Example sentences of "they [am/are] to " in BNC.

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1 Good though they are , the recipes are not central to the value of this book in the way they are to Jane Grigson 's fruit book .
2 The sexual feelings were there , and were overwhelming , as they are to many teenagers .
3 True demi-caractère dancers with a sense of comedy are still rare but they are to be found .
4 The choreographer 's problem is to select which of the movements are appropriate , when and how they are to be incorporated and what style and quality they require .
5 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
6 In the modern style used by choreographers , they are to an increasing extent trying to do away with all the conventions inherent in the traditional techniques of classical and other styles .
7 To condition hardboards , leave them in the room where they are to be fixed for a minimum of three days .
8 They are to be used outside under cladding .
9 If they are to be discerning consumers of political rhetoric they need not only to recognise the references but also to treat with suspicion attempts to make points through the mere mention of Suez or Munich .
10 HEALTH AUTHORITIES will be expected to adhere to the ‘ firm ’ budgets they are to be given for patients ' drugs , Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health , said yesterday .
11 These asked for an end to the current system of zero-rating goods bound for export to other EC states in favour of levying VAT on all taxable goods sold , regardless of where in the Community they are to be sold .
12 In fact , in interviews , a quick reference to the home town frequently serves them as well as a rhetorical trick : by declaring their provinciality , they can remind you just how surprised they are to be attracting so much attention all of a sudden .
13 Audiences ' large capacities for ersatz-importance show how eager they are to be deeply stirred ; how easily gulled ; how low the threshold of enjoyment must be set for music of our time .
14 In all this work , Marx , and to a lesser extent , Engels , foreshadow later anthropology and even run into the same technical difficulties concerning what term to use for pre-capitalist property systems , thereby showing how close they are to modern scholars .
15 Dampness and lack of ventilation are as welcoming to insects as they are to wood fungi and once these conditions are rectified the beetles will feel less inclined to stay .
16 The cylindrical rooms which are logically formed within the tower at several levels are usually of quite small diameter — indeed , decreasing diameter the nearer they are to the top of the tower .
17 But perhaps her greatest achievement with the chimps at Gombe has been to show how astonishingly close they are to humanity — and so to narrow the gap between us and the rest of the animal world .
18 Place a layer of the mixture in the base of the prepared mould , then arrange the melon balls on top , if they are to be set into the mousse .
19 They even get angry and suggest these are lies put about by foreigners who do not understand how deeply attuned they are to Mother Africa .
20 For example , different aspects of a picture , a coin and an Egyptian mummy would need to be emphasised if they are to be distinguished from other objects of the same sort .
21 They are to be regarded as pure miracle , those of the first version as much as those of the second , although it is true that the miracle is heightened in that second account .
22 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
23 Overall the cost of a funeral often comes as a big shock to people and the vicar 's fees , peripheral as they are to the main bill , come in for lots of cynical comments like ‘ Even at a time like this , the church is making money . ’
24 Priced at 102p , they are to be redeemed in April , 2000 , at 100p — implying a capital loss of rather less than 0.25 p.c. per annum .
25 They are to be used in West Yorkshire and the Birmingham and Manchester areas to replace ageing diesel and electric rolling stock .
26 They are to be used in West Yorkshire and the Birmingham and Manchester areas to replace ageing diesel and electric rolling stock .
27 Self-interest plays a part but the clubs have a strong case when they argue that if they are to be the mentors to the young , society must help to foot the bill .
28 For we have long since ceased to regard the raising of houses in such an offhand fashion , even when they are to the glory only of the home-owning democracy .
29 In other words , they are to be accorded ‘ the same courtesy as the family of any other referred child ’ that the Cleveland Report required ( Recommendation 3a ) .
30 As industrialisation takes work out of the home , women , if they are to be encouraged to join the labour force , must be assisted in child and home care .
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