Example sentences of "but [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They fired away with wild abandon , but luckily with little accuracy , and he was able to extricate himself .
2 But luckily for golf this was cancelled when the land was ear-marked for a camp site instead .
3 But luckily for his successors , Montagus , Brudenells and , since 1790 , Scotts , Montagu did not aspire to create an English Versailles .
4 We 've already had a couple of plonkers sending us demonstration games from the Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit , but luckily for them we spotted the offending articles ( not difficult ) .
5 But luckily for them , as they age , the dogs wo n't get more wrinkly .
6 In the 25th minute , Violet McBride tried one of her special lobs from the edge of the circle but luckily for Pegasus , it flew over the crossbar .
7 Tower Hamlets declined to make the repayment and Chetnik applied for judicial review of the adverse decision , unsuccessfully at first instance but successfully in the Court of Appeal and in your Lordships ' House .
8 This deeper controversy sustains the debate between liberal interpretations of the modern law of contract , but paradoxically at the same time demonstrates its pointlessness .
9 First published in 1909 , it is used not only by the Library of Congress but widely across the United States ; since the headings are included in USMARC tapes , the list can be consulted wherever in the world MARC tapes are used .
10 Strenuous laybacking for 40 feet or so brings better holds , allowing exhilaratingly steep bridging , and the whole rope will have run out by the time you pull onto the platform at the top , all too soon for the fit , but thankfully for the tired or those leading at their limit , as I was on this occasion .
11 She hit her and at the same time as she hit her she virtually came to a er , a stop because of the fact she wa she started to brake as soon as she saw the the children appear er , but ne never the less contact was made but thankfully for her and for the child the the contact was a a at no significant speed , the child was just knocked off her feet and she got up and waved to Mrs and said I 'm alright and she ran off and she was away before Mrs had time , even to undo her safety belt to get out of the car .
12 The Conservative strategy which emerged after the Great War , tentatively in the coalition years but powerfully under Baldwin , was a blend of the basic Salisbury recipe with added ‘ Manchester North-West ’ .
13 These are of several types but predominantly of the circular tumulus design with its stone base and decorative cornice ( 80 and 84 ) .
14 The soot would be everywhere — halfway up the tunnel sides , but mostly on me , and certainly none where it was intended .
15 It also contained her unconscious valedictory : As a Catholic observer who has lived in the Third World for nearly 30 years , I have followed developments in the Church , at times with despair but mostly with optimism .
16 Last year I wrote about moonlight colours but mostly about June roses .
17 The man himself , is quite outspoken about past and present , but mostly about the future .
18 It is a campaigning vehicle , but mostly about policy-issues .
19 Partly for Clare 's sake , but mostly for my own satisfaction , I decided to do my level best to break that man .
20 They talked of their summer adventures , of their hopes for the future , but mostly of their own provenance .
21 He went into her giant bathroom to take his mind off things and stood there awhile between her mirrors , thinking not particularly of how he looked himself but mostly of the inflections that she had caught from Fred , and also of how it must feel to be this negligently perfect child , who had obviously never in her life spent herself combating a flaw .
22 They also have a classical range but mostly of old recordings .
23 Fibre is found in fresh fruit and vegetables but mostly in wholegrain cereals and bread .
24 She was shaking all over , partly from cold , partly from shock at the suddenness and ferocity of the squall , but mostly in anticipation of what was to come .
25 Data was collected in 18 states , but mostly in the east of the country .
26 The Villani , were tenants of land not held on demesne by the Lord of the Manor , who payed rent partly in money but mostly by service such as finding horses , oxen , ploughs and labour at specified periods , and sometimes providing for the lords table .
27 There were some bits the digger was in , but mostly by hand .
28 Over nearly half a century , he was a powerful influence on several aspects of British public life , but mostly behind the scenes .
29 Their outstanding feature is the conduct of negotiations , not initially through the individual trade unions and employers ' associations themselves but rather via the central confederations to which they are affiliated .
30 At one stage of the argument Mr. Browne suggested that the investigation here was not under the provisions of section 85 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 , the analogue of section 49 of the Act of 1964 , but rather under section 88 .
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