Example sentences of "even [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Penman had even filled a port decanter , Alexandra noticed , deducing quite rightly , that as she would hardly drink any , Christmas munificence would prompt her to tell him to help himself .
2 it is worth writing an index and even typing a few pithy words of your own to remind you , and others , of why you did what you did , when you did it !
3 He even rode a penny-farthing .
4 So on Grand National day , he went to Worcester instead of Aintree and he even rode a winner — Three Dons in a novice hurdle .
5 It even offers a model for change in the direction of an increase in rationality .
6 The past that historians study thus normally embraces , and even plays a part in shaping , the world they themselves inhabit .
7 West Germany was now part of the Western alliance , even pursuing a policy of co-operation with France through the policies of European unification .
8 ‘ Strangely enough , I have n't even heard a whisper about it , ’ he said .
9 She knew that he had two grown-up daughters of his own and would scarcely have approved of aiding and abetting or even allowing a girl of Liza 's age to be left in any compromising situation with a young married man .
10 Seniors in Easton recommend a later starting age than the current 18 years , with one even suggesting a compulsory twelvemonth work experience to broaden the range of experience of recruits .
11 There are an incredible variety of possibilities which would take three or four lifetimes of an artist — even using a computer .
12 Beans , pulses and grains feature increasingly in a healthy diet , but they take a long time to cook , even using a microwave .
13 He bought four rounds of double scotches last night and it did n't even make a hole in what he 'd got . ’
14 Allen thought this ‘ a very ingratiating-type comment ’ with no substance and no meaning ; he did not even make a note of it .
15 One could even make a case for delaying it until the Club celebrates its Centenary Year 20 years hence .
16 They may even make a permanent identification with it , and this can cause problems when the children leave home .
17 Forty-five per cent of this group said that they could not even make a guess at the likely interest rate .
18 He might even make a strong and able king , for he had his virtues , even though being a good husband was scarcely one of them !
19 For example , the number eight would be a very pretty shape to create and a pressed flower card reading eighteen or twenty-one could also be very attractive if created in shades of pink , and if you had the patience you could even make a matching gift tag to accompany the present .
20 You could even make a different arrangement for each season , if you are decorating a photograph you wish to keep displayed all year round .
21 Pacy wing once told to give up rugby because he would never even make a club player .
22 He may even make a good appearance of doing so .
23 Anyway , that Richardson sells smack so cheap he does n't even make a profit . ’
24 Erm in fact you notice I did n't even make a note on it .
25 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
26 But the accountant could well be the guy that you went and played tennis with and the boy does n't even make a move unless he gets the accountant and
27 In the end the company , under huge pressure from the local community , refused permission for the NIREX surveyors to even make an initial survey of the mine galleries .
28 And I could even make an educated guess what that might be . ’
29 He had played the first round , but before he had a chance even to hit a ball in the second he was out of the pre-qualifier , suffering from injuries he had received in a car accident with his caddie .
30 I even passed a couple of oast houses where hops used to be dried after being picked by families of East Enders for a pittance and a daily beer ration .
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