Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now she took care to change the subject and what could be more natural than to talk to the vet and his sister about Faustina and to speculate on what she might be doing at this moment .
2 Thus Sya , who announces that ‘ one who believes in war believes in God ’ and who beats his sister with a khaki belt , is an inflexible symbol of a militaristic ethos .
3 ‘ You 're not missing much , ’ Maggie said wryly , quite sure that Felipe de Santis would have already acquainted his sister with this fact .
4 They are recalled as somewhat sad , dependent figures : a ‘ poor old fellow ’ who went out to his sister for his meals ; ‘ a right cripple ’ who had been unable to work for over ten years ; ‘ a very old gentleman ’ who scraped together a living by selling vegetables and tomatoes which he grew in his greenhouse , but was ‘ very unhappy ’ because he had quarrelled with his drunken son .
5 He did ask his sister for money .
6 Harry had worked as tirelessly as his sister for the last few days ; now he sank down on to a stool beside his cannon out of sheer weakness , and began to weep at the thought of the wasted powder and the wasted water resulting from this misfortune .
7 Then Finn had come up , grim , silent and dripping blood , wordlessly shown her the dreadful cut and gone upstairs to his sister for a bandage .
8 Poor institutionalised Smike is taken by Nicholas and his sister to their childhood home in Devon .
9 They were sitting in Jacob 's study and he looked from his sister to his father in amazement .
10 He had taken his sister to town that morning , to Miss Baker 's and Miss Adeane 's where all the gossip would be flowing free and strong , and bought her a new hat and gloves and a flask of the perfume Miss Adeane kept hidden discreetly away for customers who wished it to he believed that they smelled naturally of lavender or roses .
11 Later , after she was caught red-handed in an orgy with nine lovers in her Red Fort harem apartments , Aurangzeb arranged for his sister to be discreetly poisoned .
12 ‘ Of a four-handed cast , ’ wrote Bernard Levin in the Daily Mail , ‘ Mr Michael Crawford , as the brother who can not bear his sister to be touched by the world , makes a great deal out of what I suspect is not very much , conveying well his uncomprehending self-disgust . ’
13 Obviously he had not warned his sister of this visit .
14 He had grown close to Gerry Gomez since the day he had asked if he could meet his sister at the airport , and they now worked together admirably .
15 In the course of Abimelech 's questioning of Abraham it emerges that he has been claiming Sarah is his sister at every place they have been !
16 Her long , strong legs folded under her and she sat down on the rug in the hallway and sobbed to her heart 's content , while Alex patted her shoulder and wondered if he really understood his sister at all .
17 ‘ You should understand ’ — the Edinburgh tone was now quite unmistakable — ‘ that I do n't know either Dersingham or his sister at all well .
18 The body of twenty seven year old Robert McGuire was discovered by his sister at his home in Roseberry Street in the Toryglen district of the city .
19 Ya'acov Friedler , interned with his sister on the Isle of Man , remembers the first signs of the change of heart towards enemy aliens :
20 He had the worry and responsibility of his sister on his shoulders , and she wished she could take him in her arms and comfort him .
21 He was on a train taking him home from a visit to his sister in Vienna .
22 As the war approached , her father , Colonel Joshua Murchison had sent her to live with his sister in California It had almost broken Yanto 's heart at the time .
23 As Richard Whalley wrote to his sister in 1624 , many quite wealthy local gentlemen : ‘ had opposed their parents … consumed their whole estates , even to one foot of ground , five of them with much ado to get winding sheets ; some died under hedges ’ .
24 Duffy , 43 , escaped from prison officers in May after he was taken to visit his sister in Bradford .
25 Because he discovered something of his sister in me , he was determined to ‘ save ’ me .
26 ‘ A document sent by Tristram Abberley to his sister in March 1938 , written in the Catalan language . ’
27 In 1918 he virtually ceased to practise , and in the early 1920s moved to live with his sister in Northwood , Middlesex , where he died 26 December 1928 .
28 Louis Dersingham was clearly annoyed to find himself having answered his sister in the first place .
29 His Sister in Christ .
30 Why do I feel so old ? y I was his sister in the story , why do If eel so old , so cold ?
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