Example sentences of "after this time " in BNC.

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1 When bonds came on the market after this time they were sold quietly by the Bondholders Committee to members of the Club with a long term , proven interest in its affairs , who had either enquired about bonds or were offered them being regarded as suitable individuals .
2 After this time , the base becomes permeated with the aroma .
3 After this time , they too are prone to heart attacks because they no longer have the protection of oestrogen in their bodies .
4 After this time D2 should start to flash once every two seconds .
5 Any foods left uneaten must be removed after this time .
6 De Selincourt , the editor of The Prelude , dates this phase as early as the end of 1794 ; after this time Wordsworth sought refuge in philosophy ( see Godwin , p. 77 ) and had to be virtually nursed back to mental and moral stability by Dorothy amid rural surroundings .
7 After this time they were never really separated for any long period , and the course of Dorothy 's life can be regarded as the same as Wordsworth 's .
8 After this time they doubled the amount of current and found that the energy books almost balanced .
9 If after this time I wish to cancel , I will do so by giving one month 's notice in writing .
10 For the first time she gave vent to loud screams , which became her usual method of attracting attention from that time : ‘ this manner of crying endured many years after this time , for aught any man might do , and therefore , suffered she much despite and much reproof ’ .
11 After this time , no additional payment will be made .
12 Then after this time , a short ten to fifteen minutes break provides primary and recovery effects and helps consolidate previously learned material .
13 The loss of earning power experienced by such as doctors , lawyers , etc. , can be recouped fairly quickly after training ( Tumin and others have estimated that no more than ten years is generally required ) , and is more than compensated by higher rewards after this time .
14 If after this time a quorum is still not present , the meeting must be adjourned .
15 But it is uncommon for the baby to arrive on that date , and women find it disappointing and sometimes worrying if delivery does not occur soon after this time .
16 As can be seen for wild-type Eco K approximately 50% of the DNA is cleaved after 30 min and no further reaction appears to take place after this time .
17 No further digestion appears to occur after this time suggesting that the Eco K enzyme has no turnover and remains bound to the substrate [ 5 , 6 , 34 ] .
18 After this time information about Sarah Egerton is sparse .
19 Not long after this time ( c. 1530 ) we have a source , Royal App. 56 , containing half-a-dozen anonymous liturgical pieces : a Kyrie and Christe , two ‘ Felix namque ’ and a Communion ‘ Beata viscera ’ , an antiphon , ‘ Miserere ’ , and an unornamented transcription of a four-part hymn , ‘ A solis ortus cardine ’ .
20 After this time , apply a second coat and repeat the drying procedure .
21 After this time existing castles were added to and adapted as palatial residences .
22 In the event , we never saw gall stone recurrence beyond 3.5 years with the result that there was a plateau in the actuaral recurrence rate after this time .
23 The numerical value of the UIC of the LIFESPAN Process may not be changed once you have started to use Offline : after this time , changing the numerical UIC may prevent Offline being able to restore archived materials .
24 It should be remembered that the offline sequence does not end when the media item is dismounted ; after this time deletion of modules from online storage may take place , but more importantly , the LIFESPAN database files will be updated to reflect the Offline transactions .
25 After this time , Nuclear Electric plans to erect huge containment buildings over entire reactor sites , leaving these for another 100 years before demolition .
26 After this time the rights of way team have every intention of working more closely with parishes and farmers throughout the county Am I right in saying that people talk to us about this ?
27 after this time , BBCBASIC(Z80) will give up and return -1 or a null string .
28 After this time L4 and L5 have been found in and around the pancreas before their appearance in the large intestinal lumen .
29 Post-Fernando days were still in their infancy , even after this time , but she was trying her best .
30 After this time any concerned women who had babies at Farnborough Hospital and ring the helpline will still be offered referral to a counselling service . ’
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