Example sentences of "'s the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 David Ottewill 's The Edwardian Garden ( Yale University Press , 1989 ) has won the Sir Banister Fletcher Award for the best book of the year on architecture or the fine arts .
2 Cook 's friend A USEFUL book for cooks is David Mellor 's The Complete Cook 's Catalogue , which provides an annual update on choosing kitchen equipment .
3 Editions produced by members of the School include Dr Jonquil Bevan 's Oxford English Texts edition of Izaak Walton 's The Complete Angler ( 1983 ) , Dr Aidan Day 's edition ( with Professor Christopher Ricks ) of facsimiles of Tennyson manuscripts , The Tennyson Archive ( 30 volumes , Garland , 1987–92 ) , Professor Ian Donaldson 's Oxford Authors edition of Ben Jonson ( 1985 ) , Professor K.J. Fielding 's , Professor Ian Campbell 's and Ms A. Christianson 's Duke-Edinburgh edition of the Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle ( volumes 19–21 , 1993 ) , and Dr Michael Phillips ' edition of William Blake : ‘ An Island in the Moon ’ ( Cambridge University Press , 1987 ) .
4 Few things seem to have been left out , but this is because he based his work squarely on such useful volumes as Michael Darby 's The Islamic Perspective and A. St Clair 's The Image of the Turk in Europe , and a large number of other texts besides .
5 Thursday 's The Late Show ( BBC 2 ) was presented by Cynthia Rose , to whom someone should speak about her big , swinging earrings .
6 There were books — Peter Singer 's , which had popularized the term ‘ Animal Liberation ’ , and Robert Sharpe 's The Cruel Deception .
7 There is a need for books like Gene Kemp 's The turbulent term of Tyke Tiler and the Pippi Longstocking stories of Astrid Lindgren , which question the imposed sex-roles of girls .
8 Other ‘ finds ’ were first editions of Scott 's The Pirate , Stevenson 's The Black Arrow , and S.R.Crockett 's The Stickit Minister ( with the eloquent poetic dedication to R.L.S. unique to this edition . )
9 For readers more interested in the substance of EC policies and decision-making processes , the best first stops , both available as cheap and cheerful paperbacks , are John Pinder 's European Community : Building of a Union ( Oxford ) and Kevin Featherstone 's The Successful Manager 's Guide to 1992 ( Fontana ) .
10 F. Danby 's The Simple Wordsworth is particularly to be recommended here — he is very good on Simon Lee , for example .
11 This particularly subtle quiver of the leg to express newly aroused emotion was first noticed in Ashton 's The Two Pigeons when the Young Girl and her friends pretend to strut around like pigeons .
12 In Ashton 's The Two Pigeons and A Month in the Country there is the ecstatic quiver of the leg which continues upwards through the body until the Young Girl or Natalia and Vera can rest their head on their lover 's shoulder as they embrace .
13 Minton 's The Two Bullfighters ( present whereabouts unknown ) appeared on the front cover of The Listener .
14 Ten Joseph tunes line up alongside a poppy cover version of Curtis Mayfield 's The Other Side of Town ; all fall together under a common musical blanket that 's soft , funky , rolling and affectionate .
15 Reports and books , such as Michael Harrington 's The Other America , had vividly described the plight of the underprivileged .
16 He had been sure one was following him round Sainsbury 's the other day .
17 I went up Sainsbury 's the other night for a pint of milk cos we 're short of milk .
18 She was looking at er lights in Sainsbury 's the other day .
19 Among his non-Mozartian roles , those of Max in Weber 's Der Freischütz and of Hans in the German version of Smetana 's The Bartered Bride were especially successful .
20 The Top-selling hardback in the British book trade leading up to Christmas 1991 was Pauline Cockrill 's The Ultimate Teddy Bear Book and it had held its position among the top ten hardbacks for over two months .
21 Take Julian Simon 's The Ultimate Resource ( Princeton University Press , 1981 ) , for instance .
22 The Auditing Practices Board 's The Future Development of Auditing suggested first steps in this direction .
23 The modern historical novel has been particularly successful in giving convincing pictures of moments of history as experienced by young women as well as ‘ plucky boys ’ : Jill Paton Walsh 's A parcel of patterns , Hester Burton 's Time of trial , and K. M. Peyton 's Flambards novels are examples and , as experienced by ‘ the lower orders ’ , Barbara Willard 's Ned only and K. M. Peyton 's The right-hand man .
24 Beginners would be well advised to keep off , but if you can not prevent yourself indulging ( and , of course , there is as much pleasure in the devising as in the unravelling ) read Chapter 17 of Dickson Carr 's The Hollow Man .
25 It is perhaps possible to say that a particular child tends towards introversion and , further , that he or she is therefore more likely to engage with characters such as Tom in Philippa Pearce 's Tom 's midnight garden , Max in Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , or Tolly in Lucy Boston 's Green Knowe stories , than a more extrovert reader .
26 Stories concerned with children and miniature people ( Mary Norton 's Borrowers stories , Pauline Clarke 's The twelve and the genii , and T. H. White 's Mistress Masham 's repose , for example ) deal with these issues in a vivid , easy , and entertaining way .
27 It had appeared in Caxton 's edition of Voragine 's The Golden Legend ( 1483 ) and in Wycliffe 's translation of about a hundred years before ; but the sobriquet is reserved for the Geneva version of the Bible , first printed there by Rouland Hall in 1560 .
28 In extreme contrast we are also discussing Liszt 's Transcendental and Paganini Etudes , Ravel 's solo piano music and both the concertos , the Grieg and Schumann concertos and , most intriguingly , Britten 's The Golden Vanity , a vaudeville for piano and boys ’ chorus and a truly fascinating rarity alive with echoes of Peter Grimes , St Nicholas and Billy Budd .
29 As for magic , which readers of Frazer 's The Golden Bough might suppose to lie at the very centre of the anthropologist 's interests , I can only say that , after a lifetime 's career as a professional anthropologist , I have almost reached the conclusion that the word has no meaning whatever .
30 Kate obtains a copy of Sheila Kitzinger 's The New Good Birth Guide and Gordon Bourne 's Pregnancy and starts looking for a hospital that gets two stars and is nearby .
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