Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have divided the council 's activities into cost centres and the system allows us to instantly analyse the information in tabular form .
2 The protection of motherhood involved a series of measures designed to limit the scope of women 's activities outside the home , and to make working class mothers more aware of their responsibilities within it .
3 In 1910 the Standard regularly reported the Club 's activities including a gross 73 returned in a friendly by the Hon.
4 I am delighted to be associated with such a far-reaching project that will act as a clearing house for many people 's activities across the world through a service dedicated to the needs of an unrestricted membership .
5 One of the most important tasks for WACC 's Central Committee this year is to authorise proposals for a new study and action programme which would guide all WACC 's activities over the next four years and prepare the organisation for its second world congress in 1995 .
6 The plan has ten key priorities with specific action points that provide a framework for the Institute 's activities over each 12-month period .
7 The Honorary Secretary read the Minutes of the previous BGM and gave a report of the Committee 's activities over the past two years .
8 Davenport co-ordinates the hotel 's activities through regular weekly meetings of the senior staff ( Tom Harvey , Vernon Russell , Agnes Miller and Sheila Martin ) .
9 The pre-Duchy management had co-ordinated the hotel 's activities through regular weekly meetings of senior staff ( in practice the Accommodation Manager , Head Receptionist , Housekeeper , Food and Beverage Manager , Head Chef and Head Waiter ) .
10 Having advised restraint by the Labour Party , I was angered , and indeed horrified , by the announcement that the government had asked Lord Denning to conduct his now infamous one-man inquiry into the matter , with terms of reference so loose that he regarded himself as charged to examine everyone 's activities through a microscope and to denounce anyone where there was a whisper of suspected immorality , let alone convincing proof .
11 The Times story is interesting because it links the report on the Commission 's activities with the Royal Society , a body which had become embroiled in official political-scientific propaganda exercises before , such as the five-year study of acid rain financed by the Central Electricity Generating Board .
12 However little his colleagues liked Lewis 's activities as a lay evangelist , there can be no doubt about his tremendous impact on the church of his day .
13 In tandem with the major exhibition on Rietveld 's activities as an architect and furniture designer which has opened at the Centraal Museum of Utrecht ( until 21 February ) , the City Council of Utrecht has pledged DFl.270,000 ( £84,400 ; $146,800 ) for the restoration of ten early villas by the Dutch artist , furniture designer and architect .
14 Sadler 's activities as a notary in Chancery remain obscure .
15 The Taylor Report recommended a strong role for the governing board in keeping the school 's activities under review ; a position backed by the Education , Science and Arts Committee ( 1981 ) of the House of Commons , and as indicated subsequently incorporated into legislation .
16 Women in Asia will play an increasingly important part in WACC 's activities during the coming year , starting with the launch , in January 1993 , of the Asian Network of Women in Communication ( ANWIC ) .
17 A review of the Group 's activities during the year , its position at 31 December 1992 and its future development is included in the Chairman 's statement , the Chief Executive 's review and the review of operations .
18 The programme of re-organisation and expenditure reductions which followed the review of the Society 's activities during the Autumn of 1991 has yielded the first full year of financial benefits during 1992 and these are reflected in the increased surplus .
19 More interesting to the historian are this book 's accounts of MI5 's activities on the counter-subversive front — chiefly against the British Fascists , the Communist Party of Great Britain , and the Peace Pledge Union — and of its interminable behind-the-scenes wrangles with other government agencies , especially SIS .
20 It provides full details of the impact of Traidcraft 's activities on the environment : the company operates a levy on the sale of hardwood products to help reforestation and is taking steps to use recyclable packaging .
21 But although he found Pound 's humourlessness and growing megalomania more and more distasteful , Eliot 's activities on his behalf continued .
22 . He is also the formal point of contact between the group and the client and as such he is required to coordinate the group 's , group 's activities on a giv given project .
23 To encourage himself as much as anything , he ventured a handful of general questions about Neferukhebit 's activities on the days leading up to her death — questions which resulted in conventional answers , the activities of any rich young girl marking time between the end of her education and the arrival of her husband — for these girls were on the fringes of the royal household , and work such as Taheb did — was taboo to their class .
24 The Group Technical Director has responsibility for the research and development of new raw materials and products that will reduce the impact of the Company 's activities on the environment .
25 The all-pervasive institutional environmental policy aims to protect — and minimise the impact of the University 's activities on — the local , regional and global environment ; provide safe , healthy working conditions for staff and students ; conserve natural resources by minimising avoidable waste and pollution ; improve energy efficiency and substitute renewable energy sources where possible ; avoid the unnecessary use of hazardous materials and processes ; promote effective waste management and recycling schemes ( especially paper ) ; and encourage the use of public transport .
26 The latter with dangers created by the occupier 's activities on his premises , such as driving a vehicle .
27 Prior to the Act the courts had drawn a distinction between the occupancy duty , which was concerned with dangers due to the state of the premises , and the activity duty , which was concerned with the occupier 's activities on his premises .
28 The fund 's activities to date are described in a recent article by Greenwood .
29 The matching of the organisation 's activities to the environment in which it operates
30 This will involve a programme of speeches , meetings and visits relating the department 's activities to the world outside .
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