Example sentences of "his [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Ramsay explained that his lordship 's goodbrother , the Earl of Moray , had desired to see his sister the Countess whilst in the vicinity , as was but natural ; and while there , they had learned that the defences of the castle were being strengthened , in view of possible attack by the English , and they had offered such small help as they could in this excellent work in the realm 's interest .
2 Her party included the President of the British Military Order of Malta Lord Craigmyle , and Lady Craigmyle ; and the Honorary President of the OMV Maj.-General Viscount Monckton of Brenchley , and Viscountess Monckton ; and his sister the Hon.
3 His land in England , together with that of Bishop Ulf 's , was divided between Harold , the eldest son of Earl Godwin , and his sister the Queen , who had been retrieved from her convent .
4 Curzon had little need to spell out to his contemporaries the commercial and strategic dangers of such a scheme .
5 Carl Friedrich Gauss ( 30 April 1777 — 23 February 1855 ) Gauss , called by his contemporaries the Prince of Mathematicians , was one of the greatest scientists ever .
6 Encouraged by his enthusiasm the people of Deogarh had given every rupee and paisa they could find to raise the share capital for the co-operative .
7 To avoid any more personal suffering I say he should contemplate going now to give his successor the chance to build a proper team to qualify for the World Cup finals .
8 In the later years of Henry VIII and in the reign of his successor the practice of selling seems to have grown and prices to have risen .
9 Following the announcement of his resignation the Levi and Shamir camps entered into negotiations , eventually resulting in the April 5 compromise .
10 In trying to conceal his negligence the projectionist had provided me with tangible evidence of the grand illusion .
11 It had something to do with history and the past , that excitement , and something to do with potential as well , with what Orwell or somebody had said , that every man really knew in his heart the finest place to be was the countryside on a summer 's day .
12 In his heart the boy Jaq vowed vengeance against daemons and against psykers who were conduits for daemons for stealing his parents from him and bestowing upon him the honour of being raised by missionaries .
13 He had tried to cast her from his mind , to drive from his heart the spell she had cast over him , but it was no use .
14 It was probably a combination of the moonlight and the girl but what-ever it was , the man who went on to become world-famous singing star Frankie Vaughan says she stole his heart the instant he saw her .
15 She could make all the speeches she would like Tommaso to make , a hundred times over , and yet his awkwardness under her mother 's severity filled her full of pity too , and her chivalrous love returned to warm her and fortify her , suturing the cut that had opened in her earlier at his muteness the night before .
16 For his part the comedian says he understands why the man was so upset , though not his racism .
17 For his part the Prince had no intention of using his own money — he had better uses for it — and so things remained as they were .
18 For his part the president , as he tries to get the cooperation he needs , will not restrict himself to offering inducements .
19 The defendant 's servant , who had little skill as a chauffeur , started the engine of the car and without any fault on his part the petrol in the carburettor caught fire .
20 For his part the head of the Slovene delegation , Cyril Ribicic , reminded the delegates of the changes under way elsewhere in Eastern Europe and warned that the congress was " the last chance for Yugoslav communists to mark a watershed on the way towards multiparty pluralism " .
21 His notes the next day were headlined ‘ Catalysis of DT ( deuterium-tritium ) fusion in the Earth ’ .
22 Had it not been his solicitors the Inland Revenue would have got him yesterday for unpaid tax bills , but its petition was dismissed automatically once the High Court heard that a bankruptcy order had already been made .
23 Indeed , I recall being present at a formal state banquet in Malawi when the Life President , His Excellency the very elderly Dr Hastings Banda , had been speaking for 45 minutes proposing the toast and had still only reached 1947 .
24 They were not forewarned of the final paragraph , added by a Vatican envoy : ‘ There is no way the Bishops could want to be disrespectful to His Excellency the Life President of the Republic , whom they hold in high esteem . ’
25 At this momentous hour His Excellency the Governor of Burma is to dedicate himself to Almighty God for the task with which he has been entrusted .
26 In his verdict the judge who presided over the four-month hearing said that Gecas ( formerly Antanas Gecevicius ) , 76 , a retired mining engineer living in Edinburgh , had " participated in … the killing of innocent Soviet citizens , including Jews , in Byelorussia during the last three months of 1941 " .
27 Mr Kaufman called in his support the view of Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the German foreign minister , who he said had told the review group in Bonn that ‘ agreements are better than unilateral moves because they can be verified and can not be reversed ’ .
28 Should your foot drop to the outside of the opponent 's leading leg , you could try hooking it around his ankle and dragging his foot the way it is pointing .
29 Damon rubbed Lee 's stomach with his foot the way you would a dog 's and Lee screamed because it tickled .
30 By means of tapping his foot the horse could perform mathematical calculations , and solve problems of musical harmony .
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