Example sentences of "had [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 For adult offenders these had for many years been confined to absolute or conditional discharges , fines and probation orders .
32 In this context a Soviet writer observed with chagrin that the United States administration , in calling into question the right-of the USSR to take part in measures to guarantee the freedom of navigation in the Persian Gulf in the aftermath of Brezhnev 's initiative , had forgotten that America had for many years carried out negotiations with the USSR over the Indian Ocean , ‘ of which the Persian Gulf is a component part ’ .
33 Its clerks had for many years to work in ‘ dark , stuffy offices , with smoke-grimed ceilings and an atmosphere compounded of overnight gas-burning and the indefinable mouldiness of adjacent ’ bookrooms ’ ‘ .
34 The Barker family had for many years been involved in mining , with for example , the Champions in their mines in Ireland .
35 She also read the message in italics printed beneath the cartoon , to the effect that the cartoonist responsible had for many years been officially connected with a provincial newspaper and was now , in the sunset of his life , himself the recipient of twice-weekly Meals on Wheels .
36 The Galactic War continued , as it had for many generations .
37 ( The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic had become a member on April 7 , 1948 , but had for many years maintained only token participation in the organization . )
38 Likewise the middle-aged mother may also have had aspirations which had for many years been put aside until her parenting responsibilities were at an end .
39 , it 's the one we had for many many years !
40 In November of the same year he talked on " The Idiom of Modern Verse " to the Cambridge English Club , where he had for one auditor the appearance of " a very shy , neurotic man " 32 In 1937 he gave an address to the Friends of Rochester Cathedral on religious drama , and lectured on Shakespeare at Edinburgh University he told Lawrence Durrell , however , that he seemed to have spoken about what he himself was interested in doing in the theatre and not about Shakespeare at all.In April 1938 he travelled to Lisbon in order to sit on the jury for the Camoens Prize ; when he came back , he had to address the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral on the poetry of George Herbert and then , two months later , talk on " The Future of Poetic Drama " at an International Theatre Congress in Stratford-upon-Avon .
41 But she had for several years been living a life which the word frugal does not even begin to describe accurately .
42 But that has been in the past and that was a thing that we had for several years had A level plays actually on the stage am I correct ?
43 While the Bakufu administration had for several decades been subject to criticisms from within its own ranks , a more serious threat to its supremacy emerged from within domains traditionally hostile to it .
44 Japan had for several years been building up her armed forces in anticipation of conflict with Russia , but many hoped that matters could still be settled amicably .
45 All the family thought that in spite of Maureen 's arduous lifestyle , she looked better and happier than she had for several years .
46 The fate of a fallen minister or favourite might be even harder if he had aroused real fear and hatred in his opponents the executions ( or rather judicial murders ) in 1719 of Baron Goertz , the adviser of the dead Charles XII of Sweden , and in 1772 of Count Struensee , the progressive-minded but tactless favourite who had for several years dominated the court of Denmark , are good illustrations of this .
47 The Posolskii Prikaz ( Department of Embassies ) had for several generations been a part of the central administration , but Russia 's relations with the outside world were still very limited .
48 However , the report claimed that if the steady rise in public indebtedness were to be halted the regions , which controlled 40 per cent of all public spending , had for several years to join the central government in observing strict fiscal discipline .
49 This agreement ( which gave formal recognition to what had for several decades been becoming established practice ) brings out well the complexities and ambiguities inherent in much of the administrative structure of old-regime Europe .
50 A situation report from Hesse in March 1936 expressly mentions the opinion , allegedly widely held among the population in the area , though undoubtedly reflecting above all the views of Party activists , ‘ that the Führer had for outward appearances to ban individual actions against the Jews in consideration of foreign policy , but in reality was wholly in agreement that each individual should continue on his own initiative the fight against Jewry in the most rigorous and radical form ’ .
51 In October 1685 Louis XIV of France revoked the Edict of Nantes , under which the protestants of France had for ninety years enjoyed freedom of worship and full civil rights .
52 As for Cranmer , he had for twenty-five years insisted on the duty of the subject , in accordance with Scripture , to obey the powers that be , which were of divine origin .
53 The transformation of leisure , like the transformation of work , had for large numbers of the labouring poor hardly begun even by its end .
54 There was no fierce detestation of it such as loyalist unionists had for Faulknerite unionists or Sinn Féin republicans for SDLP republicans .
55 The subsequent dismemberment of Inca society showed the faint enthusiasm the Spaniards had for this opportunity , yet it was such an idea which had given the term ‘ mestizo ’ a dignity beyond its racist translations of ‘ half-breed ’ or ‘ half-caste ’ .
56 Furthermore , the best map I had for this region was twenty-two miles to an inch .
57 How little reason they had for this view we shall soon discover .
58 Robyn , doing her best to ignore the almost overwhelming feeling of pure dislike which she had for this man , glanced at the ornate carriage clock beside the bed , registered the time slowly and looked aghast .
59 The reception committee of mothers was always waiting , partly out of maternal duty , but mostly because those ten minutes on the village green filled the same gossiping function as ten minutes at the village pump had for earlier generations .
60 At Pyinmana I called on Brayton Case , the gallant Baptist agricultural missionary who had for twenty years organised a training farm .
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