Example sentences of "after [art] end " in BNC.

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1 CB originated in the ruins of France one year after the end of the Second World War as Union Financiere d'Enterprises Francaises et Etrangeres .
2 You should keep all your P11 forms and pay records for at least 3 years after the end of the tax year to which they relate , or longer if the Inland Revenue asks you to .
3 Yet heavy taxes in kind continued until after the end of 1922 .
4 The great bulk of population movement occurred independently of Moscow in the years 1917–22 , but after the end of NEP it was to be strictly enforced , and took place on a vast scale again .
5 After the end of the first World War she was active in the co-operative movement and the Labour Party , which was not common for a woman of her background in those early years .
6 Copyright exists in a musical work until fifty years after the end of the year in which the songwriter dies .
7 C. S. Lewis was given rooms in New Buildings and moved in shortly after the end of the summer term , 1925 .
8 Writing shortly after the end of the war , Roger Manvell spoke of a ‘ cinematic poetry peculiar to British films ’ while Dilys Powell suggested that the films made during the war had ‘ set the English film on the path in which masterpieces may be created . ’
9 That road came into being after the end of the Vietnam war in 1975 .
10 That road came into being after the end of the Vietnam war in 1975 .
11 AFTER THE end of the last act our host began to sweat and look pale …
12 The Government have accordingly decided to plan on the basis that there will be no further call-up under the National Service Acts after the end of 1960 .
13 They seem to have accepted both that ( a ) some interest payments had indeed — but for the special rules — stood to escape tax ; yet ( b ) the normal January 1986 tax payment covered liability for that fiscal year ‘ including tax on interest paid after the end of a society 's accounting year ’ — which was , ‘ in a sense , to tax [ those sums ] twice ’ .
14 However , pragmatists in Hanoi point out that the Vietnamese economy is near to collapse after the end of Soviet subsidies , and any step towards lifting the trade embargo must be taken , however humiliating .
15 The Yorkshire Observer , shortly after the end of the General Strike , reported :
16 A window over the deep pot sink looked out on the upper par of the yard , its panes of dusty glass still criss-crossed with scraps of air-raid tape several years after the end of the war .
17 The moral condemnation of the Third Reich emerged for the most part only after the end of the war when the most barbaric crimes of the regime were fully exposed .
18 The new Landrat of Gunzenhausen , a former Franconian bastion of National Socialism , wrote in his first monthly report after the end of the Third Reich , in August 1945 : ‘ Although the war has only been over for a few months , National Socialism is hardly ever spoken about , and when at all , only in a negative sense .
19 Ipswich re-emerged five minutes after the end as if they had made certain of promotion .
20 Alan Smith , chief executive of the Test and County Cricket Board , said the England team manager 's contract would expire on Sept 16 — the day after the end of the season and Mr Stewart 's 60th birthday .
21 The wall stands outside the building of the United Nations — an organisation founded after the end of the last world war to try and bring about peace between all the different countries of the world .
22 Just after the end of the Falklands conflict , my second husband died , suddenly and unexpectedly , almost forty years to the day after he had been wounded and taken prisoner at Tobruk while serving with the Royal Durban Light Infantry in the ill-fated 2nd South African Division .
23 Helen Brotherton moved to Dorset after the end of the Second World War and has lived there ever since .
24 As we have seen , German arms achieved a separate Polish State which remained after the end of the war and the evacuation of the German armies .
25 Visiting a large London practice shortly after the end of the 1980–88 Gulf War , I was surprised to find the Middle East rather than Europe the focus of attention .
26 Recurrent attacks are common and may follow on as soon as one week after the end of the primary attack .
27 After the end of the war Balivanich expanded as a ‘ military zone ’ , becoming the southern island 's administrative centre ; headquarters of Comhairle nan Eilean , the Outer Hebrides local government agency .
28 The storm clouds gathering over Leeds City broke almost a year after the end of the First World War .
29 No such sanction was obtained but , after the end of the Parliamentary Session , Palmerston on 7th August instructed Hall to prepare the Bill for land acquisition .
30 And in the years after the end of the 1939–45 war there was such a spate of generals ' diaries that it at times seemed difficult to understand how these men had time for the job in hand , so busy were they with their diaries .
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