Example sentences of "from one side " in BNC.

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1 Even in gallery , he wrote , it will disturb no one , merely make it a little more difficult to get from one side of the room to the other .
2 And where the source of light comes mostly from one side , as when plants are growing under a hedge , stems often bend and stretch in that direction .
3 This means that you zig-zag from one side to the other , twisting your centre-line as you move .
4 Joseph replied with a renewed bid , this time of £43 million , Watney 's came back again with £47 million , and so the battle swayed from one side to the other for eight weeks .
5 Dr Kavanagh 's views are not shared by many villagers of Inniskeen , whose placid good manners have been affronted by the churchyard barnies and people trundling grave-stones from one side of the parish to the other .
6 The combination of deference to prosperity and literacy from one side , and the manipulation of equipment , local goods stores , and the like on the other easily created a vicious circle in Nikol'sk which could not be repeated in Ivanovka .
7 There 's lights all across the road , from one side to the other .
8 It was normal for pairs of waggon doors to face each other on opposite side walls of the barn ( Plate 2 ) , but in some barns the threshing floor could be approached only from one side , there being a blank wall opposite .
9 Marx rolled his cigar from one side of his mouth to the other .
10 ‘ Thus skidding violently from one side to the other , his youth approached the moment at which he would begin to be a person . ’
11 Beyond , in the distance , a great ridge rose high , running from one side of the window to the other .
12 ‘ You 're missing the views , ’ Otley scolded as people ran from one side of the carriage to the other in order to catch everything .
13 And this is important because a man might look very well from one side but he might look like a cheese from another , and that would be a distraction .
14 Today it had doubled , crossed from one side of his forehead to the other , and reinforced a series of furrows rather than wrinkles , that made his broad white forehead look like a new-ploughed field covered in snow .
15 1906 is probably best remembered for the great earthquake in San Francisco , which resulted in fire and general destruction of the city ; also the Simplon tunnel through the Alps was completed , allowing railway traffic to pass from one side of that range of mountains , to the other .
16 To International industrialists , mere thoughts of transporting total contents of factories from one side of the world to the other would create nightmares .
17 He stood up and in his turn moved sharply from one side of the room to the other .
18 From the clifftop he watched the small figure of Detective Furness in his red anorak on the saddle below , twisting from one side to another as he strained his eyes against the bright sunlight to search for his charge .
19 And we need to know how it might happen that a population could occasionally cross from one side of the knife-edge to the other .
20 It covers an area of some 150 acres and is very shallow ; indeed , prior to mass-afforestation , it was possible to wade from one side to the other , without danger , because the water was so clear .
21 Also , when lying on your front , turn your head from one side to the other if your neck feels stiff .
22 This requires more maintenance than the welded grooved rail , but has the advantage of ready access and interchangeability from one side to the other .
23 Hazlitt set out with Coleridge that morning on the road back to Shrewsbury , observing how his companion continually moved from one side of the footpath to the other as they walked along , though only later connecting this odd movement with ‘ any instability of purpose or involuntary change of principle ’ .
24 Not that it is impossible , but practical considerations of gaining access to situations and the confidence of the people involved in any reasonable length of time mean that one will probably study the situation from one side or the other .
25 He paused deliberately , slowly switching his gaze from one side of the table to the other .
26 Had to go back to the school — had to sit amongst the probationers , and then after the school , he was posted right from one side of the city to the other .
27 You will move poor children from here to there ’ and he lifted up and evacuated imaginary children from one side of his blotting pad to the other .
28 One approach is to time the passage of the Sun , from one side ( or — limb ’ ) to the other , across a fixed meridian ( north-south ) wire , and calculate its size from the known rotation rate of the Earth ; another depends on measurements of the solar disc using a micrometer screw at the eyepiece of a telescope .
29 Observing the children 's play out of doors , teachers will be able to draw in and encourage some children by offering them small problems to solve , such as the best way to move some bricks from one side of the garden to another .
30 And strangely , the bull was responding , shifting its weight from one side to the other , so it was leaning slightly towards her .
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