Example sentences of "they [be] given " in BNC.

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1 Virginia Bottomley , a health minister , said many of the 3,000 people sleeping rough in the city might have stayed at home had they been given enough attention earlier .
2 Neither had they been given extra hay the night before .
3 Had they been given a more accurate picture of what was actually taking place , would they have reacted differently ?
4 Had they been given the time , they 'd 've talked their faces off .
5 Furthermore , many authorities , had they been given the option , would have chosen to spend more on services .
6 In the last terms of the diploma course students often find tutorials , where they are given opportunity to talk about work in progress , enormously valuable .
7 Wetland plants will be in their element , so long as they are given generous mulches to keep the moisture in .
8 They are given equipment and free visits by carefully selected coaches , who give a series of lessons in the school with the class teacher being gradually trained to take a more and more active part .
9 Most of the refugees who arrived after Hungary opened its border with Austria on 11 September , and aboard the special trains last week , have been taken to reception camps where they are given West German citizenship papers and DM200 ( £66 ) .
10 After landing , they are given a number and expected to conform quickly to an institutional existence in conditions worse than many of Hong Kong 's prisons .
11 Managers often view a job at Shell , where they are given plenty of decisions to make early on in their career , as an alternative to taking an MBA .
12 ‘ Sense and Memory of things , which are common to man and all living creatures ’ are knowledge , but ‘ because they are given us immediately by nature , and not gotten by ratiocination , they are not philosophy . ’
13 Under a trust for sale the trustees obviously can sell , and they are given by statute a discretionary power to retain .
14 During this time they are given drugs thought to be effective against Alzheimers — which also causes memory loss and lack of attention — to assess their efficacy .
15 However , they are likely to get the best start in life if they are given an ample helping of peat-like compost in the hole .
16 If they are given another four or five years to bed in , no Government would dare to reverse them , any more than Labour could take back council houses from their new owners , or renationalise privatised industry .
17 Nevertheless , they are given equal prominence in the New Testament , and should be given equal weight as images of God .
18 Supply teachers are more effective and happier when they are given some guidance on routines and expectations .
19 How the House is televised is important ; far more important is how the House is broadcast — the use the broadcasters make of the clean feed they are given .
20 They are given advice , counselling and work to do at home .
21 It is a great tragedy that there are types of pain which fail to respond to narcotics even when they are given in large repeated doses .
22 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
23 Whether or not they are given delegated powers , sub-committees must have specific terms of reference and clearly defined tasks , so that everyone understands just what the sub-committees are to do and when it is to be done .
24 In a book which was actually about statistics , A. L. Bowley once established four rules to guide designers of schedules and questionnaires.3 They are given below as a starting point for our discussions .
25 They are given the induction pack and are taken round the home and shown the layout .
26 But here they are given real life , with quiet style .
27 Correll thinks herbicides , more potent than they are given credit for , may be to blame .
28 The specialists are then much easier to satisfy — providing they are given the right kind of food , they are content to sit and stare out from their cages , much as they would sit and stare out at their wild landscapes .
29 In this way , provided they are given guidance on the type and volume of work expected , schools could be brought back into the mainstream of assessing their own pupils ' work instead of being totally dependent on the success or failure of the guessing games they play with the examiner .
30 Once they pass they are given accreditation for the products they are allowed to sell , and that accreditation is available for the customer to see . ’
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