Example sentences of "years had been " in BNC.

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1 In that year comparisons of Eliot with Pound were stimulated , and exacerbated , by the publication of what were called the ‘ drafts and transcripts ’ of The Waste Land ; that is to say , the heterogeneous packet of typescripts and manuscripts which Eliot had dumped on Pound in Paris , out of which Pound had helped Eliot to extricate the poem that for forty years had been known under that title .
2 The sense of common purpose and common direction that governed the war years had been lost , perhaps for ever .
3 Charles enjoyed the time he spent with his wife and children , but the events of the last four years had been no less momentous for him , and his way of coping with the stress and tensions in his life had always been by testing himself physically .
4 The effect was explosive , and deeply embarrassing to the government 's position , which for years had been obstructive — to such an extent that Britain had long been known as ‘ The Dirty Man of Europe ’ .
5 But Mr Karsten said almost two years had been lost due to Mr Foecke 's unwillingness to continue with the university 's internal appeal procedure .
6 However , my predecessor , Bishop John Bickersteth , who for many years had been an advocate for issues of conservation , quite rightly protested that the Archbishop was saying no more than the biblical tradition states !
7 Herbert Tracey reflected that the ‘ defeatist ’ mood of the trade unions over the last few years had been transformed .
8 The descant accompanying it for fifty years had been one of complaint .
9 Though clearly , whatever the logic of the situation , Hitler could still rely upon substantial bonds of undying allegiance among his most loyal supporters , especially of course those who for years had been exposed to the full brunt of Party organization and indoctrination , there seems little doubt that the mass base of unquestioned trust in Hitler was already in 1942 beginning to give way .
10 Nothing would weigh more heavily with many Tories than the thought that what above all had led them to throw away the 1992 election was the way the positive values and achievements of the Thatcher years had been allowed , through loss of nerve , to be obscured .
11 The decline of the Scottish Tory Party which had marred the Thatcher years had been halted .
12 His early years had been mainly montage .
13 The last years had been alarming for his chauffeur .
14 Much of his energy over these last years had been devoted to alchemical experiments to find a new alphabet capable of spelling the English language .
15 The last years had been alarming for his chauffeur .
16 Our campaign soon led us to investigate the finances of the National Land Fund , which over the previous twenty years had been used to acquire a whole series of country houses for the nation .
17 Its dereliction over the past two years had been a constant topic of conversation .
18 The progress of the past four years had been an ‘ extraordinary ’ achievement by volunteers , staff and management and Mr. Duggan 's own highlights have included the formation of the successful Kingsley Theatre Club and the occasional meals with visiting chefs .
19 This looking back over forty years had been sharpened by the filming of a TV play of mine only a few months previously .
20 The Location of Offices Bureau , which for many years had been attempting to move commercial development out of London , was given the task of promoting office employment within the cities , including London itself .
21 He seemed resigned to this twist of fate that the first calf to be born into his stable for two years had been brought to life before it was ready , before the winter was even through .
22 Professionally the years had been good to him , though it was a great disappointment to Maud that he had specialized in diseases of the mind .
23 In a statement read to the inquest , she told how her husband of 11 years had been having difficulty sleeping , but had never talked of suicide .
24 The conductor was Mr. L. Lambert , who had started conducting with Croydon Corporation in 1919 and for many years had been their union representative .
25 In his forty-second year at the time of his death , his latter years had been passed in luxury and rich living .
26 To many members of the Church of England , which for fifty years had been strongly influenced by Calvinism , Laud seemed to be introducing innovations , the most offensive of which was the doctrine that bishops derived their authority from God .
27 His last two years had been spent taking a master 's degree in political science at Queen 's University , Kingston .
28 The marriage which he contemplated for Matilda was with one of the most powerful of the new barons of the Conqueror , Count Alan Rufus , lord of Richmond , who for twenty-five years had been the greatest man in the north of England and one of the most constant witnesses of English royal charters : a central character , therefore , in the government of England , but a potential menace in the semi-conquered North .
29 The immediate post-war years had been the last classic period of the film as social sermon and one can almost sense the relief as the studios discovered that social context did not need quite as much emphasis .
30 The newcomers were not able to brush aside the native Carib population with quite the contemptuous ease with which the Spaniards had conquered the mainland ; attempts to settle in earlier years had been resisted successfully and in some islands the English settlers had to remain at least as careful about the risk of native attack as any community in North America .
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