Example sentences of "had [been] put " in BNC.

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1 The consequence of the reduction had been to put resignalling work around Waterloo — which led to the Clapham disaster — two months behind schedule .
2 Her original plan for the previous Wednesday had been to put in an hour or two of picket duty very early in the morning , and then go on to her appointment at Pringle 's .
3 The Midlands ' plants had been putting great pressure on the Merseysiders to call off the strike , as a result of which a mass meeting at Pier Head , Liverpool , had been demanded to vote on the question of a return to work .
4 Marie had been putting her money in a machine which had a little silver crane which came down and swung round , grabbing at the prizes .
5 Eventually , a couple who had been putting food down for Sadie for about six months managed to trap her in a garage and driveway .
6 After a job which had taken up all of her energies , Elaine did n't realise how long she would need to do all the jobs she had been putting off for years .
7 According to the barman in the White Lion , he had been putting away double scotches when he received a telephone call at the bar .
8 Till now , Ken Livingstone had been putting up a good show , joking about John Smith serving as his deputy and arguing for defence cuts to pay for benefits rather than tax increases .
9 Mother Francis had been putting off her visit to Mother Clare as long as possible .
10 For more than a year Alexander , at the French King 's request , had been putting discreet pressure on Henry either to return Alice to her father or marry her to Richard .
11 There can be little doubt that Picasso was excited by the work that Braque brought back to Paris from l'Estaque in which he was drawing such original answers from the questions he had been putting to Cézanne 's art .
12 It was a decision that she knew she had been putting off for far too long .
13 For some years the growing number of bank collapses had been putting pressure on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) , the government body which guaranteed the safety of private savers ' deposits in most , but not all , of the federally approved banks .
14 Anna picked up the saucepan into which she had been putting potatoes and transferred it to the stove .
15 Oh , crumbs , Leith thought , and , while knowing Rosemary to be a highly intelligent girl , had a most worrying feeling that her parents had been putting some hard groundwork in on the proposition that , once married , women were n't supposed to have friends !
16 Heaven knew , it had been difficult enough to remain even slightly detached when they had been putting on an act for the benefit of an audience .
17 Both were landless men who depended on being allowed to pasture their milk-cows on the water-meadows down at Ballechin , and as Cameron caught the drift of their intent talk and occasional sardonic laughter , he wondered again how many names had been put to faces during yesterday 's hurly-burly .
18 Our second meeting , once the regulative café au lait had been taken and a strenuous five hours of talk had been put behind us , was concluded by a guided tour of his beloved Montreal , whose night-time allurements were enthusiastically described in a car hired for the occasion , and concluded by a celebratory meal at one of his favourite Indian restaurants , toasting each other 's health and futures in an excellent Chablis .
19 After the object ( a toy car ) had been put at B , the boxes were locked ; with the result that most of the infants went straight to B , could not get in , and returned to A and tried to gain entry to a box which they could see ( whatever ‘ see ’ means here exactly ) was empty .
20 Whether the pups had been put there in the hope they would be cared for , or just dumped , is not exactly known .
21 A dozy , family-run business which faced bankruptcy in 1985 , had been put to rights by the application of sound Thatcherite principles .
22 Sara Calloway , of Women Against Rape , said the 18-year-old victim 's character had been put on trial and not the police officer 's .
23 And finally , only a year or so later , turned them out of house and home — put them on the street , as women who failed to be properly grateful to the fathers had been put for centuries .
24 But his horizons were dramatically broadened when he joined British Steel and was asked by the late Lord Melchett , who was then chairman , to reorganise the fourteen widely dispersed companies that had been put into the same melting pot under the nationalisation programme .
25 Through the centuries about twenty-five houses had been built in Ploughman 's Lane , first of all for the minor gentry , the widows and kinsmen , for instance , of the lord of the manor ; in more recent times , equally large and widely spaced dwellings had been put up for the professional class .
26 Although David Cecil was and always had been a devout Christian , he became the favourite candidate of those who resented the ‘ clerical candidate ’ , the man who had been put up by Lewis , just because he was a Christian .
27 She had her own flat , at Coleherne Court off the Old Brompton Road — bought with money that had been put into trust until her eighteenth birthday — which she shared with girlfriends .
28 As soon as the visits to the mental hospital had ended , he had been put on streptomycin and PAS , like several of the younger patients .
29 The Prudential , like all other financial institutions involved in films , had been put in a panic by revelations about the activities of Max Schach , one of several central Europeans renting space from Korda .
30 He accepted they had thought the flat was empty and had been put under pressure by Allen to start the fire by squirting petrol through the letterbox .
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