Example sentences of "had [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 HONG KONG — China reacted angrily yesterday to Hong Kong 's decision to move a centrally-located British naval base to an outlying island , a switch apparently designed to undercut any plans China had for a high-profile military presence after 1997 , writes Kevin Hamlin .
2 Crevecoeur had for a brief , intoxicating time enjoyed intimate relations with Ms Micklemas , an affair whose firepower had been skyfilling and radiant and whose energy devoured itself within two weeks .
3 She had tossed and turned — as she had for a fortnight — thinking of Amy , full of foreboding .
4 There had for a long time been publicly expressed unease in the United Kingdom about the unsatisfactory training of people treating the diseases of animals , whether they were farriers in the sense of being shoeing-smiths acting as horse-doctors , or were medical practitioners — physicians , or more especially surgeons — who had , partly or completely , left human medicine for the less crowded and potentially more lucrative ( if less socially acceptable ) field of animal medicine .
5 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
6 I went from that to a Gibson EB3 , then to a Rickenbacker 4001 , which I had for a long time .
7 The local children used to play in the cutting and had for a long time fancied the hut as a den or HQ for their games , but the hut was always locked by a large padlock securing a hasp that was red with rust but still secured the door .
8 It always surprised him a little that it was possible to fix the attention on the room itself , its furniture and objects , even before the bodies had been packaged and taken away , as if in their fixed and silent decrepitude they had for a moment become part of the room 's artefacts , as significant as any other physical clue , no more and no less .
9 I had for a long time being trying to find a way of showing the heat-pain argument to be invalid , because I could not accept the conclusion , that heat exists only as a sensation in the mind .
10 In the following year he won the 100 yards AAA title ; he had for a while reigned as the British number one high jumper .
11 While moral suasion had been favoured in the War ( in preference to rationing ) as a means of restricting domestic demand , and had for a time been partially successful , as peace returned it lost much of its impact .
12 The BBC had for a period turned from county commentaries to one-liners .
13 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
14 She had for a while become a Monotype operator , on one of the " women 's machines " , and also remembers " trying to do imposition " and doing a little display work in one mainly jobbing firm where she worked for a short time .
15 Both had for a period apprenticed their ideas to those of Graham Sutherland and both paid homage to Picasso , Vaughan equating him with Auden and Bartók as an artist who had evolved ‘ a coherent vocabulary of form appropriate to our life ’ .
16 The Institute of Economic Affairs had for a long time been polemicising against the extension of state activity on the grounds that it restricted choice , led to dependency and reduced the motivation to work , and fostered economic inefficiency in comparison with ‘ private enterprise ’ .
17 And erm , it wa , at the reception afterwards we actually paid him the fine er , a contribution to a a , a fund his church had for a painting they wanted to buy .
18 To Miss D'Arcy he was Colonel Hope ; to Mary he had for a moment been Augustus ; to his new self , John alone ; with Joanna he had no name and experienced the inscrutable animal comfort of brief blank joy .
19 I do believe , however , that he proceeded in considerable apprehension in his dealings with the lady ; in fact , that he was plainly frightened of her because of her quick temper and also because he had for a number of reasons formed a most favourable view of her judgement .
20 The return to normality after the Angelus hush made him feel that the all-seeing spirit which had for a while hovered doubtfully over his actions had now moved on .
21 That was the doctoring that we had for a broken collar bone you see ?
22 Doubt was cast on Cameron 's results partly by the lack of control data he offered , and , later , after his death , his reputation for scientific integrity was irretrievably damaged by the revelation that much of his experimental work had for a long time been secretly supported by the CIA , including some rather insidious studies of the effects of covertly administered LSD on the behaviour of unsuspecting people .
23 I thought I had for a moment . ’
24 He felt better than he had for a while , with hard work aching in his bones and the knowledge that he had decided what he must do at last .
25 This concept of ‘ legal despotism ’ had for a time considerable importance , at least in intellectual circles .
26 Even as he asked the question , Seb realised that it no longer hurt in the way it had for a long time .
27 He felt happier than he had for a long time .
28 In his first policy statement as President , Nujoma on March 21 promised to redress the distortions of the apartheid economy , and appeared to assuage fears of the white minority and potential Western aid donors by rejecting the idea of large-scale nationalization , which SWAPO had for a long time held to be a cornerstone of its Marxist ideology .
29 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
30 She felt more alive than she had for a long time .
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