Example sentences of "had [verb] no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The consultant believed Mark had been deliberately shaken , although there was no evidence of bruising or fractures , and he had sustained no lasting damage .
2 In Larger , a three-year sentence for marital rape was reduced to 18 months on the ground that the victim had sustained no physical or psychological damage .
3 Eleanor had uttered no greeting and her voice sounded flat and tired .
4 He had irritated no one , offended no one ; he had been moderate in speech , witty in comment , generous in purchase and was now obviously amorous in intent .
5 My mother had intended no lewdness , but the connotations of her remark had made me feel a greater , more immediate sense of defilement than that which I already experienced .
6 European observers were reported as saying that they had witnessed no serious problems during voting but did not comment on the claim of fraud after the close of stations .
7 Straining the last possible revolutions from her roaring Paxman engines , the old lady of the fleet , Vigilant was first to reach Guiding Lights , but despite darkness and mist had to wait no more than a few minutes for the other cutters to join her — a feat of seamanship that later lead to great praise from their Investigation colleagues ashore .
8 Doctors in early modern England had developed no special skills for dealing with the health of older people .
9 In short , ILEA , no doubt like the vast majority of LEAs , had some sensible ideas about a broad and balanced curriculum , but delegated the responsibility to schools and had developed no systematic means of monitoring school curriculum policies and practice or of taking action where schools deviate from the LEA approach to the curriculum .
10 Then he said : ‘ I hope I am not trespassing over a duty ascribed to someone else present here , but then I had heard no proposals for anyone to give a toast in thanks to our host , the most honourable and kind Lord Darlington . ’
11 That battalion was now bivouacked in a village to the west of Brussels where d'Alembord had heard no news of any skirmishes on the frontier .
12 A heavy silence filled the air and Newman suddenly realized he had heard no birds sing since they entered the area .
13 She had not been far behind him , and yet had heard no sound to prepare her for this .
14 I had heard no human footfalls in the corridor .
15 Fabia was still feeling outraged when , listening for Ven 's return , an hour passed and she had heard no sound of him .
16 The council 's pollution control officer , Jim Dickson , said he had heard no reports of oil pollution in that area and suggested the oil may have come from some other source .
17 Zuwaya claimed that in the past they had recognized no internal sovereign , and in this matter they seem to have been right .
18 Bernard Antoine , general manager of the Novotel in Hammersmith , West London , said he had received no complaints about charges .
19 An Egyptian military spokesman said the government had received no official notification of the reported negotiations on the sale , but is interested in obtaining further confirmation .
20 She had received no advance warning , and was all the more disturbed when Mr Cheney justified his move by declaring that the threat from the Warsaw Pact was diminishing .
21 It was as though she had been swept aside , neglected , and Blattern took note of these things , and would rejoice because Alida Thorne had received no letter , was an unwanted woman .
22 One in five had received no training in the Act and most were expecting to receive none during the next six months .
23 The survey also found that a quarter of foster parents had received no written information on the Act .
24 The Authority blamed Dr Grainger of the District Health Authority , who , ‘ since he had received no complaints ’ , ‘ took no positive action ’ .
25 The problem was with the principle of benefit , since the debtor had received no benefit mortis causa , and arguably no benefit at all .
26 In the first of these studies , Greer and Bagley ( 1971 ) found after an 18-month follow-up that patients who had received no psychiatric attention before discharge from hospital after attempts repeated more often ( 39 per cent ) than those who had received either brief psychiatric contact ( 26 per cent repeated ) or more prolonged psychiatric contact ( 20 per cent repeated ) .
27 The town 's magistrates heard on Tuesday , in Graham 's defence , that he had been supplied the cannabis by his room-mate , who is a juvenile , and had received no personal gain from his part in the theft .
28 The driver , who was normally employed as a fitter , but had some driving experience with the Corporation , was acting as a relief driver and was found to be principally to blame for the accident , because of his lack of experience , which resulted in his letting the car take the curve at too great a speed and the conductor for applying the hand brake at his end so as to lock the wheels ; he had received no instruction on the proper procedure .
29 The courts ' attitude did not depend on endowing the husband in such cases with the role of agent for the lender , but they demonstrated an equitable intervention in favour of married women where the lender knew of the husband/wife relationship , had done nothing to ensure that the wife understood the transaction , and she had received no independent advice .
30 One snowy morning footprints and tyre marks were imprinted in the snow even though Ted had received no visitor at the box .
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