Example sentences of "had [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 For as a girl , she herself had been taken through the world , as through a series of doors , by her young husband , each door opening on to fresh joys and colours and perspectives , and she had exclaimed in delight , followed him , learned , and even afterwards , when the final door had shut , she could retrace her steps , spend a longer and longer time in each place , as in a series of gardens , and gratefully .
2 His solemn burial was at Constantinople alongside the cenotaphs of the twelve apostles which he had placed in the church of the apostles on the city 's highest hill .
3 She came to the house in response to a card Miss Matlock had placed in a local newsagent 's window and Miss Matlock took her on to replace a cleaning woman who had recently left . ’
4 It was a standard interview room and the only non-regulation items to break the monotony of tube-legged table and chairs were the cigarettes , lighter and an ashtray advertising Tuborg lager which Malpass had placed in front of himself .
5 He 'd remembered the Walther Steve had brandished in Evelyn 's Wandsworth house .
6 Although the initial injury he had received had healed in a relatively short period of time , he had been left with a pain in his left knee ; this was aggravated whenever he put pressure on the joint concerned , as in walking or even just standing .
7 At repeat endoscopy ulcers had healed in 10 of the 11 patients .
8 Sendero Luminoso had threatened to kill all candidates as well as those voting in the municipal elections , and 200 mayoral candidates and about 300 other candidates had withdrawn in the areas under states of emergency [ for which see pp. 36972 ; 37065 ] .
9 Other campaign issues were the territory 's economic problems and the proposal to seek readmission to the European Communities ( from which Greenland had withdrawn in 1985 — see pp. 33001-02 ; 33592 ) .
10 On July 25 the federal government approved the Slovak government 's decision to go ahead with the Gabcikovo hydroelectric project , originally part of a joint Hungarian-Czechoslovakian scheme from which Hungary had withdrawn in 1989 [ see p. 37048 ] and to put the power station into operation from October as " a temporary measure " .
11 Grenada had withdrawn in 1981 from membership of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court ( ECSC ) , which automatically granted such a right of appeal , and the government was thought to have deliberately delayed re-entry to ECSC membership , originally scheduled for Aug. 1 , to obstruct this process .
12 South Africa ( a founder FAO member which had withdrawn in 1964 ) was expected to apply for readmission , but withdrew after the Organization for African Unity ( OAU ) had indicated that such a move was " premature " .
13 The nominee of the more reformist social democratic faction , Georgi Pirinski , not only lost the leadership to Videnov ( who received 428 votes out of 608 on the second round after Lilov had withdrawn in his favour ) but failed to gain a seat on the supreme council , as did former Prime Minister Andrei Lukanov .
14 Dorothy 's husband had plumbed in the second-hand washing machine for her , and refused to accept money , taken all Saturday morning doing it .
15 ‘ It was painted throughout in a very unattractive shade of green , ’ she explains , ‘ and someone had plumbed in a WC there — what a bizarre thing to do . ’
16 She lay relaxed and dizzy on the bed , with the lingering sense of floating on top of the depths she had plumbed in her sleep .
17 About 1820 , possibly due to the persuasion and influence of William Gilkison , Galt became the London agent for people in Upper Canada who were trying to obtain compensation from the British Government for losses they had sustained in the 1812/13 war with the U.S.A. He submitted a plan to the Government which led to the creation of the Canada Company , and , as its first Secretary , he was sent to Canada to acquire land .
18 The army that was fighting there , particularly its professional component , was still bruised by the defeat it had sustained in Indochina in the early 1950s and was determined not to repeat the experience .
19 Boy looked at the pictures of the moustached and uniformed characters with some relish ; but he could n't finish the text , and so missed the single paragraph that Mother had circled in black ink .
20 This was a quite remarkable transformation in a man who only two years before had talked of dying : neither fame nor literary achievement had brought him any contentment , and in the end it was human love , the love that he had dismissed in his writings as the consolation only of ordinary men , that rescued him from a lifetime of misery and isolation .
21 His feet splashed in the pools that had formed in the night .
22 B. Layers of peat had formed in the marshes and between them there were layers of mud or silt .
23 Then the Metropolitan Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited — which the sons of Joseph Wright had formed in 1862 — purchased the unexpired leasehold interest and the Railway Company transferred its activities to Wolverton .
24 The clerk could scarcely control his excitement , the dull image which had formed in his mind was beginning to take flesh .
25 The Graduate would be financed and released by Embassy Pictures , the company Joseph E. Levine had formed in the late fifties to exploit cheap European spectacles such as the Hercules films with muscle-man Steve Reeves , which brought in millions of dollars .
26 This opinion was consistent with the opinion which Mr. Tinker had formed while the deceased was at Samuel Saye House and that Dr. Rao had formed in the period before the deceased 's death .
27 In 1920 he revived the Headington Quarry side that he had formed in 1910 , some of whom had been killed or wounded in World War I , including his own son William , whose leg had been shattered .
28 President Joaquín Balaguer Ricardo , 84 , declared on Feb. 27 that the Social Christian Reformist Party ( PRSC ) , which he had formed in 1964 , should elect a new leader to allow him time for other commitments .
29 Juan Bosch Gaviño , 82 , on March 15 told the Dominican Liberation Party ( PLD ) , which he had formed in 1973 after breaking from the Dominican Revolutionary Party ( PRD ) , that he had decided not only to resign as party leader but also to withdraw his party membership , because of the bitter fighting between the right and left wings of the party .
30 The cyclone in late April had formed in the Bay of Bengal and brought winds of up to 145 mph .
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