Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the show they squeal painfully for Ga-ry ’ and his co-host , Jakki ’ — Jakki Brambles , who despite her blonde bimbo looks is one of the new breed of thoughtful DJs .
2 They attenuate rapidly with distance from the interface .
3 ‘ Do n't you see ? ’ they whispered impatiently .
4 They trot lightly down the path on the other side of the dip .
5 I just mentioned it er we have we have had a suggestion from B class judges that er that the B class judges can show at er an , an open show providing , providing they declare beforehand
6 And they declare anew their continuous loyalty to the United Free Church in the present crisis . "
7 They fear either that we are committed to move to stage three or that , irrespective of the provision in the treaty allowing us a free choice , we would none the less be obliged to move .
8 Sadly for them , their response to it works against them and encourages the very behaviour they fear most .
9 So efficient is the American-trained force that when asked whom they fear more , the drugs police or the thugs from the cartels , farmers say UMOPAR , without hesitation .
10 They announced yesterday that they have signed a letter of intent to merge under the name Comarco International Inc .
11 QUEENS Moat Houses and Holiday Inn Worldwide , the Bass hotels subsidiary , have agreed to convert an initial eight QMH hotels to the Holiday Inn brand — four in the UK and four on the continent , they announced yesterday .
12 They announced yesterday that their treatment also eliminates the genetic defect in laboratory mice , bred with cystic fibrosis .
13 In some camps Red Cross parcels arrived less regularly than in others and when they failed altogether people talked about food all the time instead of , as usually , about food or football or politics or the theatre .
14 They failed also , it is said , to have regard to the violent incident on 23 November 1991 when violence was used and also failed to have regard to the fact that the mother had refused an offer to be accommodated with her children in the foster home .
15 And if undermining the left was the intention of the reforms , then it must be said that they failed dismally .
16 In the Second Duma , although their urban vote held up , they fared much less well at the hands of more politically-conscious peasants , they failed dismally to attract working-class support , and their representation fell by half .
17 And of course they failed then .
18 And they they failed then you see with cutting the crop with a scythe and they hired then a tractor and binder to cut the crop .
19 They clung together in silence , the dread of their disease and its mortal power oppressing them .
20 They clung together and the ground stopped shaking .
21 The marquis 's strength made Topaz light-headed as they clung together , his desire a worthy match for hers .
22 Sliding their arms around each other they clung together , and it did n't matter that he was bloated , nor that his tired sweat made his clothes stick clammily to his bulges .
23 They clung together in the waiting room outside Sarah 's office and Maureen told her what Tony had said .
24 Davide threw himself on it to stop her pulling it off altogether with the bowl of fruit and the jug of water and glasses with it ; so they grappled , and in the contact something gave way , melted within them both and they clung together , aching in their heads and their bones as if they 'd been caught out on the mountains in the winter and been chilled to the marrow .
25 As they clung together in that unutterable pleasure , he felt that they were defying everything that had persecuted them .
26 For a long time they clung together so until , with a haggard shaking of her head , Emilia freed herself from the embrace , struggled for , and found , a measure of composure .
27 They clung together , her body offering no resistance as his mouth became more ruthless , more demanding , creating a desire in her so strong that she moaned softly .
28 His kiss was whole and complete and her world was whole and complete as their passion erupted and they clung together as the liquid fire inside them flowed furiously in its blazing release .
29 In ready response , his embrace grew masterful , and they clung together as he kissed her face and neck repeatedly , each time catching her lips with more desire and more breathless pleasure .
30 Somehow her own anger and his frustration together turned into a mutual all-embracing passion , and they clung together , hating and loving at the same time .
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