Example sentences of "between the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do I see the connection between the catechist and integrated sessions ?
2 What is significant in this disparity between the views of Sheldrake and Burr is the understanding that electro-magnetic fields are generated and are ‘ effects ’ of more subtle formative ‘ causes ’ .
3 Demand was not always as price-elastic as the critics suggested , and the contrast between the views of managers within an industry ( that price elasticity is low ) and that of economists ( that it is high ) is a familiar one from other industries .
4 The difference between the views of predator and prey is considerable .
5 But it is not easy to differentiate between the views of middle class commentators and those of working class women themselves on this issue .
6 Staff development is an area in which there is some discrepancy between the views of school staff and health board staff .
7 The pattern of differences between the views of teachers when analysed by these three criteria was almost exactly similar .
8 The nomination of Arati Prabhakar as director of the US National Institutes of Standards and Technology ( NIST ) clearly shows the contrast between the views of President Bill Clinton and former President George Bush on industrial policy .
9 Through the firm and persuasive advocacy of Marsh he was eventually permitted to incept , but the case provoked the university to decree that in future no scholar who had not ruled in arts could proceed to a degree in theology : a statute which would engender recurrent disputes between the friars and the university .
10 Thomas Sutton also participated in the quarrels between the Friars Preacher and the Friars Minor over the issue of poverty .
11 The Divisional Court in that case distinguished between the obtaining of evidence for use in a trial , ‘ direct ’ material , which constituted ‘ testimony ’ under that Act and which would be gathered in response to a Letter of Request , and the obtaining of ‘ indirect ’ material , which might lead to a line of enquiry pointing to actual evidence ; the English courts would not assist a foreign court to obtain such ‘ indirect ’ material .
12 But then between the fronds he saw a face , the most beautiful face he could have dreamed of or imagined , a still white face , with long gold lashes on pale cheeks , and a perfect pale mouth .
13 There are in all governments between the Treasury and spending ministers .
14 Each year there is an annual debate between the Treasury and the different government departments on the size of their budgets , but the aim of this meeting was to go one stage further .
15 On 5th October , 1854 , when the dispute between the Treasury and the Foreign Office was at its height , Aberdeen 's First Commissioner of Works , Sir William Molesworth , instructed Seward 's successor , William Southcote Inman , and his assistant John Phipps , to carry out another survey of the Downing Street offices .
16 PUBLIC SPENDING is to be harshly curtailed after a tough round of negotiations between the Treasury and Ministers .
17 Furthermore , ever since it became an independent department it has wanted to stop being merely a postman between the Treasury and the recipients of funds , and aspires instead to set the policy framework .
18 It is a system that remains influential but , at the same time , it is one that has caused much controversy , with resultant strains in relationships between the Treasury and central government departments , and between central and local government .
19 To a large extent the spending authorisations that emerge are the result of the interplay between the Treasury and the ‘ spending ’ ministries .
20 Similarly , Heclo and Wildavsky 's classic study of the relationship between the Treasury and spending ministries in Britain highlights that the Treasury 's ability to secure spending decisions that it wants is contingent to a large degree upon the strategies employed in bargaining with spending ministries ( and vice versa ) .
21 But , speaking on BBC Radio 4 's Today programme , he described as ‘ misleading ’ a report in The Guardian this morning that correspondence on this issue was taking place between the Treasury and the Health Department .
22 My minute is alive with still undischarged function , taut with unresolved tension between the Treasury 's demands and ours , subtly fragrant with the personalities of the different officials whose views have shaped it .
23 I am told that there is to be a meeting between the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Transport and General Workers union as soon as it is practicable .
24 Thoughtful and trenchant , his prolix arguments could often be tiresome , although Thomas Babington Macaulay , first Baron Macaulay [ q.v. ] , thought his attack on the National Board system , in the first debate on the issue when Sir Robert Peel came to power in 1841 , led to ‘ the very best parliamentary set-to between the secretary and the solicitor-general for Ireland which has ever been witnessed ’ .
25 This Agreement between the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Executive of the Employment Service sets out the aim and objectives of the Employment Service and the targets to be met in year 1 April 1993 to 31 March 1994 .
26 Will the discussions between the Secretary of State and that dictator on 19 September about military co-operation now be ended in view of last week 's massacre in illegally occupied East Timor ?
27 The duties will be decided in discussion between the Secretary of Faculties and the Deputy Registrar ( Administration ) but are likely to involve a combination of ad hoc tasks and working parties and assistance in servicing various boards and committees , academic or administrative , the precise details of which will be settled according to the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate .
28 The distinction between the rationality of the self and the irrationality of the ‘ prejudiced ’ also appears in the comments of the teenagers interviewed by Cochrane and Billig ( 1984 ) and Billig et al .
29 A borehole 203 metres deep was drilled at Copper Hill , Ancaster , to establish a stratigraphical standard for strata lying between the Lincolnshire Limestone and the Lower Lias .
30 Place a piece of cardboard between the circuit board and the box if necessary .
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