Example sentences of "years [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In recent years much energy and ingenuity has been poured into the task of showing that such markets do in fact exist and can be made to force managers to profit-maximize .
2 However , in recent years much attention has been given to how manufacturing organizations have been negotiating or imposing its introduction or substantial extension .
3 The easier areas of supply are beginning to become saturated and over the last few years more effort has tended to be put into SUPPLYING gas to outlying villages which , because of the application of modern pipelaying techniques , and the subsequent reduction in unit costs , have become more attractive .
4 Most of this required data is found in a dictionary , and over the past few years more paper dictionaries have become available in machine-readable form .
5 You 've forty one years past service in the lighthouse board George .
6 One and a half years later gastroscopy showed some slight fasting gastric secretion .
7 I mean you said two years later change .
8 Baroness Wootton 's fears were in fact well grounded for six years later IT were convicted of ‘ conspiracy ’ when they published a list of ‘ contact ’ advertisements for homosexuals .
9 Twelve years later computerisation of banking practices began .
10 Two years later Raft blew his top at Peter Lorre during a scene in Background to Danger in which Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet tie Raft up .
11 Years later family history repeats itself with Eve 's daughters , by which time Dolly has forsaken the screen and gone into the fancy confectionery trade .
12 Three years later Storehouse acquired Morgan Grenfell 's fortyeight per cent stake in Richards .
13 Seven years later actor Jacques Charrier became husband No 2 .
14 Twenty years later Channel Four , originally conceived as a publishing house for independent producers , succumbed to the same institutional pressures .
15 Years later friendship is their strongest memory :
16 Two years later Pharaoh himself has a dream which defeats his magicians and wise men , despite all their training and a whole library of reference books .
17 Within a few years both Port and Brimscombe Mills were again run together , by P.C. Evans and Sons .
18 Once all the countries of Other world were ruled by the powers of light ; but for years now darkness has been growing .
19 FOR over two years now Technology Branch Services ( now part of the Customer Service Management team ) have been surveying a small number of branches each month to get input from staff on their perception of the levels of service on the 4700 Back Office system .
20 They find that pH declined from about 7.0 to 5.5 over the first few thousand years following deglaciation , owing to natural processes .
21 In an assessment of the years following reorganisation , Alan Alexander examined each of the three major innovations in turn .
22 Initially in the years following abolition most antislavery reformers , though James Stephen was a notable exception , assumed that little if any government intervention was required in West Indian affairs to bring about improvements in slavery ; the self-interest of the planters would be sufficient .
23 Early in the 1950s , Richard Titmuss pointed out that the average working class woman marrying in her teens or early twenties during the 1890s experienced ten pregnancies and spent fifteen years in pregnancy and nursing compared with an average of four years so spent by her counterpart in the years following World War II .
24 However , the emphasis on companionship and sexual harmony was not altogether compatible with the sanctity of marriage , and the contradiction between the importance attached to the quality of the sexual act and the celebration of family life continued to deepen in the years following World War II .
25 In the years following World War I , Eleanor Rathbone and Eva Hubback shared the general dismay at the decline in the birth rate .
26 But someone like Vera Brittain was only just beginning to explore the problem of ‘ how a married woman without being inordinately rich , can have children and yet maintain her intellectual and spiritual independence ’ in the years following World War I. The small number of married women who pursued an active public life between the wars continued to assume that home and family were part of their natural responsibilities and solved the problem — as women with as diverse political views as Brittain and Violet Markham recognised — through the employment of domestic servants .
27 The financial decision is taken , in the light of current market conditions , to issue stock redeemable in equal annual instalments of principal and interest over the ten years following completion of the bridge .
28 However , the emphasis has shifted in that the business is now controlled by the purchaser rather than the vendor and the earn out will be calculated over a period of perhaps several years following completion .
29 ADOLESCENT SUB-FERTILITY ( OR SUB-FECUNDITY ) — A physiological condition of teenage girls during the first few years following menarche , when their fecundity has not yet reached that of the level of adult women .
30 The New Zealand ‘ open ’ adoption approach has not used research to follow up the parties involved beyond the initial years following placement , and the children involved in the arrangement are yet to be interviewed .
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