Example sentences of "but [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Sir Geoffrey Howe , leader of the House of Commons , last night denied MPs would be exempt from paying poll tax on second homes — but agreed they would be able to reclaim the full cost from allowances .
2 He thought of his mom and dad and how they were ; he hoped they were n't worried about him , but expected they were .
3 Oor goats hev hed that green sickness lately but whativver they all say oor cheese is n't that much affected . ’
4 They 've set up an emergency centre , but fear they can do little to stop the devastation .
5 She glowered at the television crew who were filming them , but realised they had no idea she was grimacing ferociously , so she returned to sipping champagne through the straw .
6 They were so free in expression she wondered if they had been read at all by his parents but presumed they could hardly have escaped their eye .
7 But change they did , and quite radically .
8 They agreed to extract oil quickly , but argued they would not be able to do so if hindered by trifling safety regulations that applied to on-shore industries .
9 US officials admit that they knew about the coup plans as early as last Saturday , but say they were given little time to judge its chances of success or to plan any US involvement .
10 The Wedding Present want to make records but say they are not bothered how many they sell .
11 The two are fierce competitors in the market , despite cooperation at the engineering level , but say they will not compete by undercutting pricing .
12 They 've checked schools and housing estates in the Mansfield area but say they 've no leads .
13 They 've checked schools and housing estates in the Mansfield area but say they 've no leads .
14 Environmentalist groups have criticised the plan , because it still allows some logging in ancient forests , but say they are prepared to work with the Administration to improve it .
15 People do n't mind being referred if it 's something that is genuinely but say they phone Leeds and Leeds do n't know and Leeds refer them to a number they think it is and then they refer to a third number then somebody gets .
16 The family has been offered £6 worth of vouchers by the company , but say they wo n't be happy until their son has been compensated to their satisfaction for his suffering .
17 Mills and Poole admit fighting with Wiltshire , but say they were acting in self defence .
18 Both Gloucestershire and West Mercia police admit they 're short of money and manpower , but say they had no alternative .
19 The police want him locked up but say they 're powerless to detain him .
20 Friends of the Earth have commissioned a report into the safety of Oakley Wood , but say they 've had no reply on this from the council .
21 Boots have stopped selling car seats but say they will offer further information to people who 've bought the Rainbow seat .
22 They admit arranging for 5,000 dollars to be handed over in envelopes but say they were merely responding to UEFA instructions to cover the officials ' expenses .
23 Howard had tried all the proprietary athlete 's foot remedies , but found they were only partially effective ; the infection would always return with a vengeance within a few days of discontinuing with the ointment or powder .
24 She started singing love songs , but found they were not enough to express her feelings .
25 In the latest they were called to the home of a man in his early 20s in Frenchgate , Richmond , but found they needed more equipment so took him back to the Richmond Fire Station and released the cuffs with a hacksaw and vice .
26 Ministers had hoped that arguments over the killings would not be re-opened , but maintained they were not embarrassed by the European Commission on Human Rights ' ruling that there was a case to be answered .
27 As Coote himself protested , both men were privately committed to legislation but believed they could not involve the government on the issue .
28 The Official Receiver has not heard from the family and has no idea where they are , but assumes they are on the road .
29 Members of the committee voted to refuse planning permission for the petrol station and housing development but added they might be willing to consider an application for houses alone .
30 The local MP Robert Jackson who 's also a Minister in the employment department admits the Government has made mistakes , but says they ca n't take all the blame .
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