Example sentences of "had [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These huts had dry stone walls , perhaps three or four feet thick , with thatched heather roofs .
2 As this village was inaccessible , the enemy patrols were unlikely to reach it undetected , but if they did the platoon headquarters was sufficiently mobile for the captain , sergeant , and their two runners/signalmen to withdraw quickly over the hill , taking their radio with them — a different proposition to moving a 109-set , for now the guerrillas had dry battery radios ( see Appendix No. 5 ) designed by Lieutenant Barcham , a New Zealander , for use by the Independent Companies .
3 Ferranti had strong warning on takeover
4 In both the 1983 and 1987 general elections the government had strong press support , with only the erratic Maxwell-owned tabloid , the Daily Mirror , to support Labour , along with the Alliance-inclined Guardian and the Observer on Sundays .
5 The strength of the Welf party lay on the lower Rhine and in the Netherlands and especially in the support of Cologne and of its archbishop , for Cologne had strong trading ties with England .
6 He despised homosexuals , and although there were plenty of other sexually depraved aristocrats around at the time , he was unfortunate enough to have married into a family ( the Montreuils ) who had strong court connections , and it was they who made sure that he was jailed , partly to get him off their backs ( so to Speak ) and partly as an example to others .
7 Her clashes with other European heads of state over Britain 's budgetary contribution to the Community aroused all her basic emotions : here , indeed , she had strong support in Britain itself where sympathy for the bureaucrats of Brussels , with their butter mountains and wine lakes , was distinctly muted .
8 First , he had strong support from the local community , who in the course of their campaign to re-open the school had contacted their MP and the Secretary of State .
9 ‘ We had strong support from the county council , they were very helpful indeed .
10 And although the proposal for a BPS women 's section was opposed by the women on the BPS Council , it had strong support among less powerful female psychologists , and students .
11 Her Lancashire data show that families had strong support networks encompassing uncles , aunts , cousins , even great aunts and great uncles ; others included none of these ( Roberts , 1984 , p. 169 ) .
12 But he also had strong support from the barbarian peoples , the Franks , Saxons and Germans .
13 Tanay was a leader of the Khalq faction , which had strong support within the armed forces and had tended to press for a military solution to the Afghan civil war .
14 This change made compromise less attractive for the complainant when he had strong evidence .
15 THE General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland today vowed to ensure people here had strong protection in the greater European market .
16 On inspection it turned out that the women had strong community ties through their membership of the local chapels .
17 One patient originally included in the study had acute colitis and a high level of IgG anti-lactoferrin at the first sampling occasion , and a further raised anti-lactoferrin level in a later serum sample ( not illustrated ) .
18 Six patients had acute hepatitis B ( 24% ) , eight acute delta infection ( 32% ) , one had hepatitis A ( 4% ) , one had halothane hepatitis and the remaining nine cases were considered as non-A-non-B hepatitis ( 36% ) ( Table ) .
19 Three patients had abnormal liver function tests , two had ingested non-fatal paracetamol overdoses , one had acute hepatitis B infection , and one had early primary sclerosing cholangitis .
20 Sadly , their world was shattered when , within days of her birth , doctors told them their child had acute liver failure .
21 He thought he heard the clatter of it in the roads , oh it it had awful stuff of that kind .
22 She gave us parties and disapproved of me teaching : Jennifer darling , surely you can get a job in a nice private girls ' school But when I was 14 and had awful tonsillitis she brought me lemon and honey and sat on the edge of the pillow holding my damp hand .
23 The local authorities surveyed had outstanding debt in excess of £100 million ( as a proxy for capital intensity ) and the health authorities were those that had ( then ) recently undertaken major capital projects .
24 Their responses had short-lived effectiveness in that they grabbed hold of him and tugged him back to his ‘ work ’ while scolding him loudly .
25 Sir John Donaldson M.R. has described in Abse v. Smith how the judges of every court had inherent power to regulate the practices of their court , which included the identification of those they were willing to hear plead before them , and it was not in dispute before us that these powers , until they were removed by section 27 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 , were exercised by High Court judges sitting as such .
26 The cottage had solid brick walls , none of your modern self-insulating cavities .
27 Each , in his own way , was something of an expert , especially Mayhew and Abercrombie who also had solid rugby backgrounds .
28 The tower was about 10 metres high and had solid masonry of brick and stone about 2 metres thick .
29 The wings had solid spruce spars , and consisted of a centre section and outer panels , with spruce and plywood ribs .
30 Even though most of the working-class women had low skill , repetitive jobs , they picked out certain qualities of these jobs as satisfying by comparison with housework , and they shared this tendency with the middle-class women .
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