytechnic .
7 It is clear to all that precious blood has been shed foolishly or even criminally for purposes of prestige alone .
8 It was n't even properly on the Foulness road , but a track from the road led to it , and then on to the camp ; about a quarter of a mile away .
9 ‘ I find it disgraceful that before the review of the mining industry is even properly under way the Coal Board has issued these notices , ’ he said .
10 Cornwell reports that the men in her study have very little to do with their own families and even less with their wife 's kin .
11 In actual fact I have seen valuations which are so wide of the mark ( more than 50% in one case ) that one suspects that some valuers know little about the property market and even less about rebuilding costs , which constitute the basis for insurance .
12 The trouble was , he thought , as he signed the paper , indecipherably , with his left hand , folded it and put it into his jacket pocket , he did n't know much about thallium poisoning , and even less about the making of lenses with a high refractive index .
13 We know even less about supplies of cooking energy in urban India , especially in small towns .
14 This leads me to believe the fellow concerned knew little about foxes and even less about rabbiting .
15 The day passes in a haze of Russian taxi drivers who know even less about LA than my dead Gorbals grandma .
16 James McAdam , brought in as chairman by the banks when the company hit the skids earlier this year , knows nothing about retailing , and even less about jewellery .
17 Users know little about fault-tolerant technology in general , he stated , and even less about actual hardware , although Tandem Computers Inc 's offerings are somewhat more familiar .
18 Nevertheless , we know even less about the inspection methods of these inspectors than we do of HMIs .
19 He knew nothing about airlines , and even less about Randolph Fields .
20 Both she and Dr Brewis were also concerned about the many patients on their wards who came from outside Newcastle : they knew even less about the arrangements for community care within those districts .
21 The Pill has probably been even more liberating for men than it has for women , as men have to worry even less about contraception than they did before .
22 Rick felt that he knew very little about practical mathematics apart from ‘ making a scale drawing of the minibus and taking kids out to measure the rugby pitch ’ and even less about investigations and problem-solving .
23 Yet , little is known about such classes , and even less about how parents endeavour to bring up their children as Hindus outside the context of these classes .
24 He realised that he knew even less about the father than the son .
25 Little is known about the eccentric Mr Enoch and even less about the collection he kept here .
26 Wall Street is notorious for having scant regard for the future and even less for the past .
27 But there are few definite sources for Thomas 's activities — and even less for his thoughts , opinions , and attitudes — during the period between 30 March 1896 , the end of his nature diary ( the appendix to The Woodland Life ) , and his entry into Oxford .
28 These single parents care about being mothers but they do n't care so much about being married and they care even less for being rendered dependent .
29 Moreover , we may point out that even if corresponding attributive and predicative adjectives ( occurring with the same noun ) could be relied on to share the same referential locus , that would be no justification for leaping to an assertion that the two elements are actually " the same " tout court , and even less for claiming that the structural positions they occupy are alternative forms of each other .
30 If he had his way , and we signed up for the social chapter , those extra costs would have to be met out of those pay packets and there 'd be even less for people to take in wages so the honourable gentleman should n't be complaining about low pay when he wants to add to the costs of employment along with the rest of his party .
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