Example sentences of "had [been] give " in BNC.

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1 Then earlier this year the group received a reply from another prisoner at Shalla who had been given their letter to Bashir by mistake .
2 The extraordinary piece of good fortune that I had been given was the opportunity to fight it my way .
3 One of Leonard 's great joys in his teenage years was a full set of the English poets , bound in leather , which had been given to his father for his Bar Mitzvah .
4 It had been given particular poetic stimulation a few months earlier when , at 15 , and musing in a second-hand bookshop in the city , he had come across a book of poetry by the Spanish poet , Federico Garçia Lorca , a book he has carried with him ever since , as Manzano records .
5 Between 1949 and 1954 much of his spare time had been given to poetic scribbling ; and he was also giving voice to a measure of vacillation and disillusionment , which we shall encounter in his poetry from time to time .
6 With the overall dimensions I had been given , it worked out easily that there could be three arches along the front to one at the side .
7 Thousands of pub landlords had been given notices to quit and offered lease agreements with rents widely regarded as excessive .
8 In the latter part of the book Richards discusses the reports on the ‘ protocols ’ , the anonymous reports on the anonymous poems or extracts the respondents had been given to read .
9 If London had been given time to study these , it would have seen that Smurfit is looking well placed in a world market notoriously prone to cyclical demand .
10 ‘ Kenny had been given permission to fly up to Stockport later than the rest of the lads because one of his children was ill .
11 It further alleged that he had been a ‘ fifth columnist ’ working for the Army in west Belfast in the 1970s , and had been given immunity by the RUC to carry a gun and carry out robberies .
12 He said the Solidarity-led government had been given a chance to implement a ‘ total change ’ from Poland 's communist system to a free-market economy .
13 A report from Australia on children who had swallowed dishwasher detergent revealed that nearly half had been given the wrong advice and made to vomit .
14 His Lordship accepted Mr Bayliss 's submission that Order 5 , rule 5 did not give power to make an order for contribution in favour of a representative defendant against a member of the class which he was named as representing ; and that the only power it gave was that of giving leave to a person , in whose favour a judgment or order had been given or made , to enforce the judgment or order against a person not a party to the proceedings who was bound by the judgment or order .
15 Paragraph 5 of the rule was directed not only at enforcement of a judgment in favour of a claimant who had obtained judgment in his favour but also at preventing , by means of the principle of res judicata , relitigation of the same case by a person who was properly represented by a claimant against whom judgment had been given dismissing the claim , whether that person tried to pursue his claim against a named defendant sued in his own right only , or against a named defendant sued both personally and as a representative of a class , or against a member of that class .
16 At the close of yesterday 's hearing , the court reserved judgment on the two appeals and gave leave for Mr Crook to pursue the third — but not until the first judgment had been given .
17 Charges against him were dropped in May 1988 after a meeting between the Crown Prosecution Service and the force complaints department , because his alleged confession had been given to an officer , Det Sgt James McManus , who was already under investigation in another case .
18 After two months , a settlement of 17 per cent was agreed , but the green light had been given for others to follow on .
19 Demand management had been given priority in preference to profitable or productive work .
20 I suppose I had been given a sense of the evil of cinema by my strict Methodist grandparents , who were visibly shocked when once I confessed that I had been to see a film on Sunday .
21 The tie of the white gown she had been given to wear caught in her hair and pulled it .
22 He received his certificate in July 1947 but the British coal industry had been nationalised in January of that year and his new bosses told him that in the changed circumstances they would not be able to carry out the undertaking he had been given .
23 He was about five-feet tall , but he had an enormous ability to make you feel that you had been given a real challenge and it seemed all-important to discharge it to his satisfaction and he was equally praising of your achievement .
24 The lesson had been given in a lay-by near Kendal on a soaking wet afternoon in February with an audience of coach-trippers on day release from the Satanic Mills .
25 Although in law a female fiancée can enter Britain quite freely ( without an entry certificate ) she had been held up , questioned again and again , and late in the evening she had been given a sexual examination by officials who she thought might be doctors .
26 Half an hour after the finish the stewards disqualified the Schlesser/Baldi Mercedes on the grounds that it had been given a tenth of a litre more than its 246-litre fuel allowance .
27 Prior to the patrol I had been given a verbal briefing on the night 's events .
28 For many years , no outside organisation had been given permission by the Vietnamese government to establish themselves in their country .
29 The speech he had been given was way off the mark , and he would like the truth .
30 Charles had been given a view of the plans some months before and had been appalled .
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