Example sentences of "but [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 Britain is due to have four submarines armed with the new Tridents but has been worried that recent votes in the Senate to cut funding for production of the missile could delay delivery of the weapons , scheduled to start next year , to the Royal Navy .
2 This assumption was universally accepted until recently by prehistorian and anthropologists , but has been refuted in recent studies of hunters and gatherers .
3 He kept Bulgaria close to the Soviet Union , particularly during Brezhnev 's time , but has been unable to cope with President Gorbachev 's move towards democracy and openness .
4 Mr Watkins can say that he sympathises with green views on the need for conservation but has been overruled by the troika that presides over George Bush 's domestic policy : John Sununu , the chief of staff , Richard Darman , the budget director , and Michael Boskin , the chief economic adviser .
5 An older and smaller satellite , the International Ultraviolet Explorer ( IUE ) , has recorded the ring 's changing brightness , but has been unable to produce a clear image of it .
6 Tunisia 's main Islamic party , Ennahdha , was expected to exploit the conflict in the same way , but has been strangely absent from the streets .
7 It was later occupied by the Earls of Cromarty and the MacKenzies of Ardloch-Assynt , but has been empty for 200 years .
8 A former Car of the Year winner , it has done well on the Continent but has been under-rated here .
9 Title-holder Parrott peaked early at Dubai and Preston 's UK Championship , but has been unpredictable .
10 It derives from the author 's experience of working for the Agricultural Training Board in an area in the North of Scotland where family and part-time farmers predominate but has been put on a wider footing by detailed investigations of attitudes and needs in eleven counties in England , Wales and Scotland , and by less detailed investigations during visits to Norway , the Federal Republic of Germany and France .
11 By failing to take this holistic stance and by the adoption of a narrow perspective ( the curriculum ) within a managerial approach dedicated to control , standardisation and output evaluation , the ‘ Great Debate ’ has not arrived at the promised land but has been confined to endless wanderings in the wilderness of the present or indeed the past .
12 This ammonite occurs in a fine-grained grey shale , but has been severely flattened .
13 The Eurasian steppes had its own bison , the wisent , which was almost extinct in the early decades of this century but has been rescued by captive breeding , and the small saiga antelope , with its peculiar dust-trap of a nose , in shape like an elephant seal 's .
14 You raise the possibility of a continuous loop presentation video : the idea is not a new one but has been put aside for the moment because of the high costs involved in making such an item .
15 The latter was the padre to 1 SAS Regiment in 1944–5 but has been accorded the status of ‘ Honorary Original ’ .
16 In such cases , the historic buildings inspector has usually recommended listing but has been overridden .
17 The main shape of the landscape — mountains , rolling hills , and flat plains — is based on the geological rock formations , but has been severely modified by the movement of glaciers which carried vast quantities of rock , grinding it down in the process , depositing it in the form of boulders , gravel , sand , and silt , often many miles from its original outcrop .
18 It has in its time been threatened with demolition as a bottleneck , but has been widened and is still happily intact .
19 It is not a colour-marking breed , but has been exported to several countries in Europe , North America and Australasia .
20 The ‘ observer as participant ’ is known by the group under study to be an observer but has been accepted , temporarily , by the group and allowed temporary membership to enable him to carry out the research .
21 Unfortunately some of the rhetoric of this recent announcement has not been so enlightened , but has been couched in hard , aggressive language .
22 Breeding is also unusual near the coast , but has been recorded at five sites .
23 Livingston 's latest results are already telling us something new ; he has found that the Sun 's temperature ( and thus brightness ) reached a minimum in the summer of 1981 , but has been gradually increasing since then .
24 According to the Guinness Book of Records , the oldest archery company in Britain is the Society of Archers of Yorkshire which was not formed until 1673 but has been in being since then .
25 I must stress that the equation is not one that Bukharin himself put forward , but has been derived by myself from his set of simple equations for equilibrium conditions .
26 The place anciently belonged to the Fauconbergs , but has been for many generations the seat of the Bethells .
27 With regard to the fifteen inch speaker , Larry Hartke has stated that it offers no real performance advantages over Hartke 's renowned tens , but has been introduced to satisfy a specific demand .
28 The scratchplate partly covers the pickup mounting rings but has been cut to allow full access to the adjusting screws .
29 Zipper , a gay sex shop in North London , has a licence but has been raided on numerous occasions by the Obscene Publications Squad .
30 In 1899 , when there was a sharp increase in the number of reported cattle thefts , H. W. Brodhurst , the Government Agent , attributed it to false cases which were instituted because the magistrate was inexperienced : ‘ I therefore attach little importance to this apparent recrudescence of a crime which was once the curse of the Province , but has been little heard of in late years . ’
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