Example sentences of "had [art] great " in BNC.

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1 He wrote , in The Dial for December 1922 , the most emphatically welcoming and apparently influential review of The Waste Land , and although this reads a little quaintly now because Wilson took very seriously Eliot 's supposed debt to Jessie L. Weston 's From Ritual to Romance ( which later criticism has taken lightly ) , his piece had the great virtue of conceding valid points to the opposition :
2 Finally Rose of Lima also had the great consolation of believing that she was doing a socially useful job — and there were not many of these available for women in the early seventeenth century .
3 However , he recovered , and following the siege of Worcester had the great joy of being able to go and see his friends at Kidderminster once again .
4 He went on to add that ‘ as a Spaniard she had the great advantage of not having any family in France who would have to be given honours and rewards ’ .
5 He had the great oak forest beyond the river cut down , ensuring that never again would it provide shelter for outlaw or wolf .
6 A widow of fifty-eight , Dorothy Hardisty had the great quality of adoring children , though her generosity of spirit did not extend to all adults .
7 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
8 Even so , the French might have been able to pull through had the great motivator , Jacques Fouroux , been around .
9 Four years ago local group member Norma Johnston ( now Head of Communications at the British Section ) had the great idea of organising a Film Week in Bristol to ‘ raise the awareness of human rights issues and highlight the work of Amnesty International ’ .
10 So I got the job , which had the great perk of corporate membership at the Riviera course , which was just down the road from the office . ’
11 Rob Beattie Rob Beattie had the great vision and foresight to launch What Personal Computer back in 1989 .
12 On that tour New Zealand had the great batting talent of Stewie Dempster a their disposal .
13 Their favourite was the great Barbarian Conspiracy of AD 367 , and had the Great Casterton villa been dug in the nineteenth century , this would certainly have been considered a victim whereas , of course , the pottery is certainly not earlier than AD 375 , and maybe much later .
14 After drinks on the balcony overlooking some of the grass courts where members were playing , we had a delicious luncheon , and I had the great pleasure of sitting next to my charming French host Alain Boucheron .
15 He had the great gift of making you feel confident in your own ability to do things , and I know he did wonders for the West Riding children .
16 Rob Beattie had the great vision and foresight to launch What Personal Computer back in 1989 .
17 To his eternal credit , Griffin maintained his dignity throughout all the traumas and had the great consolation that his name will live as long as the great game is played .
18 So had the great survey of landownership in Russia which Catherine set in motion in 1765 and even the Legislative Commission of two years later .
19 Santerre , however , had problems of his own as Mandeville , assisted by Southgate and a servile Bowyer , had the great hall cleared and turned into a shire court .
20 I had the great honour of being invited to meet them on behalf of our Society , as our Society is one of the big users of the Resources Centre at the Community College where our Journal is printed etc .
21 In combination with other less tightly controlled groups the Party always had the great advantage of internal unity , coupled with an elaborate scheme of infiltration which had been designed to take advantage of the United Front tactic .
22 He had , however , a natural ability with a penny-whistle , of which he had a great number , one of which he always carried in his pocket .
23 This idea had a great influence upon the thinking of Schopenhauer who followed up its implications more thoroughly than did Kant. 9 .
24 I ATTENDED four of the evening sessions of this year 's Great British Beer Festival and had a great time — my thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it such a success .
25 Recruitment policies are not touched on , with one brief prewar exception ( p. 10 ) , which means that we are kept in ignorance of the kinds of men and women ( reputedly mostly Oxbridge dons ) who augmented MI5 's strength and clearly had a great impact on its whole character and competence at the beginning of the war .
26 ‘ You had a great head on you the way you thought the plan through from beginning to end .
27 ‘ You had a great head on you , Michael . ’
28 ‘ Whether you 've enjoyed quick service in a restaurant or had a great hair-do , giving a cash token lets people know their talents are n't taken for granted . ’
29 Philip had a great interest and gift with the young .
30 An hour and a half later , Jakki had a great interview in the can .
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