Example sentences of "his [noun pl] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Every so often , he takes one of his prisoners out , shoots him or her , and eats the carcass .
2 There 's no real hurry , it 's not till 11.30 ) chatting brightly to hide the hollow empty absence of anything at all in the way of feeling , and kept my eyes off Toby 's face which had a look on it as if someone were dragging his insides out .
3 erm has been has had his erm er his feelers out for all sorts of advertising .
4 Then , very slowly and deliberately , Doyle tore the two halves of the photograph across and across , into a shower of tiny pieces that fell through his fingers on to the floor .
5 His snowdrops were already wilting like wax candles in the warmth of his hand , and as he copied the mourners ahead of him and stood up , one flower slipped between his fingers on to the rust-coloured floor .
6 ‘ I hope you 're not planning on detaining me in here for seven years ! ’ she managed to protest , her voice trailing into a breathless gasp as he slid his fingers up to her throat , and caressed the pulse throbbing at the base of her neck .
7 He wanted to run his fingers up as far as they would go , but he remained motionless , like a frozen frame in a black and white film .
8 With a hoarse groan he slid his fingers around and beneath the hem of her dress , making her gasp as he smoothed his hands inside the lace of her panties , caressing the taut silk of her buttocks , running audaciously between her legs to seek the hot , tell-tale moistness , the satin-soft centre of her femininity as she shivered helplessly in his supporting grip .
9 He pushed his hand back beneath her skirt and thrust his fingers down inside her panties , pressing roughly between her legs .
10 Without warning , he 'd slowly reached his hand forward to touch her cheek , slid his fingers down to grasp her chin between his thumb and forefinger , tilting her face to the light .
11 There was a glimmer of amusement in his dark eyes as he slid his fingers down to the pulse drumming wildly at the base of her throat .
12 frank dropped his hands and would have fallen , had she not steadied him and guided his fingers back to the bandage .
13 Scottish football is pockmarked with what the Everton and Scotland winger Pat Nevin once described as ‘ the ego in the boardroom , ’ that irrepressible businessman in the size 48 club blazer who ca n't keep his fingers out of football .
14 The boy stretched his fingers out to their furthest limit and held his thumb back rigidly , at right-angles to his forefinger .
15 Why has n't he put his fingers in between it ?
16 She put her hand up and eased his fingers off .
17 The most prevalent conspiracy theory in Iraq nowadays is that the West never wanted to get rid of Saddam and were actually on his side , helping him to flush his enemies out into the open .
18 At least the locked door designed to keep him in also keeps his enemies out , if he can be said to have any enemies .
19 He was off-balance , his defences down as Ward drew back his right arm and slammed that gloved hand straight into the sallow face .
20 ‘ Andrew had his defences down as Waterworth came across in front of me and hit him in the mouth and knocked his head on the floor .
21 They then got his notes out and found that he had malignant hypertension — just high blood pressure .
22 And she suspected too , without being told , that to question a rock star like Adams merely at a trivial level was potentially more fruitful than to elicit his opinions on , say , constitutional reform or Schopenhauer .
23 After several more sessions out in the country , Hoomey got the hand of it , and learned that , even if he could n't stop , he could steer , and that sitting on Bones 's enormous flights through the atmosphere was comparatively easy once you got used to it , far easier than poor Jazz 's problem of trying to stay aboard when Spot , cantering quite easily towards the jump , put his anchors out at the last minute and stopped dead .
24 Do you remember when Gordon went rushing through when he 'd got his whistles out ?
25 Faint-hearted , they took his essays back for remarking and upgraded them , as an airline always will a seat for a vociferous passenger .
26 Endless ads have been Green or organic , from the guy who rips his plans up to wreck the countryside and earns himself a beer , to the couple in the deodorant ad who just happen to be frolicking naked in the forest with camouflage make-up .
27 Alan works his plans out , , like that , to run the company .
28 The alternative is for the wealthy individual to give up residence in Ireland and move his investments out of the country .
29 Usually , a stallion drives his sons out when they reach sexual maturity ( the fillies wander off , to be snapped up by some lucky bachelor ) ; but some stallions will allow their sons to stay on for years , co-opting their help in defensive action or mare-collecting raids .
30 But surgeons at Frenchay Hospital , Bristol , were able to graft his corneas on to the eyes of another youngster who had been going blind .
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