Example sentences of "had [to-vb] for " in BNC.

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1 She had to perform for them with the spotlight on her and she knew that no trick would be good enough .
2 By then , I had n't got a wireless but she declared that it was an absolutely necessary thing for someone in my situation and brought me a red one , of the kind that worked on batteries thankfully , not the kind you had to carry for miles to be recharged !
3 Later my father decided it would be useful and character-forming for me to know all the measurements as well as he did , so I had to sit for hours with the Measurement Book ( a huge loose-leaf thing with all the information on the little stickers carefully recorded according to room and category of object ) , or go round the house with a jotter , making my own notes .
4 I had to mourn for Sesostris so I went back to his house . ’
5 She had to mourn for her friends who died in the accident .
6 So , no sooner did the record go into the charts and we were going ‘ yeah , this is it — hooray — we 're taking off ’ , they dropped the record and we had to wait for the guys to come back to earth .
7 But they had to wait for a host of their rivals to commit pop suicide before they could begin the job of moulding this new discovery .
8 As it happened , this queen mother was the most remarkable and able of them all , and it is therefore something of an irony that she had to wait for twelve years , until 1554 , and stage a successful coup , before obtaining the place which earlier queen mothers had immediately enjoyed .
9 Soviet policy with regard to Eastern Europe was sloganised as ‘ development in groups ’ , as though we had to wait for Mongolia to catch up before we could be allowed to develop .
10 I had to wait for another performance to see . ’
11 So if it peaks two years before you plan to cash in , you do not lose because you had to wait for the money .
12 Even if other painters had to wait for their money , Zbo tried desperately hard to make sure that Modi did not go without .
13 I had to wait for a considerable time for the expanse of blue sky above my chosen scene ( figure XX ) to be substantial enough for photography .
14 At the same time , while ensuring the blue of sky in front of the camera , I had to wait for the sun to fall on the scene from behind me , otherwise the sparkle of beach and palms would have been lost .
15 They would have married sooner but had to wait for her divorce ; Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary .
16 We had to wait for an hour for our connection to Frankfurt .
17 They no longer had to wait for the elusive Jennie to finish making a steak and kidney pudding before sanctioning an important business decision , but they had taken over in lean times and Doris began to find the strain intolerable .
18 He struggled towards an understanding of continuity , though the work had to wait for Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz to produce an infinitesimal calculus to master this difficulty .
19 He reached it without mishap but had to wait for a while , watching the day begin , until the ferrymaster arrived .
20 Its close links with the English cathedrals had to wait for the Norman reorganization , which first made possible in England an absenteeism and pluralism on the German model .
21 But all the local ambulances were busy and we had to wait for one to come from Richmond , which is many miles away .
22 And then , anyone who owed less than £200 had to wait for the start of the next law term in another four months if he wished to apply for the discharge which would come upon his delivering his whole property to the single creditor who had stayed with the process as long as that .
23 At the flat there were drinks parties and little dinners every week , which irritated me , as I had to wait for everyone to finish filling the air with their thoughts on the latest novel before I could go to bed on the sofa .
24 IF DODGE City and Tombstone had to wait for movie star-type heroes to save them from the outlaws who were over-running the communities , would they stand by the lawmen if it looked like the bad guys were n't going to stay beat ?
25 Weather conditions precluded this , so he had to wait for the next scheduled plane from Wick to Kirkwall .
26 My family and I had to wait for three weeks in Bombay before getting a boat for England , but during that time I was able to do some useful PR work with newspapers and radio .
27 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
28 We had to wait for some days until a convoy of ships was ready .
29 The trouble was that after they were born , children had to wait for six years before they could be sent to school and forgotten for most of the day .
30 Daniel , who spent £75 on new games and equipment , added : ‘ We had to wait for ages but it was worth it . ’
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