Example sentences of "had [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had no human teacher , but he had the Spirit of Christ and the Scriptures , and through them he grew in knowledge and in spiritual stature .
2 When he was younger , he had the voice , he had the looks , the physique , the charm .
3 He had the voice of a thin languid man and the body of a stocky alert one .
4 He dressed well and had the voice and manners to match , so that accountants , bank managers and lawyers tended to forget that he was a policeman and sometimes let down their guard .
5 She would have spat if she had the spit to spare in her dry carcass .
6 Had the death-dust breathed in by Yeremi conveyed a molecular message into his brain ?
7 I thought that he lacked confidence , that for a person who had achieved what he had the composure was n't there .
8 The " uncommon " road from Salisbury to Romsey had the advan-tage of running through flint-laden chalk .
9 I had the photocopy stashed in a chart drawer and was back out with it in moments .
10 Had the hernia been strangulated , action would have had to be taken at the first sign of trouble .
11 They had already taken the play to Lancaster as well as performing it in Durham , and now had the assembly of the pageant down to a fine art , taking about two hours to mount the superstructure .
12 But Mr Davies disputed the claim that Mr Field had the backing of a majority of the individual members of the party .
13 This time the spelling changes had the backing of the government as well as of the Academy .
14 The strength of the DCAC was not simply that it had the backing of the existing leadership of anti-Unionist opinion in Derry , but also that it succeeded in attracting new people who had not previously been involved in any kind of political activity but who found unsuspected reservoirs of energy and initiative .
15 Channel Five Holdings had the backing of the world 's largest media group Time Warner , and was led by Thames Television , which loses its current London weekday franchise to Carlton from January .
16 In this endeavour he thought he had the backing of the great poets and romancers , like Sir Thomas Malory or the anonymous authors of Pearl and Beowulf and The Wanderer .
17 ‘ Initially everyone was extremely co-operative , but soon we were n't sure whether we had the backing of our district council .
18 The statement of his position by the master was factually correct , and he had the backing of the law of the land , as enacted by Parliament .
19 But Mr Stein had the backing of some thoughtful advisers , and tried hard to push serious economic and fiscal issues higher up the electoral agenda .
20 Within the south march the two men quarrelled over Newport , but their rivalry also had wider manifestations : Warwick felt threatened by Herbert 's matrimonial ambitions , which had the backing of the king .
21 These reveal that Gloucester already had the backing of the linch pin of the Middleham connection , Sir John Conyers of Hornby ( Yorks . ) .
22 But he had the backing of what the chronicler calls the ‘ more foresighted ’ part of the council , and this tacit approval suggests that the argument was not simply that of an ‘ anti-Woodville ’ faction , but represented a genuine attempt to avoid rocking the political boat — an attitude in line with what is known of council policy .
23 And he knew he had the backing of the President and most of the powerful Republican congressmen on Capitol Hill .
24 In March 1171 the monks of St Martial 's , Limoges , though perhaps with some embarrassment , asked for , and were sent , aid in putting down a revolt of their townsmen at La Souterraine , a revolt which had the backing of Count Audebert of La Marche .
25 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
26 ‘ Apparently Nicola was going round saying she had the backing of top management . ’
27 Walker knew what he wanted to do at Waterloo and he had the backing of the Southern board .
28 Simpson had the backing of an unlikely alliance of radicals and moderates , driven together by Crofton 's rigid principles and choleric nature , and Cromwell and the council upheld his claims .
29 The lord president tried to attract support by embarking on a reform of the council , particularly by a reduction in its fees ; but it could make little progress against the obstructionism of Secretary Ingram , who had the backing at court of the lord treasurer , Lionel Cranfield ( later Earl of Middlesex , q.v . ) .
30 The Simon tour aroused angry protest from some opposition groups including the PAC and Azapo , although it had the backing of the ANC .
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