Example sentences of "they [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There who are they on about three four three four three four to call it 's er a very public figure very public you 're bound to have heard of him you 've probably seen him as well I would have thought I would have thought so as some stage picture always in the paper there as well you know nice big swanky car too .
2 Leaders turned out not to be willing to give up sovereignty over ‘ low-level ’ political issues ; nor , when they did , were they thereby more inclined to integrate in ‘ high-level ’ politics .
3 No they right away .
4 Once the guns had gone , the black-uniformed Prussian cavalry waited in the town north of the river , reinforcing the brigade of infantry that ransacked the houses near the bridge for furniture , which they rather half-heartedly made into a barricade at the bridge 's northern end .
5 Would n't they rather just get on with it in peace ? ’
6 To most school librarians ( chartered librarians or otherwise ) it is the individual work with teachers and particularly pupils which is most satisfying and rewarding , and their knowledge of the books and other items available for children is what they most importantly claim as their special expertise .
7 The literary form that they most nearly resemble , or the situation in life that they come nearest to recreating , is that of a letter .
8 The morals one finds at the end of the fabliaux are generally relevant at least in part to the tales that have been told , and on the whole appear ironic only in the sense of the contrast between the worldly-wise , pragmatic and cynical counselling they most frequently offer and the idealistic norms of Christian moralizing that the reader is otherwise prepared for .
9 It is in the myth of Odysseus that they most poignantly figure out the tragic paralysis of the dialectic , and , by extension , the quandary of cultural critique : to steer past the temptations of the Sirens whose fatal song can not be resisted , Odysseus stuffs his men 's ears with wax so that they will not be distracted from their rowing , and binds himself to the mast with orders that he must not be released .
10 Four out of ten wives felt that attending the course would help them assist their husbands , indicating that : ( a ) they saw a need to help their husbands , and ( b ) they most probably felt a desire to be more helpful on the farm .
11 ‘ As a matter of fact , they most probably are .
12 Yeah but but the thing is that well , they most probably could do but could do some but what what 'd be sacrificed would be the management skills , y you know , and then
13 But they most probably do .
14 Well they most probably do , yeah , we only sell , sell these , stupid pillows like this , curved pillow cases for these
15 seven ninety nine I do n't know how much the waistcoats have gone down to but they most probably gone down as well to about ten pounds the waistcoats .
16 Such places always have a high status in the local settlement hierarchy and frequently occupy a central position geographically ; they most obviously manifest themselves in the form of towns and cities .
17 We might imagine that access to housing would be equal for men and women , since they most often share this in the marital home .
18 FOR people in Sarajevo , the music they most often hear is a continual bombastic symphony of shell , mortar and sniper fire .
19 Broadly speaking , they fell into two groups : those who identified with countries where right-wing totalitarianism was in power , such as Germany , Italy or Portugal ; and those who revered the kind of conservatism they most readily associated with the United Kingdom .
20 In Vorarlberg , they most definitely are .
21 Even if they were fond of each other , which they most definitely were n't .
22 ‘ Oh , they will , they most definitely will , because you 're going to make sure that they do . ’
23 Well , hesitate they most certainly did .
24 Great wines they may be , but it is hard to define these wines as good sparkling wines and classic Champagnes they most certainly are not .
25 Help they most certainly did .
26 ‘ They look easy but they most certainly are not . ’
27 Yet being unleashed they most certainly were .
28 Apart from presiding over their own hierarchies they might also , as they most certainly did in Medieval Christendom , play important roles in the wider community of the state .
29 For a small fee everyone was invited to spray him with the foam wherever they wanted — and they most certainly did !
30 Oh yes , they most certainly do !
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