Example sentences of "had [num] time " in BNC.

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1 There is also a continuing technological backwardness I think I , I probably mentioned right at the outset that in nineteen fifty India had six times as many tractors per acre in cultivation as China did .
2 Now India was an extremely poor country in nineteen fifty and still is , yet it had six times as many tractors per agricultural acre as China .
3 For the ILP had six times the membership of the Communist Party , and although its contacts with the unemployed were not as strong , it had a much larger electoral following than the Communists in predominantly industrial areas .
4 Some dolphins had 10 times the accepted level of PCBs in their bodies , according to Alex Aguilar , head of the Vertebrates Department at Barcelona University biology faculty , who agreed with Costa 's view .
5 Maori infants had 3.81 times the risk ( 95% confidence interval 3.06 to 4.76 ) of sudden infant death syndrome compared with non-Maori infants .
6 Even with his handiwork through me , I thought of the sadness inevitably awaiting the others ; yet I would have to pursue him , for someone who had three times seen murder as a solution to problems could n't be trusted never to try it again .
7 Did not tradition relate how Saint James had three times attempted to ascend Massis , and on the third occasion been told by an angel that it was forbidden , but that the angel had given him a plank of wood from the Ark , and there where he had received it was founded the monastery of Saint James ?
8 Hertfordshire County Council has revealed that primary schools with the greatest additional funds had fourteen times the extra amounts available to the poorest schools .
10 Okay , it 's on the bottom , so if we had ten times , we made it ten times as big then we do n't get ten times the current we get one tenth .
11 GE of the USA had ten times the back-up staff and resources of EMI and were on first name terms with the key people in the medical world .
12 So , he had one time , from his window , thrown out bread for them to eat .
13 Though before she could go round the side of the house to meet him , she saw that he had accidentally let Azor out too , for bounding round the corner , as he had one time before , came Ven 's Dobermann .
14 While Mao controlled barely 1m people in Yan'an , Mr Deng had five times that number in Taihang , a far more economically successful region .
15 In a comparison of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) nations , the high technology group had 1.49 times the sales growth , 2.8 times the productivity growth and 2.75 times the profit growth of the medium technology industries .
16 And I 'll do mine so I had three sixty and I split it as a ten times thirty six and then I had two times five for that ten okay ca n't go any further there .
17 Following this clue , they studied the antibody-producing blood cells of young and old people and found that cells made by older people had four times as many plasmids as ‘ young cells ’ ( Nature , vol 301 , P 394 ) .
18 BBC2 settled down with about 10 per cent of the total TV audience and heavily subsidized by BBC1 , which had four times the viewers at only twice the cost .
19 The National Child Development Study , a longitudinal study of a group of children born in 1958 , showed that the children of owner-occupiers had four times the chance of being in their own owned home rather than in a local authority rented home at age 23 in 1981 , compared with those children who were in the local authority sector at age 7 ( Social Trends 15 , Table 8.11 ; see also Jones , 1987 ) .
20 The town 's ambulancemen had four times just arrived back at their station when they were called out again to the Spa , bringing in contestants with injuries including a black eye , broken nose , concussion and a damaged foot .
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