Example sentences of "had [been] taken " in BNC.

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1 Her family heard she had been taken to the Regional Command Military camp in Legaspi City .
2 And whether anyone else had been taken ill . ’
3 Our second meeting , once the regulative café au lait had been taken and a strenuous five hours of talk had been put behind us , was concluded by a guided tour of his beloved Montreal , whose night-time allurements were enthusiastically described in a car hired for the occasion , and concluded by a celebratory meal at one of his favourite Indian restaurants , toasting each other 's health and futures in an excellent Chablis .
4 This bought another East End brewery into the family tree , the Wenlock Brewery , in Wenlock Road , Shoreditch , just off the City Road , which had been taken over by Bass in 1961 and closed the following year .
5 Before that , however , in 1958 , the year the Albion brewery celebrated its 150th anniversary , Mann Crossman and Paulin had been taken over by Watney 's .
6 Thailand claims the Vietnamese withdrawal was not genuine , and on Monday a Foreign Ministry spokesman , Prachyadavi Tavedikul , said reporters would be shown five Vietnamese in Cambodian Army uniforms who had been taken prisoner by Khmer Rouge resistance guerrillas after Hanoi 's withdrawal deadline of 26 September .
7 However , both the Turin police headquarters and the anti-terrorist squad said they knew of no particular cause for alarm and that only normal security measures had been taken .
8 France 's Finance Minister , Pierre Beregevoy , insisted a step had been taken towards eliminating fiscal frontiers .
9 Samples had been taken and investigations were centred on a local factory .
10 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
11 Thus in 1988 the Tanzanian Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee reported that about $5 million had been taken in 1987 in the form of ‘ outright theft ’ from parastatal companies .
12 During the night a score of lambs had been born ; several had died ( most of hypothermia ) and at least one had been taken by a fox .
13 She had been taken back to Ardeevan and put in one of the observation wards .
14 The questions , listed for today in the Commons order paper , ask whether the fraud squad had the copy , if any disciplinary action had been taken against any officer and whether criminal inquiries are being pursued .
15 A Scotland Yard spokesman said no disciplinary action had been taken against any officers and that nobody had been suspended .
16 The photograph had been taken some years ago at a GLC panto .
17 They reported that lorry-loads of files and documents had been taken from the bunker during the last few days .
18 They reported that lorry-loads of files and documents had been taken from the bunker during the last few days , and found glowing ash — ‘ evidence ’ of destroyed papers .
19 They reported that lorry-loads of files and documents had been taken from the bunker during the last few days , and said they had found glowing ash as evidence that papers had been destroyed .
20 Mr Hrawi said no decision had been taken yet for a military showdown .
21 British officials said that no more than a quarter of the meeting had been taken up with the ‘ general issues ’ raised by the Chinese .
22 Mr Hrawi said no decision had been taken yet for a military showdown .
23 People had been condemned without any rights to attend the tribunals , to have legal representation , to judicial review , or even to know why decisions had been taken against them .
24 The armed men eventually let me retrieve my bag and notebook — my money had been taken — and remain in the lobby .
25 A Hungarian source told the Guardian the pastor 's family believed he had been taken to a village in north-eastern Transylvania , near the Hungarian border .
26 The Pentagon said 250 prisoners had been taken and the forces of two other organised battalions had been scattered .
27 After the vote , which had been taken in the Vladislav Chamber , where the Kings of Bohemia were once crowned , Mr Havel was sworn in .
28 Mr Geoffrey Barnes , Hong Kong 's secretary for security , said the action had been taken only after ‘ repeated efforts to obtain the co-operation of boat people and warnings that the search would have to be carried out regardless of their objections ’ .
29 Mr Dragseth had been taken from his home at gunpoint by pro-Noriega supporters on the day after the invasion .
30 Sir Christopher designed most of the buildings himself , but left the design of ‘ The Castle , to the terrifically fashionable architect John Carr of York , who had been taken up by the Yorkshire gentry after his triumph with the design for the grandstand on the racecourse at Knavesmire .
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