Example sentences of "they think [art] " in BNC.

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1 The barman even told him he 'd had enough — something they rarely do unless they think a client 's about to throw up over the upholstery or start taking his clothes off .
2 Despite John Smith 's firm establishment as an authoritative and credible alternative Prime Minister , Labour are fooling themselves if they think a change of leader is all that was required to bring about a change of government .
3 I 've never measured how long they stay under water , but tourists walking along the path to the waterfall often report that they think a bird is drowning !
4 " They think a lot of that , I believe . "
5 They think a bit of-sound and fury against me confirms something .
6 If people buy Volvos because they think a better car will plug the hole in the ozone layer , they will buy nuclear power on the same principle .
7 Instead what seems to have happened is that groups of adults have sat around in various political and educational ivory towers , deciding in an arbitrary and subjective manner what they think a 14-year-old should be able to achieve .
8 According to one loyalist thirties thirty or so of his colleagues think it 's more fun to vote against the Government , a smaller number go further , they think a spell in opposition might enhance their own careers .
9 We would expect them to be proceeding on the basis of a specific sector , a general location in sufficient detail to enable them to place a symbol on the key diagram in the approximate location where they think a new settlement should go .
10 The first claim insists that once a crisp decision has been made by a body sanctioned by convention , and the content of that decision is fixed by conventions about how such decisions should be understood , judges must respect that decision , even if they think a different one would have been fairer or wiser .
11 She says if they think a big firm is prepared to print such picture it may encorage them .
12 They think a lot of him , you know .
13 People have been very generous in the parish and the village , obviously they think a lot of their church , but one suggestion that was put forward was if every man , woman and child gave the equivalent of twelve pounds to the fund then it would be raised easily , and I think that it 's quite likely that people will come forward er in a generous way I 'm sure .
14 Unions sources said last night that they think the move could have a knock-on effect at other firms , and could be seized on by unions at Ford — where the company has so far resisted demands to reduce the 39-hour working week , and whose workers at Southampton walked out yesterday in protest at the company 's pay offer .
15 UMWA president Richard Trumka says the company and the courts are mistaken if they think the union is dependent on money .
16 They think the eye has been saved , ’ he said .
17 ‘ Britons tend to view their homes as a commodity to be traded and this has put people off having features in their homes which they think the market might find too ‘ individual . ’
18 It is perhaps hardly surprising then that , faced with this kind of system in operation , councillors in Derbyshire and elsewhere should fight back with their own Realpolitik and hit where they think the effect will be most controversial .
19 ‘ I think the more arrogant or full of themselves they are , the more they think the songs are about them .
20 Did they they think the bloody Turks would leave it open for them ?
21 Sometimes parents fail to give the true reason why something upsets them because they think the youngster is not old enough to know about such things .
22 There is a parallel question on how they think the situation will develop in the next twelve months .
23 The jurymen are asked to hear the evidence and on the basis of the evidence to decide whether or not they think the prosecution have proved , beyond reasonable doubt , that Mr X was drunk in charge , or whatever the crime may be .
24 You can also draw the map of an island with buried treasure on it , and each child places a flag with their name on in the spot where they think the treasure is likely to be .
25 Some have even described in loving detail what they think the posterior in question might look like .
26 Businessmen sell products they think the market will wish to buy .
27 If they think the issues are not properly understood , it is their job to explain them .
28 If they think the right decision will not be taken , it is their job to persuade people to vote differently .
29 And on the promotion challenge , he added : ‘ I 've got a lot of sensible players here but the moment they think the job has been done , we 'll be in trouble .
30 As Roquelaure was involved , they think the French Government was in on the business , perhaps with revenge as their motive .
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