Example sentences of "years for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although most children remain well as long as they stick to their diet , a few seem to relapse after a few years for no apparent reason .
2 The US trade representative has said it would be like writing a cheque for $17,000 payable over ten years for every family of four in the world .
3 A director once commented that Kiefer Sutherland had lived two years for every one that had passed .
4 To qualify for the full basic pension , someone would need to have paid national insurance contributions for most of their working life ( usually 44 years for a man ) .
5 Henning Albrechsten reckons that it takes three years for a telecottage to be able to function without subsidy .
6 BAD NEWS for anyone wanting to move : you will probably have to wait two years for a substantial recovery in the housing market .
7 An act can make a successful first LP which may have taken five or seven years for a band 's songwriters to create .
8 WHATEVER their politics , Poles expect to wait up to 20 years for a new telephone .
9 TL typically produces an error term of plus/minus 5–10 per cent of the age , i.e. plus/minus 50–100 years for a TL age of 1000 years , plus/minus 100-200 years for 2000 years , and so on .
10 Dr Wesnes said that using volunteers with ‘ fake ’ Alzheimers Disease enabled a new drug to be evaluated within three months compared with the three to five years for a full-scale trial on ‘ real ’ patients .
11 North America and Europe are catching up fast , but it is appropriate that a Japanese company has gone back 30 years for a discarded technology to solve some of the problems .
12 It will take years for a real process of integration to take place , possibly generations .
13 The forests were cleared over the years for a variety of reasons : because people were scared of wolves , which roamed the area well into the seventeenth century ; to make sure travellers could see robbers , before robbers saw them ; to provide timber for shipbuilding : trees were felled and floated downstream through Loch Tummel and the River Tay to Perth .
14 Maureen Roberts , the late Director of the Edinburgh Breast Screening Project , observed that screening ‘ is not offering any certainty of cure or normal life to the women who attend , merely a prolongation of years for a few .
15 On 14 October Coleridge wrote abstractedly to John Thelwall that , ‘ I should much wish , like the Indian Vishna , to float about along an infinite ocean cradled in the flower of the Lotos , & wake once in a million years for a few minutes — just to know that I was going to sleep a million years more . ’
16 It takes about five years for a top amateur to become a real Tour de France rider .
17 Work presented at last summer 's high-energy physics conference in Paris gave an upper limit of 2.25 x 10 31 years for a proton decaying into a positron and a .
18 This policy has many advantages : It makes it possible to concentrate development and testing work on key points affecting safety , reliability , protection from radiation , and improved capacity ; Thanks to the large orders for identical equipment , the industry can anticipate its work load long in advance , equip itself accordingly , and schedule its fabrication work in the most economical manner ; Construction times are short ( now only five years for a 900-MWe unit ) because the working drawings are identical and a defective item of equipment can be replaced promptly ; And finally , standardisation makes it easier to train the operating personnel and reduces maintenance problems .
19 Electricity , gas and water companies have sought many years for a way to read meters without visiting the customer 's premises .
20 The eggs of this parasitic worm can wait as long as 16 years for a suitable root to grow nearby .
21 But it can take 10 years for a material to get on the list while officials develop a standard , which specifies physical and chemical properties of materials .
22 The Spurs Club in London raised the magnificent sum of £760 in three years for a variety of armed services ' benevolent funds .
23 In this way many kept an account going at Gieves over a period of years for a modest monthly sum of two or three pounds .
24 These atoms , as we have seen , are spewed out from dying stars ; but it would take at least a billion years for a star to use up all its helium energy and explode , hence life could not exist in a universe consisting of the shortest-living stars , since the necessary elements such as carbon would not exist .
25 It takes three to five years for a new plantation to bear a crop , but , with care , the vines will last indefinitely — some bogs are more than 100 years old .
26 Having travelled a reasonable distance into wind ( you did wait three years for a day with a light breeze did n't you ? ) , apply some sideways cyclic to bank the model and start a turn .
27 A HARLEY Street doctor jailed for seven years for a series of sex attacks on women visiting his surgery may have had 100 victims .
28 A 90-day option to upgrade to three years for a total of £1,048 was also offered .
29 As you know , I 've been on the look out for some years for a smaller company we could have a friendly merger with , but there 's nothing even remotely promising at the moment .
30 As my friend David Jessel has pointed out , even if 99 per cent of all criminal convictions are correct , that still leaves in a prison population of 40,000 some 400 who have no business being there ; and I can not imagine any experience more demoralizing than to be locked up for years for a crime one did n't commit .
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