Example sentences of "years [unc] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Over the years 's job has gone from unloading individual bags to today 's bulk deliveries of around 40,000 tonnes each year .
2 She is also to serve three years ' probation and do community service at Hale House in Harlem .
3 The arrests gave Seth a record of at least nine drink driving incidents , leading the judge to order him into Alcoholics Anonymous and on to two years ' probation .
4 ACTOR Ryan O'Neal 's tearaway son was yesterday put on five years ' probation for shooting up his ex-girlfriend 's car .
5 Placing him on three years ' probation , Mr Justice Hodgson said : ‘ This is a tragic case .
6 Cowen , of Holloway , north London , was given three years ' probation .
7 Recorder John Hugill , QC , placed him on two years ' probation after he heard he was now an ‘ emotional wreck ’ .
8 The singer , who was not in court , was given two years ' probation and ordered to donate £30,000 to five local community projects by St Louis County Circuit Judge Ellis Gregory .
9 Original sentence : Two years ' probation and three-year driving ban .
10 I ended up on three years ' probation .
11 I was in prison on remand for three weeks , then I went to court and got three years ' probation .
12 When I went to the Royal Courts of Justice , the judge knew what he was going to give me , and I got three years ' probation , on condition that I stay at the hostel for a year and that I attend a day centre .
13 The first time I got charged with chequebooks and cards I got two years ' probation .
14 Retired Air Force general Richard V. Secord was sentenced to two years ' probation on Jan. 24 for his role as one of the principal participants in the Iran-contra scandal .
15 Albert Hakim , the overseer of the Iran-contra financial network , was sentenced to two years ' probation and fined $5,000 on Feb. 1 .
16 Marilyn L. Harrell , one of the key figures in the HUD scandal , was sentenced on June 22 to three years and 10 months in prison , and ordered to serve three years ' probation and to pay $600,000 in restitution .
17 Martin Siegel , a former takeover specialist at Kidder Peabody and Co. , was sentenced to two months in prison and five years ' probation on June 15 .
18 A Christian Science couple in Boston were sentenced to 10 years ' probation on July 6 after they had been found guilty of the manslaughter of their two-year-old son in 1986 .
19 Sex offender Karl Gambrill escaped a prison term for attempted intercourse on the little girl when Judge Ian Starforth Hill , QC , sentenced him to two years ' probation at Winchester Crown Court for attempted unlawful intercourse .
20 Pleading guilty to arson , he was given two years ' probation .
21 Nevertheless , weak candidates still get failed , which is always a bitter and embarrassing business , negating the value of several years ' work , often leading to anger within a department , internal enquiries about the quality of supervision , and even threats of legal action from the disappointed candidate .
22 In this climate , the academic in English and other subjects in the humanities , who is busy , who publishes a lot , who goes to conferences , can not but be preferred to the quiet scholar , who keeps a low profile , even seems rather idle , but is taking his time over a major piece of scholarly writing that may involve many years ' work and which he does not intend to give to the world until he is ready .
23 After drumming as a semi-professional in the 1960s , Stan took a degree as a mature student at Birmingham University , leading to ten years ' work as a careers officer , In 1979 Stan became the Musicians ' Union 's South-East district organizer , and subsequently the Central London branch secretary and co-editor of the union 's award-winning Musician magazine .
24 A few years ' work in the brothels of Bangkok can earn girls more money than their families ever dreamt of .
25 15s. a year in 1889 from their Society for Aged or Infirm Baptist Ministers ; Wesleyan retired ministers , after thirty years ' work , got $44 p.a .
26 ‘ Four years ' work and $12 million could go down the tubes , ’ said Conner .
27 Nicholson , while rejecting Corman as his ‘ mentor ’ gladly acknowledges the start and subsequent ten years ' work he gave him .
28 The attitude of Charles Barry and the classical delegation hardened Scott 's resolve not to throw away over three years ' work and play into their hands by resigning .
29 In a business that was headed by someone virtually at war with his entire family over their moral misdemeanours , this was a wise decision and brought Mr Smith fifty years ' work .
30 The company says it will be running some time this year , after more than three years ' work .
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